Disclaimer: Nope, don't own.

A/N- um yeah- so this is AU set years later and Lex knows about Clark and everyone is HAPPY and I may end up making prequels to this and stuff...what have I gotten myself into? So...yeah- just remember this is AU and in my head. Oh and Canadian thanksgiving is coming up and I know Smallville is American but I'm squishing the two together. For my amusement. And such. Enjoy!

Maybe it was a mistake, he thought as he stared up at the ceiling on his old room. Maybe he shouldn't have pushed and pushed. Maybe he should have just let it go and stayed back in Metropolis for the weekend.

But no, it was thanksgiving and the holiday was meant to be spent with family and he'd regret it if he didn't come home for it.

He hadn't been about to leave Lex in the city by himself for the weekend though. Which was what the problem was. While his mom had no problem with Lex staying over for the weekend, his father had been less than pleased when they'd shown up on the front steps.

Clark closed his eyes, tried to even out his breathing, tried counting sheep but he just couldn't sleep. It had been years since he'd last slept in the room.

Lex was allowed to stay but he was sleeping in the guest room down the hall while Clark was stuck in his old bedroom. Much too far away.

He'd become so used to the warm body next to his, to the even breathing as Lex slept soundly next to him.

When Lex was around, he got the feeling his father still thought of him as a fifteen year old that needed to hide everything he was.

That wasn't who Clark was anymore though, he'd been living with Lex for a year now, saving the world for even longer, and he was the one doing the protecting now.

And he wasn't going to be able to sleep if he stayed in his bed.

Clark slipped out of the bed; mindful of the floor boards the creaked and slipped out of his room.

"Going somewhere?" Clark jumped, startled that someone had been able to sneak up on him. Jonathan Kent was half way up the stairs, holding a glass of water and looking like he was on his way back to bed.

Clark glanced back at his room guiltily; then steeled himself and turned back to his father, jaw set and shoulders squared. He wasn't fifteen anymore and he could share a bed with his boyfriend if he wanted to.

"The guest room." Clark replied, voice soft so as not to wake anyone else in the house.

His father stared at him for a long moment, before his gaze landed on the door at the other end of the hall, almost thoughtfully.

"I worry about you, Clark." He said, giving a rueful smile and continuing before Clark could say anything. "I know I don't have to- but I do."

Clark just nodded, unsure of what to say, unsure of where they stood.

Jonathan let out a quiet sigh and continued up the stairs and towards his room.

"Go ahead." He called softly over his shoulder. "But I better not hear any noises."

Clark made it into the guest room before he could change his mind, closing the door silently behind him. He crept around the side of the bed, not surprised when Lex rolled over as he pulled up the covers to blink at him, tired but wide awake.

"Clark?" Lex whispered, confused but pleased as the other man slipped into the bed next to him.

"Yeah." Clark tugged until Lex was curled up against him, head resting on Clark's chest. "I couldn't sleep."

"Me either." Lex admitted with a soft yawn, burrowing deeper into the covers and Clarks warmth. "What about your dad."

"Don't worry about it." He grinned softly and pressed a kiss to the other man's head. "He doesn't mind."

Lex didn't reply, breath evening out in sleep and Clark closed his own eyes, letting exhaustion wash over him and drag him under. Now he could sleep.