Azkaban...My Solitary Prison
by Crystal Tiara17

Disclaimer: JKR, the extremely wonderful author of Harry and his Hogwarts life, owns Sirius Black and Azkaban.

He sits in his cell
His solitary prison; Azkaban
Without any hope
Without any friends
Without any family
Betrayed by his friend
Hated by all
Angry at the world
Thirsty for revenge

Solid brick walls look down upon him
No chance to escape, no use trying
Hope is dim, his faith is dying
The world laughs down upon him
"Murderer! Worthless scoundrel!"

Determination forming
Revenge will come
The traitor will die
But his friends
Will never wake up from their eternal sleep

The world is bitter; fate is unkind
He hides from the world
Their eyes filled with hate and prejudice
"You killed them."

Anger, revenge, hatred and betrayal
He holds in his heart
Someday all will know the truth
He will be free
And revenge will be his
But now he only sits and hopes
For a chance to leave his solitary prison.


A/N: It's not that great of a poem, OK, so bear with moi? R/R! THE END