Ok, so this is my very first fanfiction, so I'll see how this turns out. I started off soft cuz I don't kno how this will be received and if you like it, review and tell me and I'll write more. They'll probably all be one shots, so tell me how this one was.

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Final Fantasy, any of the characters, places or the game. I do however, own a physical copy of the game, but that's all. And a Playstation 3 that I play it on. And the wireless controller that I use to play it. And the T.V that I see it on.

Converging Pandemonium

They hid it well without actually ever hiding it. They never actually tried to hide it, but people never thought twice about their friendship. They hung out together, and she had been the only person that she could actually tell anything to and feel comfortable. And they were tight. But to the fairness to their friends and family, knowing either of them it would have been almost impossible to guess. They weren't touchy feely, they weren't into public displays of affection, but if you got really close and listened to them talk, you would hear things that you would never in your life believed Lightning was capable of saying to anyone else, you would see her laugh and smile more often, and you would see a look in her eyes that you wouldn't began to know how to explain. And you would see all these things in the presence of Fang. Whenever she was there, Lightning would be a completely different person, while still being herself. Fang had changed her, but she was still Lightning, just with a lighter attitude and a lot happier.

Fang herself wasn't as noticeably changed, due to her already easy going nature and easy going disposition, but for Vanille, who had known her the longest noticed the small changes. She noticed how her teasing of Lightning had gotten more affectionate. She didn't do it anymore to get under her skin; she did it now to show how much she cared. But for the most part she was still the same. But despite how real and normal it all seemed, everyone's lives, two lives had been dramatically changed for the better.

Vanille, of course was the first to notice. She was very perceptive and noticed the littlest changes in Fang, but admittedly, she had first fully realized when she had come home early the next morning after spending the night with Hope just hanging out while his dad was away with work. She walked in the door to see Lightning sitting in their kitchen at their counter at about eight in the morning in a plain white T shirt and basketball shorts. The kind of clothes that Fang wore to bed. In fact, those were Fang's exact shorts.

Vanille didn't catch on at first.

"Hey Light!" Vanille said cheerfully skipping over to the other side of the counter across from her. "What're you doing here?"

"Just waiting for Fang to wake up. How's Hope?"

"Oh he's fine. He says hi. He won't be able to visit for a while because he'll be going back to school. But… why are you here so early?"

Before she had a chance to answer, Fang made her way downstairs to the kitchen wearing a tank top and the only pair of pajama pants she owned (the rest were shorts), and circled around to stand next to Lightning. And it slowly began to dawn on Vanille what was going on.

"Oh. My. God." She said slowly, as she clapped her hands to her mouth. "You two- You guys- Are you together? For reals? Like for reals for reals?"

"Vanille-" Fang started, but got no further than that.

"Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod I can't believe it! Finally. Yes yes yes! I knew it!"

"Vanille calm down, ok?" Fang said.

"No you calm down! I am calm! I have to tell someone! Everyone!"

"No Vanille, Just let them find out on their own, ok? Keep your mouth shut, if that's even possible for you." Fang said. "Let them find out on their own time."

"But I can't keep secrets! You know that!"

"It's not a secret, it's a surprise. You don't want to spoil the surprise, do you?" Lightning interjected quickly. Vanille's eyes widened.

"I hate ruining surprises! I won't say a word!" Vanille nodded. She made the zipping-my-lips symbol and made her way into her bedroom.

They didn't have a problem with anyone finding out, but they just wanted them to find out on their own time. They didn't feel the need to announce it and they didn't want anyone else to announce it. They would find out soon enough.

Soon enough happened to be at their next little get together, less than a week after Vanille had found out. Surprisingly enough, it marked their third month anniversary of dating, with no questions or suspicious inquires. It was quite ridiculous how oblivious everyone seemed, Lightning expected her sister to find out as soon as it happened and was quite surprised when she didn't. But Lightning loved Fang, and felt that it would be a good idea for people to learn of their relationship before they got married, so she decided tonight she would make it more obvious.

But Serah seemed to have obvious problems of her own, and seeing as how Snow kept whispering into her ear, much to her aggravation and tapping her on the shoulder, it was something serious. Lightning first noticed when Serah, all in one night, did all of her nervous habits, biting her nails, constantly moving, tapping her foot. Lightning and Serah made eye contact, and Serah looked as if she was about to vomit. Lightning stared at her intensely and slightly jumped as Fang whispered into her ear:

"She's pregnant I bet."

Lightning looked at her startled as Fang grinned and as she turned her head back to her sister she stood up and cleared her throat. When the talking didn't quiet down Snow cleared his throat, a sound similar to a behemoth snoring and everyone turned to look at him.

Serah's face reddened, and as she made eye contact with her sister again, the ability to speak left her, so Snow took it upon himself to speak, because he never seemed at a loss for words, which got him in trouble all the time.

"Serah's pregnant! We're going to have a baby!" He boomed happily, grinning from ear to ear. It was silent for three seconds before there was a loud uproar of cheers and congratulations and Fang leaned against the doorway of the kitchen clapping slowly, the grin never leaving her face. Lightning went into the kitchen, and Fang decided to give her some sister time as Serah quickly followed her. As they talked Fang moved to talk to Snow and congratulate him, and he wrapped her up in a rib crushing hug.

"Congratulations, Serah." Lightning said, before Serah had a chance to speak.

"You- you're happy for me?" Serah said, stunned.

"Of course I am. Snow maybe annoying, but you're my sister and I love you, no matter what you do. I'm happy for you Serah. Congratulations." She pulled her sister into a hug. After they pulled away, Serah smiled broadly at her.

"I wasn't sure how'd you react, that's why I was so scared. But I've noticed that you seem… happier lately, and that made it easier for me to tell you. But I was still scared. I can't believe you're happy for me. What happened to you? It's like you've changed. You're yourself again."

"I'm happy Serah. For the first time in a long time, I'm truly happy."

"I know. But I'd like to know what or who brought on this sudden change. I'd like to thank them." Lightning smiled.

"You want to thank them? Follow me." Lightning made her way through the crowd of Snow and Serah's friends, Team NORA and seemingly just about everyone else who existed, and found Fang talking to Snow.

"Hey Fang!" Serah said.

"Hey Serah. Congratulations on the baby. "Lets hope it doesn't come out with the same build as Snow, yeah?"

Snow roared with laughter and Serah looked horrified. But the horrified look on her face quickly shifted to surprise and then glee.

"This is the person you have to thank for making me, me again." Lightning said. And much to the surprise of everyone in the house, she grabbed Fang and kissed her. There was nothing but dead silence for what seemed like eternity and then a thunderous noise. A concoction of clapping, cheers, bellows and roars, and when they broke apart, they were swallowed by the converging crowd around them, and there were hugs and pats and overall pandemonium of the news of two happy events today.

The neighbors wouldn't call the authorities because the neighbors were there, so there was no one to stop the celebration. But to be honest, no one would try to stop it.

Review and tell me how it was. Flame me if you must, I can take it. Let me kno if I should write more!