a/n: My friend, Canon Indeed, and I have decided to do drabble swaps. We give eachother themes, and have weekly due dates, so plan on a lot of these.

Disclaimer: I do not own manly Angeal Hewley, or fluffy yellow chocobos. Square Enix does.

Theme: Death

Angeal Hewely, a tall, black haired SOLDIER, paced his golden chocobo along the dirt path before coming to a halt. Bright blue eyes scanned the open canyon to the left and the dense green forest at the right. The day had been rough, as it was a training day. General Sephiroth had had a bad night at the bar, which caused trouble for the SOLDIERs and their chocobos in the morning. They had been given a list to find items out in the wilderness; a scavenger hunt.

It was now late in the evening, and Angeal had barely eaten all day. He understood this sort of punishment from his superior, although it was unfair. Fair. Angeal's mind wandered to the thought of the 2nd class SOLDIER, who was probably lost somewhere in the woods. The dark haired man chuckled at the thought.

His thoughts snapped back to attention when a noise was heard in the woods. It might have been just an animal, but what if was an ambush?

The SOLDIER glided off of his chocobo, who now sensed danger and was quietly chirping. Angeal grasped the wooden handle of the large Buster blade off his back, prepared for what could happen. Positioned for battle, he called towards the woods.

"Who's there?" His voice did not waver, nor did it shake. He spoke in a firm, commanding voice.

The bushes ruffled slightly, but enough to catch Angeals attention. He slowly walked towards the bushes, and again he spoke.

"This is your final warning. Come out now, or I will come in."

The bushes barely moved, and a small wining noise could be heard. Judging by the pitch of the noise, this could be Zack or a small creature. Either way, it had not come when it was called. Wrong move.

The SOLDIER spread the bushes with his Buster blade cautiously. He saw a medium sized, bloody wolf. Judging by the flies and the smell, this animal was already dead and decaying. Angeal's brows furrowed. What was the noise coming from, if not this dog? Then he saw it.

A small newborn wolf, with eyes still closed, whimpered. The blue eyes widened, while chapped lips parted in surprise. Slowly, the SOLDIER picked up the baby with his hands and carried it back to his trusty chocobo. He quickly jumped on and placed the small creature in a secure pocket before quickly taking off.

A year had passed from that day, Angeal woke to a large wet tongue caressing his face. At first, he thought it could be a wild animal who had gotten into the tent. But the animal barked and whined. Realizing, the dark haired SOLDIER pushed the creature off his cot before rolling over. The animal barked for attention, and Zack sighed loudly.

"Come on 'Geal. I'm trying to get some sleep. I don't need that dog to be my alarm clock." Said Zack, rolling over in his own cot. Genesis grunted in agreement while pulling his sleeping bag over his head.

Angeal grinned against the pillow as the large dog jumped on the bed, tongue ready for more licking.

"You're the best alarm clock, aren't you boy?" Angeal teased the now fully grown wolf. The SOLDIER whispered a command to the dog, and he lept into action towards the other sleeping men.

"Good boy, good boy." Cooed the black haired man. Now this was a good morning.

a/n: Hope you enjoyed! Remember to review, thanks!