Title: Something in The Saki
Pairing: MugenFuu
Table: Zwei (Two)
Prompt: #oo2. Back Alley
Word Count: 1,671
Rating: Mature
Warning: Public Fornication, drunken sex, implied drug use, and adult language
Summary: Mugen and Fuu find urgent relief in a back alley. And what the fuck Jin?

Author's Note: Dude, so I don't even know. Sorry, I'm a lazy fuck. Forgive me? ._.

Stumbling out of the back door of the tavern; Mugen attempts to not only keep himself from falling face first into the hard ground, but the small girl at his side as well. He catches his balance before toppling over her clumsy, sandaled feet. They're limbs worked against each other, only succeeding in creating a catastrophe of limbs.

"Fuu, stop moving around so fucking much." Mugen grumbles, propping up against the wall of the tavern. He abandons the act of helping Fuu to help himself from eating the ground; every drunken man for himself. His arms steadied him, as well as eliminating the chances of his face becoming intimate with the wall. "You know, Fuu, I knew you were flat," he slurs. "But this fucking doesn't cut it…"

"Idiot…" Fuu mumbles in her own drunken slur. As carefully as possible, she moves underneath the arms he's using to support himself and moves to stand in front of him. "This…" She grips his wrist and places his large –compared to hers- hand over the swell of her clothed chest. "This is my breast, you dummy."

"Mmn, soft." Mugen grins like a goof, his body straightening to tower over the girl, enabling the use of his other hand to concentrate on her unattended, clothed globe. "Much better."

Fuu grunts, clenching her teeth as he paws roughly at her. "Not so hard, ow!"

Eagerly, he slithers both arms around her torso and lifts her to effectively pin the teen between the wall of the tavern and his body. With the leverage of his hands under her thighs, her slender legs hook around his hips meshing their bodies together intimately. "Ah, quit'chur bitchin'."

Lust overcame his rugged face and he was at a loss as to whether this sudden arousal came from the fact that they were either shit-face drunk or the fact that this usually tight-laced, sprig of a girl was reacting to his every movement like a wanton harlot; not to mention she was the one to initiate all of this. Either way, he decided he it didn't really matter at the moment and his lips descend on hers faster than she could register. Fuu's inexperience caused her to move against the kiss, her lips moving clumsily and accidently bump teeth with him. In his drunken state, he couldn't be bothered with it; however, he breaks the intimate lip lock anyways.

"Mphf," Mugen breathes heatedly against Fuu's pouty lips. "Keep up, aight?"

His lips capture hers once more, kissing her with fervor as she begins to mimic him. His tongue slides against the crease between her lips, before demanding attention from inside to get a firm taste of the alcohol still lingering against the smooth muscle blissfully welcoming his own. His tongue slides over hers, savoring the taste of the sweet flavored wine she'd joyously consumed just moments beforehand.

Fuu's fingers get tangled in Mugen's shaggy locks as she forces his head back in order to breathe. His eager mouth moves on to ravishing her neck with licks, nips, and kisses. Fuu is lost in his eagerness to please her, however an unsettling feeling in her gut tells her to be otherwise. Weren't they with someone else just an hour beforehand?

"M-mugen…Jin. We lost him…" she squeaks as he sucks at the flesh of her clavicle. "We gotta go find him…"

Mugen growls, possessively pulling her flush against his hard body; she moans at the distinctive feel of his excitement now raging madly against her inner thigh. "It can wait. Busy." He takes on the task of working her pink kimono off her shoulder, his hands and tongue grazing the sensitive flesh being exposed to him inch by maddening inch.

"But, he looked really sick-" The brunette makes to protest, however he's done with the conversation and demands her attention by rolling her now bared nipple between his calloused fingers. His thumb and forefinger move with expertise around her pebbled flesh, her inebriated state leaving her wide open for his onslaught of plucking and pinching.

Rich, chocolate brown eyes flutter as the ruffian helps himself to a mouthful of the pink morsel tipping her mound. His tongue vigorously laps at her nipples, his teeth clamping and releasing to lather her with his tongue once more. She moans and gasps into his dark mane as her lover clamps her tender teat between his teeth and rapidly runs his appendage over it. He's relentless in his method and has the girl panting and silently urging him towards parts of her body she'd kept treasured and well hidden from men like him.

Releasing the now sore peak, he takes the other into his hungry mouth, while his hands embark on a voyage down her soft stomach. Fuu's Kimono finally gave way, tumbling down her quivering thighs, bunching together at her knees. The closer he got to her liquefied inferno, the more restless she became. Mugen trails his hands to grab a firm cheek in each hand, kneading and admiring the soft and suppleness of her ass. Chuckling, he lets one hand rear back to lightly smack a round globe, the plump flesh jiggling in protest. She whines as he gives the same treatment to the opposite cheek. He smirks, growling playfully in her ear at the knowledge that Fuu liked a little roughness.

"You got a nice ass, girlie."

In her inebriated high, Fuu lets out a giggle, while kissing the side of Mugen's neck. "Mmm, you have nice warm hands."

He chuckled, her grip on his hair tightened as he began to pull and grind their hips gradually into one another, creating a pulse between their bodies. Fuu cried out as he stimulated her clit, his restrained cock rocking into her bared center in a frenzy of lustful hunger. The girl's slender legs squeezed his thrusting hips; she could feel the muscles in her thighs become taut as she writhed against him.

Her back tensed as she felt a hand slide upward against the expanse of her inner thigh, lifting and pushing her lower body to its maximum flexibility; Mugen was able to bring her calf to rest on his shoulder. With her leg steadied by his shoulder, he was able to reach between their bodies to pull down his shorts. The rugged man groaned at the feel of her hot, slick core pressed firmly against the solid mass of his freed cock. His blood pulsed like lava through his veins, pounding in his ears as he allowed himself to slip inside up to the tip.

"Oh God." He panted, against the girls quivering lips. "S'god damned tight it's un-fucking-believable."

Fuu whimpered as she felt herself stretch to accommodate the girth of mugen's cock. It hurt indefinitely but she grit her teeth through the worst of his slow thrusting. It wasn't long before she was able to relax. Mugen was trailing his tongue along the column of her neck, behind her ear, and back down again to suck and bite at her rushing pulse. The faster his thrusting became, the more Fuu felt a stirring in her core. Her head went back against the wall as he began to grind his hips, caressing every possible inch within her.

"Oh please…" Hearing Fuu's pleads for more and the way she was clinging to him, Mugen felt the impending feeling of something amazing.

"Yeah, Fuu. You like this, huh?" He sped up his pace, fucking the young woman into the wall. "I knew you'd love this. My dick deep inside you."

"I. Fucking. knew. It." He panted, emphasizing each word with a hard thrust.

Fuu yelped as he brought his hand down hard on her ass and over her thigh, meeting the apex between them. His thumb pressed diligently against the tightened flesh of her clit, swirling and teasing her into a frenzy.

"Ah!" Fuu bowed her back completely off the wall, her tits on full display for Mugen to devour as Fuu began to constrict around his thrusting shaft. Not long after, the ex-pirate was pulling out with a curse as he came undone on Fuu's backside.

Unable to find the strength to keep gripping his hips with her legs feeling wobbly, Fuu lowered herself back down to stand and steady herself as Mugen began to sway. Fuu caught him and braced him against her and the wall, giggling as he continued to paw at her breasts.

Mugen grinned mischievously, as he straightened himself. "fucking knew you wanted it."

He laughed as Fuu pelted him with her small fist. Fuu was midst swing before he quickly stiffened alerting her. "W-what's wrong?"

Hand on the hilt of his scabbard; he spun around ready to fight the asshole intruding on his fun.

"Huh? Wait, what the hell?"

"Oh my God, Jin!" Fuu raced forward toward the disgruntled samurai laid out haphazardly on the ground.

Mugen grinned, kicking at the normally calculated ronin. "What a light weight. I had twice the amount he drank and still had enough strength to-"

"Don't finish that!" Fuu glared.

Turning back towards Jin, she began smacking his face and pinching his side trying to get a response, but nothing seemed to rouse him. "Mugen, I'm worried, you think he actually took what that woman was trying to give him?" She was about in tears.

"Naw, bitch probably slipped it in his sake." Standing to the side, arms crossed and pouting, Mugen scoffed. "Damn moron."

Fuu scoffed, "Like you can talk."

"Well," Mugen growled. "The hell you want me to do?"

"We need to find a place to stay."

"Feh, this isn't usually how I like to spend my time after a good lay."

"I promise, once we find some where to put Jin, Ill reward you for being so chivalrous." Fuu wrapped her arms around Mugen's bicep, pressing him into the soft flesh of her breasts with a pout. "Anything you want."

Mugen sighed and promptly hefted Jin over his shoulder. "I hope you know yer gonna owe me for this. Both o'ya"

Author's end note: I've missed this so much and after reacquainting myself with the samcham fandom I just had to write something. I'm working on two others and hope not to take so long next time but you know how that goes. So thanks to those who've continued to stick around and for you new readers as well. You guys are truly awesome and as always I can't wait to see your lovely reviews. Also feel free to message me and add me on the social media available on my profile, that'd really make me happy c:

Thanks for reading!