Cat and Mouse

Chapter One: Midnight Mischief


Another set of tableware smashed into pieces. This was coming out of my paycheck… again.

I apologized for the disturbance, insisting the customers continue on with their meal as if nothing had happened. People stared, and I could hear the whispers and giggles. At the front counter, the manager was shaking his head disappointedly. I scrambled to pick up the shattered pieces, cutting my finger. With a wince, I gently sucked on the scratch.

"Here, why don't I help you with that, Amu?" Kukai suggested, a goofy you're-such-a-klutz smile on his face. With a broom and dustpan in each hand, he started to sweep up the broken fragments of plates and glasses. "There, done in a jiffy!" Before going to throw away the shards, Kukai winked and gave me a lighthearted grin.

For a moment, I stood there like a deer in headlights, embarrassed from the glances of the patrons. Still flustered from the accident, I rushed towards the faculty room knowing there would be another lecture from the boss.

It was the usual lecture. No more clumsiness because I was costing him good tableware and customers. But since I was still a newcomer, he let me off with a warning before sending me home.

The sky was dimming, turning a warm shade of orange. Birds had retreated to their nests, and the traffic of cars was heading home. The slight chill nipped at my bare skin. Shops began to light up their neon signs in hope of attracting late customers. Couples walked hand-in-hand as they strolled down the line of shops, completely absorbed in their own little bubbles. How I envied them.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang from the alley next to me. I nearly jumped two feet high from surprise. I held my hand against my chest, trying to calm my heartbeat. What had made that sound? My instinct told me to ignore it and keep walking.

"Meow," Came the whimper of a cat. I couldn't resist.

I entered the alley, beckoning the cat with sugarcoated calls. "Come here, kitty. I won't bite." In the dim light, I could see the swishing of its tail going back and forth in a fluid motion. "Come on. I promise I won't hurt you." It wouldn't budge, but then I remembered the taiyaki in my purse and hurriedly reached for it. "Are you hungry? Do you want some food?" At the mention of food, the cat's ears perked up in delight. "Here, I'll give you some." Still hesitant, it stalked slowly towards me. I unwrapped the taiyaki and placed it a few feet in front of me. In one swift movement, the cat snatched the pastry and ran back into the safety of the darkness.

What a waste of effort.

Totally defeated, I gave up and headed home.

Ever since I was a child animals hated me. It might have been because I completely smothered them with love. Maybe a little too much love, at times. I adored animals, but they loathed me. That was my curse.

I trudged up the stairs to my floor, completely drained of energy. Why couldn't the building afford a damn elevator? I was paying over 16,000 yen a month for rent. That was enough to feed myself for two whole months!

When I entered my apartment, I flopped lazily onto the bed. This was my favorite time of the day. Relaxation and rejuvenation. I rummaged through the cupboards for Cheetos, my absolute favorite snack. Eager to start eating, I popped the mini bag open and stuffed my face with cheesy goodness. After savoring each bite, I licked the extra cheese powder stuck on my fingers. Hunger gauge: full.

There was a sudden rapping at my balcony window. Curious, I looked outside. From my perspective, there was nothing there. Then I looked down.

"Meow," The stray complained and continued to tap on my window. It was the same one from the alley. The poor thing must've followed me all the way home.

But, how the hell did it climb all the way up to my seventh floor balcony?

In the light, I had a clearer view of the cat's appearance. The color of its shaggy fur was a mesmerizing navy blue, and its deep violet eyes compelled me. The cat's triangular ears flickered in response to every sound, while its long tail swished back and forth in a steady rhythm. There was a collar strapped around its neck with an attached padlock, but there was no identification tag. It must've been abandoned by its owner. I looked at the bracelet fastened around my wrist and touched the white key. Strange, the key and padlock looked somewhat similar.

When I didn't open the glass door, the cat mewed more impatiently. With no other choice, I slid the door open and let the cat enter. It strutted around the room with its pink nose high in the air, acting all mighty and arrogant. "You're a feisty one, aren't you?" I joked halfheartedly, to which it replied with a smug meow.

"Well, Mr. Cat, how may I serve you?" I inquired with a respectful bow. I felt like such an idiot, but it was fun. Something different from the usual humdrum of my life. Without missing a beat, it leaped onto the kitchen counter and nodded towards the cupboards. "What a smart little fellow. Ok, let me see." I browsed through the cupboards, coming up with nothing appropriate for a cat's diet. Then, when I looked through my refrigerator, I found canned sardines. "Would this be good?" I asked. It mewed with approval and glee. I opened the can, poured the sardines in a clean bowl, and placed the bowl on the ground. "Eat up!" The cat attacked the food like a savage but managed to relish every bite.

I felt the warmth at the pit of my stomach slowly disperse. Bliss. This was the first time an animal ever accepted my love. Though my face was aching, I couldn't stop smiling.

Slowly, I reached for the cat's ears, trying to be as quiet as possible as not to disturb its meal. I inched closer and closer, my heart beating furiously in my chest. Just as I was about to grab the closest ear, the cat turned and hissed threateningly. It gave me a I-know-what-you're-doing-so-stop glare before continuing on with its meal. Disheartened, I slumped into my bed.

I felt like I was playing a crane game. Just when the claw was about to grab the stuffed animal, a sudden shift altered its course. I was so close yet so far to the cutest plushie in the pile.

After licking up the residue in the bowl, the cat arched its back with a huge yawn. It was contagious, because the exhaustion hit me like a ton of bricks. I crawled into my bed, but before I succumbed to the exhaustion, I saw the cat leap onto my bed and curl up into a ball beside my feet.

A small shift in the bed woke me. I glanced at the clock, which read 12:00 AM. There was quiet breathing coming from behind me. For a moment, I was scared, but then I remembered that the cat was in the bed as well. I closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to overcome me once more.

There was a yawn followed by a quiet sigh. I didn't know cats could make such noises. Without opening my eyes, I flipped onto my opposite side, facing the wall. I instantly felt hot breath being blown into my face. Expecting to get a whiff of the fishy stench of sardines, I was surprised when I smelled peppermint. Did the cat raid my stash of breath mints?

Curious, I opened my eyes. In the darkness, I could only make out the outline of a shadow. Did the cat suddenly get bigger? Its head was a bit larger than normal. When I reached over to pet it, I flinched when I touched hair.

Something wasn't right.

I groped the air in search of the lamp on my nightstand. With a simple click, the room was illuminated. I winced at the sudden change of contrast and gently rubbed my eyes. Back to the matter at hand, I took a deep breath and turned over.

The cat was no where to be found. Instead, there was a man. Naked.

The scream escaped before I had time to process my thoughts. I quickly leapt out of the bed, pointing an accusing finger at the man before me. "Y-You! W-What are you doing in my bed?" My yelling roused him from his slumber. He stretched his arms above his head, his distinct muscles flexing with the movement. His body was chiseled and fit, like something found on the cover of Vogue. The bed sheets covered just below his waist, shielding me from his manhood. His disheveled, navy hair fell gracefully in his face. There was a white padlock attached to the black leather collar around his neck. Didn't the cat have something similar?

Before acknowledging my presence, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Hello," He greeted with a seductive smile. There was a glint of mischief in his eyes. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his violet orbs. I was captivated, ensnared in a trap. Trying to break away from his hypnosis, I noticed a sudden flicker of movement on the top of his head. When I looked, I realized they were ears. Cat ears.

"W-What the hell are you doing in my house? A-And what the hell are those? Perverted cosplay?" My breathing was in a frenzy with my heart jumping out of my chest.

He only chuckled, clearly amused with my flustered appearance. "They're real, actually." He twitched his ears repeatedly to show their authenticity. When he saw that I still wasn't convinced, he sighed. "I'll let you touch them, but just this once." He leaned towards me, giving me full access.

I was reluctant at first. What reason did I have to touch them? But, I was tempted. With such an opportunity, I finally had a cheat-cheat for that crane game. The prize was mine for the taking.

I reached forward and grabbed one of his ears. The jolt of warmth shot through me like adrenaline. With my forefinger and my thumb, I gently rubbed it in a circular motion. He purred with satisfaction at my gentle touch. His ears really did feel real. Was that even possible?

I quickly recoiled, the warmth still tingling on my fingertips. "U-Uh… U-Umm…" I was at a loss for words. "Who are you? Why are you here?" I asked once I regained composure.

"I'm Ikuto," He introduced with an overconfident grin. He pointed at the white key connected to my bracelet. "And you are my master."

Author's Notes: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Don't forget to review! On a side note, though I started a new story, Haou Airen will still be continued. Stay tuned for more chapters!

Also, don't forget to join my page on Facebook (link is in my profile)!
