AN hi this chapter may seem a little short but it is really just an opening for the story. hope you enjoy it.


p.s. don't worry the first chapter will be longer.


I am

Hate is the consequence of fear; we fear something before we hate it; a child who fears noises becomes a man who hates noise.

-cyrill Connolly

I have lived in konoha all my life.

People tell of the great village hidden in the leaves, of its mercy and kindness. Of konoha's will of fire.

I am ten years old.

And all i have seen and experienced is hatred.

No matter how polite i am.

"can I have a drink Misa-Sama?" i asked softly, tugging at the dress of the owner of the orphanage like I had seen the other children do when they wanted something. I was unprepared for the stinging snap she issued to my face, as she turned to glared down at me with those cold eyes.

"no you beast you don't deserve water for you evil ways" she pushed him down the stairs to the basement, locking the door behind him leaving him in the dark again.

No matter how hard I try to succeed.

"what is this?" my sensei asked as i stared at the rough crayon drawing he had snatched from my hands.

"its a picture of my family sensei!" i said with a happy grin, which disappeared as the man grabbed it in both hands and tugged. (1)


The two halves of the picture fluttered to the ground where the man stamped and spat on it "don't be stupid creatures like you don't deserve family! Murderer!" he snarled, before walking away.

No matter how hard I want to be seen without cold eyes.

I stood amongst a crowd in the market, a tense silence falling over the area as they watched me, with those eyes.

Those eyes that were so cold, so uncaring.

They all wanted to think i didn't exist.

"stop staring at me like that!" i screamed, they just ignored me "you will recognize me! I will be seen!" the crowd always just laughs and walks away.

All they feel is hatred.

To the villagers of Konoha.

To those eyes.

I am worthless.

I am useless.

I am an animal.

A creature unworthy of their time.

Their notice.

To them I am a beast.

To them I am a demon.

And for a while I believed that too...


But I am none of those things.

I am not a demon

I am Jinchūriki.



And I have had enough.

end AN: hope you liked it.

(1) for some reason the file wouldn't let me take that off underline...i'm not sure why it was underlined in the first place... oh well night night,


chapter end