Chapter 21 Who We Are Meant to Be Everyone stood frozen on that lawn. Trunks and Bra stood off to one side their faces expressionless as they looked on. Tobias stood next Talana's bent and weeping form. She still held the body of her dead brother in her arms. Bulma was on the floor with her crying silently. She gently pulled Vegeta from Talana's limp hands and into her own. Talana leaped from the ground throwing her arms around Tobias sobbing into his shirt. "Why? Why did this have to happen? He was never suppose to die. We were suppose to live together forever. What went wrong? He was so close to getting the dragonballs and becoming all-powerful. What went wrong?" Talana shrieked pounding Tobias's chest as she spoke. "HOLY SHIT!" Bulma cried suddenly jumping to her feet dropping Vegeta's body as she did so. Everyone stared at her like she had gone mad. She spun around on her heels and ran into the house as if in a trance. Everyone looked at each other for a minute then back at the door. In a few minutes she had returned carrying a bowling bag. Now they knew she had lost it. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!! MY BROTHER JUST DIED AND YOU'RE GOING BOWLING???!!!" Talana yelled her hair dimming to black, her eyes to red. "No you don't understand, look." Bulma said holding open the bag. All four of them leaned closer to see inside. Seven orange balls gleamed from inside the leather bag. "You have the DragonBalls! You have the DragonBalls! Why the hell didn't you tell us you had the DragonBalls?" Tobias yelled grabbing Bulma by the shoulders in unusual display of emotion. "I didn't want you to think I was foolish for gathering them just in case he came back. If he did I wanted him to have to choice to change back into a vampire." Bulma said bowing her head toward the ground. "Oh Bulma." Talana whispered stepping closer to her friend. "Um, I'm sorry to say this but the DragonBalls won't work." The three turned around to look at Trunks. He shifted his weight as if he was embarrassed to be intruding on th...eir moment. "And why is that?" Talana hissed taking a threatening step closer. "You already wished Vegeta to life when you made him from a vampire to a Saiyajin. And the DragonBalls can't wish someone back to life twice." Trunks explained. All of their faces fell, even Bra who had yet to speak. "Wait this maybe different." Bulma said deep in thought. "Different how?" Talana asked. "Well technically Vegeta wasn't resurrected from the other side." Bulma said. "He was technically undead to begin with." Tobias said catching on to her line of thought. "And if the Dragon just switched bodies for Vegeta-" Talana said growing more excited. "Then there's still a chance!" Bra cried. "Grab his body and move it to the middle of the lawn." Bulma told Tobias. He did this as the others set the Dragon Balls around to form a circle around the body. The five of them then stepped back and formed a circle around his body. "I summon The Great Dragon Shenron. Arise great dragon and grant my wish!" Bulma commanded. As they watched the ball began to pulse with light. It turned in to a blinding glow until a great golden light shoot straight into the air. They watched in wonder as the great light twisted and turned through the air morphing into the form of a dragon as it went. With in seconds the stood before the great and immense dragon Shenron. "I will grant all who gather here one wish. Choose wisely for you have but one wish." The dragon said its great voice dooming across the land. "We wish that Vegeta be brought back into existence." Bulma said for the others were all starring in awe at the best. "Which form?" Shenron asked. They all looked at each other. They didn't know what he meant. "Which body would you like him reformed into? He has been a human, a vampire, and a Saiyajin." "Whatever he was meant to be." Bulma said at last. A bright glow grew around Vegeta's body as they began to rise from the ground. The light coming from Vegeta's from was so bright that no one could see what was happening to him. "10 bucks says its vampire!" Talana yelled staring into the light. "50 says it's human." Tobias replied. "A hundred that he's a Saiyajin." Bulma called. "DEAL!" They all shouted. A scorching flash shredded the darkened sky as the spoke. "Your wish is done." A with those final words the dragon disappeared, the dragonballs scattering to the seven ends of the earth. They turned in silence toward where Vegeta's body had been lying. He was still there only now he was standing and his eyes were open. He looked around the circle of people surrounding him. A look of confusion crossed his face. "VEGGIE!" Talana cried running to him. But instead of hugging him she wrenched his mouth open tilting it at an awkward angle to see inside. At first Vegeta was to shocked to do anything about it. It only took his a second thought to throw her off. "Damn it he's not a vampire!" She handed a 10-dollar bill from out of no where to Tobias and Bulma. Tobias was next. He spun Vegeta completely around making him almost fall over. He didn't have a tail. "Ha ha human! Pay up." He said holding out his hands. Talana pulled out a 50-dollar bill again from out of no where. "WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS WRONG WITH ALL OF YOU!" Vegeta yelled spinning back around to face them. "I JUST SACRAFICED MY FUCKING LIFE TO SAVE YOU ASSHOLES AND NOW THAT I'M ALIVE YOU'RE MAKING BETS!" As he spoke his eye became lighter flashing an ominous turquoise. His hair flickering from black to an electrified gold. Bolts of energy crackled around him, as did small pieces of earth. Talana and Tobias paused. They then handed two 1-hundred dollar bills to Bulma. Vegeta glared bloody murder at them. "So you're a Saiyajin then." Bulma said. Vegeta looked at her for the first time since he had been revived. In two quick steps he was in front of her and holding her close. Talana started to laugh but Vegeta's eyes snapped open to focus on her and she quickly shut up. Vegeta pulled away to look Bulma in the eyes. "My other life; human, vampire, Saiyajin; everything up till this. I needed to finish what I started in that life. Do you understand woman?" Vegeta said. His eyes were focused on her's searching intently for understanding. "Of course I understand you big dolt. But you didn't have to be so showy about it." She said with a sly grin gracing her lips. Vegeta sighed deeply as if some invisible weight had been lifted by her words. His head snapped to the side to glare at he others standing on her lawn. "Hold on a minute." He said too Bulma. In quick determined steps the walked passed his sister to Trunks and Bra. He looked them over from head to toe, nodding to himself he pulled both of their heads close to his so no one could hear them. "Promise in this reality you will get to live the lives you want to. While I understand what I did in your timeline I will never do that to you in this one." He whispered looking them both in the eyes. Trunks nodded but Bra seemed beyond words. Vegeta turned back to everyone else. "Everyone, these are my children Trunks and Bra." Their mouth's dropped open. "They're from the future." "Oh yeah we should really tell someone about those androids too." Trunks muttered the just thought suddenly popping into his head. "You can do that. I kicked their asses last time." Bra complained totally ignoring Bulma, Talana, and Tobias's expressions of shock and disbelief. "What do you mean these are Trunks and Bra?" Exclaimed Bulma. "The future?" Talana asked. "How?" Tobias demanded. "Does it really matter how? They're here all right? They're the whole reason Bulma isn't dead. Tell you what they can explain it to you while I go inside." And with that he transported in to the house before anyone could stop him. "Excuse me." Bulma said running in the house after him. Talana and Tobias turned their gazes to Trunks and Bra. "Well? We're waiting." Talana said. Bulma was running through the house; she didn't even pause as she hit the stairs. She had a good idea where he was and she just had to see with her own eyes. She ran past her room, past Vegeta's room, and straight into the baby's room. There he was standing silhouetted against the windows a baby in each arm.

"You never think of children as being beautiful but looking at these two I have to say that they can be." Bulma walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

" So, what happens now she said.

"I don't know he admitted but I know that Im not going any where."

"That's all I need. Oh and what the HELL was with that video message."

"Oh that."