Disclaimer: - I do not own Twilight, it belongs to Stephenie Meyer. I'm just playing in her world for a little bit.

Warning: - This story will contain strong language and consensual sex. I will put a warning up if there is a lemon in the chapter.

Summary: - Jacob Black couldn't stand around and see the girl he loved turn into something he was born to kill so he left. Eight years later, he's living in New York City where a bronze haired beauty catches his eye.

Jacob's POV

I gripped the sink basin in my hands and leaned my head against the bathroom mirror, trying to catch my breath and to calm down. I could usually control my urge to shift into my wolf form but every so often when I got angry I found it harder to control myself. Like now, for instance.

A knock came at the bathroom door "Jacob, are you alright in there?" No I'm not alright, I'm not alright at all "It happens to most guys. You don't need to feel embarrassed about it" That wasn't the problem, the problem was that I had the urge to shift not because I couldn't get a hard on. I couldn't tell her that though. I heard the door handle turn and I looked into the mirror as I saw the owner of the voice. Her name was Ashley and she was as naked as the day she was born.

"I'm fine. I'll be out in a minute" I sighed. She walked up behind me, pressing her naked body against mine and wrapped her arms around me "Seriously, I'm alright. I just needed to grab something"

"If you can't do it then just tell me. There are other ways to please me" she chuckled and rubbed her hands up and down my torso then her hand slipped down a little further "Or I could help you out a little" she suggested. I grabbed her hand and turned round to face her.

"I'm just not really into it right now"

"You're not really into it? You're a guy how could you not be into it?"

"I've got a lot on my mind right now"

She narrowed her eyes "Are you a virgin?" she asked.

"No" I laughed. I was far from a virgin, I couldn't exactly say that to her could I? She didn't need to know that she wasn't the only girl who shared my bed this week "I'm just really tired, I've had a long day. That's all"

"Can I at least stay over? I mean its late"

"Sure, sure" I nodded. She kissed me on the lips then turned around and left the bathroom. I was in the mood when I first bought her back to my apartment. We had already fooled around and managed to get out of our clothes but as soon as she straddled my lap I happened to look at the clock on my bedside table and the little date in the corner of it practically shouted out at me. September 13th. Bella's birthday. That's when I freaked out, made an excuse and ran to the bathroom to sort my shit out. This happened every year but I thought it was getting better, I mean its been eight years. Eight years since I left Forks, eight years since I ran away from everything.

I knew she was alive, well if that's what you call it. She'd been changed into a bloodsucker, it was the only choice after she gave birth to that demon spawn. I thought I could stick around and face everything but I couldn't. When Edward threw me the keys to his car I just kept driving. All the way across the Forks border. I didn't stop until I ran out of gas, I didn't go back. I couldn't go back.

Billy was of course upset and disappointed at my decision but he accepted it. He told me that not long after I left Bella had given birth to that thing and had been turned into a leech. Due to my order I made about no harm would come to the Cullens, they were allowed to live and Sam nor any of the others could touch them.

A few months after, Seth, Embry and Leah tracked me down all the way to New York City. Quil wanted to stay back in Forks for Claire so he rejoined Sam's pack. The other three insisted on staying with me.

"You think we're gonna let you continue to hit that self destruct button?" Embry had said "We're here for you man. We all are"

How could I fight against that? Despite leaving them, they still wanted to be a part of my pack. I couldn't keep forcing people away so they stuck around and all four of us got jobs and ended up renting a loft. Big enough for all of us to have our own room. Of course Seth, Embry and Leah kept in contact with everybody back home and I kept in contact with Billy but nothing was ever said about the Cullens. Or Bella.

Bringing myself back to the present, I splashed some cold water onto my face and took one last look in the mirror before switching the light off and climbing into bed next to Ashley.

"Are you sure you're not into it now?" she purred as she rolled onto her side. I couldn't keep letting this day ruin my life, I needed to move on. She'd moved on so why couldn't I?

"I think I might just be into it" I grinned and crushed my lips against Ashley's.

"Thanks for the fun night" Ashley smiled as I said goodbye to her at the front door "I definitely had fun. Twice" she winked.

"Glad to hear it" I smirked back and leaned down to kiss her "I'll see you around"

"You know where I work" she laughed and left. I laughed and closed the door. I walked back into the kitchen where Seth and Embry were having breakfast.

"Man she was a screamer" Embry laughed "High five my man, high five!" he said holding his hand up and we did one of those lame guy fist pumps "I mean seriously, she was one of those religious girls"

"Religious girls?" naïve Seth asked.

"Yeah" Embry smirked "Didn't you hear her shouting out "Oh my God" all night?"

"Nice" I mumbled and rolled my eyes. I grabbed some orange juice out of the fridge and poured myself a glass.

"What? I guess you don't want to hear me say I was whacking off just listening to you guys" Embry laughed.

"That's disgusting Embry. Don't you have any shame?" Seth asked disgustedly. Embry shrugged his shoulders "Where did you meet her anyway?" he asked me.

"Just some bar" I shrugged and took a sip of my juice.

"Try Kitten's Paradise" Embry bellowed.

"Kitten's Paradise? Isn't that that new strip club that opened four blocks over?" Seth wondered.

"Yep. And what a paradise it is"

"You do realise that those girls are actually people's daughters? Don't you have any respect for them at all?"

"Hey they're the ones getting their tits out for money. Besides, they're trying to make a living and I'm just helping them out"

"By shoving one dollar bills down their panties?"

"Every little helps" Embry smirked.

"Alright" I said interrupting the two of them "I've gotta go and take a shower, gotta be at work in an hour. Can someone stop by the grocery store at some point today"

"Not it" both Embry and Seth said at the same time. I swear its like living with children.

"Get Leah to do it" Embry suggested "She's a girl, she likes shopping"

"Have you met Leah recently?" Seth asked sarcastically "I'll do it Jake, if Embry did it he'd only come back with condoms or something"

"Oh hey do you think you could pick some up for me? I used my last one last night" I remembered.

"Oh man" he moaned. I laughed as I made my way to my bathroom. One of the benefits of having a loft instead of a usual apartment, we got to have our own bathrooms which definitely worked in Leah's favour. I got showered and dressed and grabbed something to eat quickly before heading out.

There wasn't much work for someone like me, I had no skills so I just worked at a local bar a few blocks away. Opposite Kitten's Paradise to be exact. That's how I found out about it, Embry met me after work last night and we decided to check it out. That's how I met Ashley, she worked there, yes she was a stripper. I just hope she didn't think that she could wait for me at the end of the bar waiting for me to finish work, I don't date girls. There was one girl when I first came to New York but she was just a rebound and it never worked out. We were only together a few months.

"Black you're late" my boss yelled as I walked inside.

"No I'm not" I said looking at the clock "I've got 10 minutes"

"Oh shit, really?" he asked and I nodded with a smile "My watch is slow. Okay sorry. A barrel needs changing out back. You know when you're ready"

"Thanks boss" I laughed and made my way to the staff room in the back. I dumped my jacket and grabbed the stupid looking apron thing we had to wear and wrapped it around my waist. Its not the most decent job but it helped pay the bills and plus it was a great social life. I always had someone to talk to and if I wanted to be alone, well that's what the staff room was for.

I was in the middle of changing the barrel when my boss called me. I finished tightening the barrel and moved to the front of the bar where he was waiting.

"What's up boss?" I asked.

"I have a name Black" he muttered.

"Sorry. Mick" I smiled "What's the problem?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something. I've noticed that you're very dedicated to your job. You're always on time, always helpful and a few of the other employees have told me that you're a nice guy to work with"

"So you're asking me out on a date or something?" I teased.

"And some of them find your sense of humour funny. Others not so much" he commented "I just wanted to give you this" he said handing me an envelope. I took it from him and looked inside.

"A bonus?" I asked and he nodded "Thank you. I mean seriously thank you" And what a bonus it was.

"You're welcome. Now get back to work. We've got a Bachelorette party in tonight and we need all hands on deck"

"Bachelorette party huh?" I smirked.

"Hands off Black" he warned.

"Two beers, two apple martini's and a diet coke" a guy ordered. I wanted this night to end, not only did we have the Bachelorette party but we also had some guy's birthday party. It was a busy night and only me, Mick and another bartender David were working. I'd barely had a minute to myself.

I rustled up the guys order and moved onto the next customer. I will be grateful when this night was over.

"Excuse me?" a voice came "Excuse me?"

"Just a second sweetheart" I called out as I poured another pint "That's $4 man" I said, the guy handed me the money and I put it in the cash register. I looked up to find the owner of the voice but instead of met a pair of chocolate brown eyes.

"Excuse me" the voice came again but I couldn't find the strength to pull myself away from those eyes. Gorgeous. I moved my attention to the rest of her face. She had a small pert nose and luscious lips and her hair, it spiralled down in bronze colored curls which stopped just a little bit below her shoulders. I moved back to the lips and that's when I noticed it was the bronze haired beauty that was trying to get my attention "Are you okay?" she asked.

I shook my head, trying to focus but all I could feel was the steel tie cables, holding me to the earth, snapping right in front of my eyes. I'd found her, I wasn't even looking for her. But here she was standing in front of me. My imprint.

"Black snap out of it" Mick said and his hand found the back of my head "I'm sorry doll, what can I get you?" he asked my girl.

"My friend has passed out in the bathroom and I need some help getting her outside to the cab" she replied. She needed help, that snapped me out of it.

"I've got it Mick" I said then moved along the bar beckoning my girl over. She pushed her way through the crowd and met me at the entrance of the ladies bathroom "She in here?" I asked and she nodded. I opened the door and saw a small blonde headed girl slumped against on of the cubicle doors. I walked over to her and bent down, picking her up in my arms "She just needs some fresh air" I explained to the beauty in front of me, I didn't even know her name.

"Okay. I just need to get her back to the hotel" Her voice was amazing, it was like my favourite song. Something I wanted to hear over and over again. I decided to take her through the back way as there was no way we were going to get through the throngs of people.

"Lets take the back way" I said as I walked out of the bathroom carrying the blonde whilst she followed behind me.

"Thank you for doing this"

"No problem" Anything for you "Where's the cab?"

"It was right here" she answered "I had it right here" she started to panic.

"Shh, shh calm down its alright"

"It took me forever to get that cab"

I know I shouldn't but my imprint needed me so I had no other choice "My car is parked round the side. I'll take you to the hotel"

"You don't have to do that"

"I'm not having you waiting around the streets of New York City trying to hail down a cab at this time" She obviously wasn't a New Yorker "Its no trouble I assure you" I said looking directly at her. I don't know if she could feel the imprint but for some reason she was just staring right back at me then she nodded.

"Okay. Thank you" she whispered.

I got the blonde into the back of my car and my girl got into the front seat "Where to?" I asked her.

"The Plaza" she answered. Of course. I hadn't realised before but she was dressed extremely well, she obviously had money. She looked like she was in her early twenties "Thanks again for this" she said and I looked up to her face and realised I got busted checking her out, oops.

"Seriously, its not trouble at all" I assured her "I'm Jacob by the way"

"I'm Renesmee" she introduced. Renesmee? What a weird name but for some reason it suited her, it was just her. Renesmee.

"That's a unique name" I laughed as I drove down the road.

"Family name. It's a combination of my Grandmother's names" she explained "It was my Mom's idea"

"It's pretty" I smiled "I take it your not from New York"

"No. I'm here on vacation. I'm going to Dartmouth in a few weeks and I just wanted some time to let loose before I don't have the time to have a life" she laughed "It's also part of my birthday present from my parents"

"It's your birthday?" Please don't say its today, that would be too much of a coincidence.

"It was a few days ago. The 10th"

"Well Happy Birthday for a few days ago"

"Thanks. Are you from here?"

"Me? No. I'm not from around here. I'm a small town boy" A very small town "How about you?"

"Small town girl" she laughed then we heard a groan come from the back seat, Renesmee turned round to look at her friend "Hey how are you feeling?"

"I feel like I'm gonna be sick" her friend groaned so I quickly pulled over, I didn't want the smell of vomit in my car for the next few weeks. I jumped out and quickly opened the door and she leaned out and vomited on the floor right by my feet, any closer and I would have vomit shoes.

Renesmee got out of the car and rushed round to her friend's side and held her hair back, she was amazing.

"Where are we?" her friend groaned.

"Erm" Renesmee looked up at me.

"We're about 2 blocks away from the Plaza" I told her.

"Who are you?"

"This is Jacob. He works at the bar we were just at. He was kind enough to take us back to the hotel" Renesmee answered her friend. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, she was so beautiful.

"How can I repay you?" her friend asked but before I could answer she threw up again then groaned.

"We should get her back to the hotel. She needs to sleep it off" Renesmee spoke.

"Okay" I nodded and helped Renesmee put her friend back into the car and climbed in ourselves before I started the engine and drove to the Plaza. When we got there the doormen met us at the front "She's just had a little too much to drink" I said to him and he opened the doors for us. I carried the blonde, as she had passed out again, as Renesmee walked through the lobby to the elevator and pressed the button.

"She's not normally like this" Renesmee said sounding embarrassed.

"I really wouldn't worry about it. I've seen much worse" I laughed. The elevator opened and we walked inside, I watched as Renesmee hit the floor button and the doors closed "So I didn't catch how old you were"

"Oh, I've just turned 21?" she said sounding more like a question then anything else.

"I'm not gonna bust you if you're not 21. You're not the first underage drinkers we've had at the bar"

"I'm 19" she sighed. Least she was of age "You're not gonna make me call my parents or anything are you?"

"Hell no. I know what its like to be your age. I've done a few drinking sessions in my time" Not that alcohol did anything to me, my body temperature always burned it off before I could feel anything.

She leaned back against the wall "Oh yeah? And how old are you?" When I left Forks I was seventeen so even though I didn't age I still got older.

"I'm 25"

"Wow" she breathed and shook her head.


"Nothing. You just look really good for your age"

"Hey 25 isn't old"

She grinned just as the doors opened and she left the elevator and I followed behind her. She lead me down the hallway and stopped at her door "This is me" she said then unlocked the door with the little key card from her purse.

"You need me to carry her in?" I just wanted to spend a little more time with Renesmee, I needed to spend more time with her.

"Sure. Her room is just through here" I followed after her and looked around me, shit this place was almost as big as the loft "Just here" she announced and I walked into the bedroom and placed the blonde down on the bed. She groaned but didn't wake up so I left her to it and went back out to join Renesmee.

"Well I guess I should get back" I said even though I didn't want to.

"Yeah. Unless you want to stay for a drink or something. You know as a thank you?"

I should go back to the bar, Mick was no doubt pissed at me for leaving without telling him but instead of me saying no I found myself nodding my head and saying yes.

"Great. Have a seat, I just need to get changed" she gestured to the sofa then walked off into another bedroom and closed the door. Shit, what am I doing here? I should be getting back into my car and leaving.

But she's your imprint.

My stupid inner monologue kept shouting at me. What do I expect to happen? That I tell her how I feel about her and she's then going to fall helplessly in love with me? Hell no, we only met about 30 minutes ago. Shit, I needed to leave. I was about to stand up when Renesmee came back into the seating area.

"Would you like a beer?" she asked.

"Sure, sure" I nodded. I watched her as she went over to the mini bar and pulled out two cans. She handed me the beer but opened herself a can of soda, that's my girl. I took a sip of my beer then looked around the room "Nice room, expensive no doubt" I laughed. She sat down on the sofa next to me.

"Yeah I guess you could say that" she nodded. Clearly she felt uncomfortable about the money thing "I really want to thank you for what you did tonight. You really didn't have to"

"Renesmee stop thanking me. I assure you its no big deal. I was happy to do it. What was I going to do? Leave two girls out in the middle of the street? Hell no. Besides" I shifted in my seat "I wanted to do it"

"You did?" she asked. I looked up at her, she had shifted a little closer to me "Why?"

Because you're my imprint and its my job to protect you. It's the reason I'm alive, I'm here on this planet because of you. Those were the things I wanted to say instead I said "Because I couldn't let two young girls to fend for themselves in a city like this"

"Right" she nodded and leant back against the sofa and took a sip of her soda "So how long have you lived in New York?" she said changing the subject.

"About eight years"

"You left home when you were 17? That's pretty young"

"I've gone through a lot so I guess you could say I was a little mature for my age"

"I know that feeling" she laughed as if it was a private story "So why did you move to New York?"

"To get away from everything" I answered truthfully "When I left home it was because I was running from something"

"A girl?" Yeah a girl, but she didn't matter anymore. Only Renesmee mattered to me now. I nodded "Bad break-up?"

"Something like that" I nodded "So Dartmouth huh? What are you studying?"

"American Literature and Music. My Dad is a talented piano player and loves music and my Mom is a huge poetry buff so I thought I'd do a bit of both"

"You always do what your parents tell you?"

"No" she snapped.

"Sorry I didn't mean that in a nasty way. I just wondered why you were doing it because of your parents"

"I'm not doing it for my parents. They raised me in that environment so naturally I would become accustomed to it. I like music and poetry"

"Clearly" I muttered and took another sip of my beer "Why Dartmouth?"

"My Dad went there. And before you saying anything it's a good school, I'm not just going there because my Dad told me to"

I held my hand up "Wasn't gonna say anything" I laughed "Good luck with everything, I hope you find what you're looking for" Because I sure have.

"I will and the same for you. I should probably get some sleep, its been a long night" she said putting her can of soda on the table in front of us.

"Of course" I nodded and finished the last of my beer before putting it on the table then standing up. She stood up as well "There is no need to thank me again"

"I wasn't" she said shaking her head and I cocked my head "Okay maybe I was going to say it again but I won't now" she smiled. She had a beautiful smile "How about nice to meet you" she said extending her hand.

"Hmm how about nice to meet you and I'll call you sometime?" I grinned, she bit her lip "Or how about you just stop by the bar sometime next week?" That's if I still had a job after my disappearing act tonight.

"Okay. I'll do that" she said and I took her hand in mine "Perhaps I'll leave Frankie at home this time" she laughed as she dropped my hand, I tried to not look disappointed that she dropped my hand.

"Frankie?" I asked and she gestured to the bedroom I put the blonde in "Oh blonde drunk girl has a name. Yeah probably wise to leave her at the hotel" I chuckled "It was really nice to meet you Renesmee"

"Likewise" She walked me to the door and I opened it. I walked through the door when she called me "Um Jacob?"

"Uh huh?" I turned around. She was leaning against the door frame biting her lip, she took a few steps towards me and leaned up onto her tiptoes and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you" she whispered then moved back inside and closed the door. I had a fucking grin spread across my face all the way home. Bella who?

Authors Note: - So just to clarify. This follows Breaking Dawn but Jacob left before Renesmee was born. He is aware Bella is a vampire and is aware that her and Edward had a baby he just doesn't know its Renesmee.

I attempted to make a banner, I have put it up on my blog. Don't hate me because of my bad banner making skills.

Twitter: - I have a twitter and the link is on my profile, I sometimes tweet spoilers and when I'll be uploading the next chapter.
