So Alone:

Me: HEYYY! :D I'm back

Jenna: Oh Lord. -.-"

Me: This will be a little different this time, yo! :3

Jenna: -.-"What she means is that she is going to make a Sasuke fanfic. God knows why.

Me: Because…! –glares at Jenna- I heard a song called,"So Alone" by Anna Blue.

Jenna: xP

Me: Sooo! I hope you like the fanfic! :3


The character Info:

Name: Kiyoto Higurashi

Age: 17 (everyone in Naruto is 17 except the Jonins)

Hair Color: A short (up to the chin) black hair with a mixture of beautiful blues and purples.

Eye Color: Bluish-gray

Outfit: A dark green sleeveless turtle neck with a black short skirt that flows with every step while wearing fishnet stockings with black knee-length ninja shoes (Like Sakura's but way cooler looking). She wears a scarf that is black and white. She wears the fingerless gloves (the ones we emos wear xD) that are black and white. She wears dark makeup that makes her even more beautiful. She also wears the small black hooked earrings. Did I mention is she is sorta skinny but she has curves?

Personality: She is a very sad and lonely girl after the Uchiha massacre. (Her family and the Uchiha family are really good friends.) She is also very quiet and tends to cry silently only when she is alone. But when you tick her off, she becomes very dangerous. She also loves to sing (She is a Sorpano.)

Special Attacks: She only uses ice. (Just like Katara! :D If you guys have seen "Avatar: The Last Airbender".). She also uses her blood and cuts people, poisoning them (but uses it rarely). She is a very good fighter.


Chapter 1:

(A/N: This is when Sasuke was younger! 'Member that! Or I'll eat your toilet!)


In the Uchiha village (A/N: Bare with me… I forgot where Sasuke lived. -.-"), two children are laughing out of happiness near a small forest. One girl with beautiful short hair with different colors of blue and purple that are slightly dark and captivating bluish-gray eyes and a boy with black eyes and black hair that resembled a duck's butt.

The girl laughed as she fell on the grass," Sasuke, I think I won on tag!" The boy named Sasuke also fell, laughing," I don't think so, Kiyoto-chan! I think I won!" The girl named Kiyoto giggled and wiped her sweat with her green kimono. Sasuke dusted his white shorts and stood up. She looked at him when he held his hand out to her. Kiyoto smiled happily as she took his hand and stood up.

"Sasuke! Time for dinner!"

The Uchiha gasped and said sadly," Kiyoto-chan, my mom is calling me to go home… Can we play after?" The girl nodded happily, "Okay! After dinner!" Sasuke laughed happily and ran home… So did the little girl.


The moon shone brightly and was raining harshly, revealing her sad song. Kiyoto looked out the window in anticipation, waiting… But something cold dropped in her stomach. Her bluish-gray eyes darkened in worry. She thought to herself," Something isn't right… I hope your okay, Sasuke…"

"Kiyoto, please don't stand near the window… The rain will be let up."

Snapping out of her worrisome thoughts, she looked at her mother. She said," But… But…" Her mother smiled at her and sat near her. She took the little girl's small hand into her slightly larger, soft hand. The mother said softly," The rain will stop… If you be patient…" Kiyoto simply looked at her mother then at the rain. The mother kissed her hair, let go her hand and walked out of the room. Kiyoto looked at her hands and felt the cold feeling become more apparent. She thought," I don't care… Something is wrong." She quietly got her sandals and opened the door quietly. She then ran out into the rain, damping her whole body. As she ran, her only thought was Sasuke and if he was alright.

She looked up and saw the moon through the dark black clouds. Kiyoto ran even faster to the Uchiha manor. She gasped as she saw the door open.


She was out of breath as she reached the door. Kiyoto leaned against the doorframe and panted," S-Sasuke? Where are you?" She then heard a painful scream coming from Sasuke's parents' room. Kiyoto flinched and when she was about to run, she saw Sasuke, his hands bloody and tears streaming down his pale, emotionless face.

Kiyoto looked at him, worried. She reached her hand out," S-Sasuke.. A-Are you..?" Suddenly, he slapped her hand away and ran out of the door, knocking her down. Kiyoto yelped and fell down, crying out after Sasuke's feet," Sasuke! Sasuke!"

She quickly got up and chased him, worried and confused. Why would her best friend push her down? Why? After she caught to him, she saw him stand in the middle of the forest where they once played "Tag" his head down, letting the water come down on him.

Kiyoto whispered softly," S-Sasuke… Whats wrong?" Sasuke looked at her with black emotionless eyes. He said with a cold voice," Kiyoto… I don't think… We should be friends anymore…" Kiyoto's bluish-gray eyes widened in surprise and sadness. She whispered," W-What…" The Uchiha looked at her coldly," I cant be friends with you… Now that something happened to me..." Kiyoto cried out as tears streamed down her already wet cheeks," W-Why?" Sasuke muttered," Because I lost everything and… Im afraid that I will lose you too." He was about to walk away when the little girl cried out to him," S-Sasuke! N-No!" Sasuke whispered," Im sorry…" He then left into the dark forest without looking back. Kiyoto fell to her knees and cried to herself, the rain falling down her with her remorseful tears.


Me: -cries- WHYYY?

Jenna: -gets a baseball bat- I'm going to go kill this little boy… -leaves-


Sasuke: O.e W-What the fuck?

Me: -sniffles- So sad….

Sasuke: WAA! JENNA!

Jenna: Grrrrrrrrr… Sasuke…..

Me: Please read and review!