Paul Blofis POV

I had been dating Sally for a year she was a beautiful and independent woman she had a fourteen year old son.

I'd never met him but he sounded like a troubled kid kicked out of seven schools for the most outrageous things like setting fire to a gym or bringing a gun to school.

He was even sent to principles office for writing an essay in ancient Greek, I thought he'd be annoyed with his mother he ran away a lot she seemed worried but she didn't call the police.

I wondered why, but he didn't have record for drugs or drinking, I thought all troubled kids did that but nope Percy wasn't even interested now I was finally going to meet Percy.

I was nervous as I knocked on the door of the apartment, I was so nervous about meeting this kid.

"Percy get the door" Sally's voice rang into the hall like a sweet melody.

"Okay" a teenagers voice replied I guess that voice was Percy's.

The door opened a fourteen year old he was a little short for his age he had black hair with one grey stipe through it.

I guess he dyed it he had startlingly bright sea-green eyes nothing like Sally's I guess that from his father he was wearing jeans that were ripped at the knees and a black "Green Day" shirt.

He had a bored expression on "mom it's that Blowfish guy" he called he had minor New York accent unlike Sally.

He left me in the door way probably expecting me to come in and close the door Sally sighed

"Its Blofis honey, not Blowfish" Sally said she leaned over to me.

"Sorry about Percy he's not used to other people in the house accept his friends" I nodded but I had a suspicious feeling Percy wasn't a normal kid.

"Okay Paul, this is Perseus Jackson" she said proudly.

"Mom, don't use my full name" he complained he looked at me with a small smile, like microscopic.

"Call me Percy" he said I shook his hand he was strong for fourteen.

"Okay I'll go get the food" Sally said happily as soon as she left Percy glared at me

"Okay Paul are you gonna marry my mom?" he asked he surprised me I already bought the ring I was going to ask her next month this kids sharp

"Umm y-yes is that okay?" I asked it sounded dumb asking a kid if it was okay to pop the question he smiled a little bigger putting me at ease.

"My mom likes you a lot and if she's happy I'm happy but I need to ask you some questions," he said, I couldn't believe how mature he was being.

"Oh sure" I said thinking 'is this a good idea?'

"Okay so first question do you believe women should work and men laze around," he asked seriously like he'd gone through this

"No, absolutely not that would be like being a slave no way" I replied objectively apparently this was the right thing to say he brightened up.

"Ok next, how do you feel about blue food?" he asked with a lop sided grin I looked at him confused

"Um well if its good go for it I like blue" I said.

Sally came in and we ate dinner and told jokes it wasn't at all awkward after that I was at the door.

Sally gave me a kiss.

"Hey Paul one more question" he said

"What is it?" I asked.

Percy leaned in and whispered "can I keep my name? Percy Blofis doesn't sound that good"

I laughed "no, I suppose it doesn't, of course you can."

Sally looked at us confused.

Hello, I feel so bad for leaving this story all scrunched up and hard to read for so long. My poor story…well now that it's fixed It'll be much better.