Soooo sorry this has taken forever to post. The muse is gone…flown the coop….just plain away. And I can't write for beans without her so this is what you get. No beta…pm me if the grammar is horrendous. You can thank my good friends over at Castletv chat for gently nudging this out of me.

Characters are not mine :o(

Italics are flashbacks to the wedding.

Kate looked away from the window at the sleeping form in their bed…..their bed. It all seemed so surreal to her. It was hard to believe they would be heading back to the city tomorrow. She gazed back out the window at the ocean view and continued to reminisce about their wedding.

They had said their goodbyes to everyone, and after making sure his mother had all the arrangements for Alexis to get to California, he and his wife left in the back of the limo.

He closed the partition and settled back in the seat; Kate scooted over and placed her legs in his lap, which was when he noticed she had bare feet.

"Kate, where are your shoes?"

"Oh, hmmmm." She peeked down at her feet and then leaned back on the seat. "I can't remember, probably the same place I left my stockings and panties." She smiled and winked at him.

"Please tell me you are joking."

She gave him her best sly smile and tugged on the dress to reveal more of her legs.


"Yes, Rick?"

He pulled the dress down slightly. "Do you remember where we are going on our honeymoon?"

"Yes, this nice gentleman is going to drive us to our hotel."

"Are we staying in the city?"

"Not telling."

He leaned towards her and whispered in her ear, "Keeping secrets from your husband already?" His hands slowly worked their way up her legs.

She smiled and squirmed away from him. "Hey, Castle….I need to get out of this dress."

"Um…Kate, as much as I would like you out of that dress, you should probably wait until we get to the hotel."

"I'm uncomfortable Castle, and I'm hungry."

It dawned on him that this might be part of her problem. "Kate, what did you have for breakfast?"

"Ha, Lanie has less food in her fridge than I do." She tried to reach the back of her dress so she could undo the buttons.

"So, you and my daughter didn't eat breakfast?"

"No, Alexis had pop tarts; I didn't eat because I was nervous." She heaved out a sigh, gave up on the buttons, and started pulling on the neckline.

He took her hands in his and kissed them gently. "Really, you were nervous?"

"Excited nervous."

"Did you have anything to eat at the Old Haunt other than ice cream and champagne?"

She scrunched up her face. "I had a few raspberries, but I really need something to eat now."

"How much longer until we get to the hotel?"

"I need something now, like a Remy's mushroom and cheese burger. And a shake, I really need a shake. "

"You want to eat a cheeseburger in that dress?"

"I'll take it off." She pulled her hands free and started pulling the dress up from the bottom.

Rick opened his eyes slowly and turned to see her gazing out the window with a smile on her face. He watched her for a few minutes before she realized he was staring at her.

She rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Castle don't you get tired of staring at me."

"Never. Ever." He held out his hand for her to join him and she uncurled her legs from the window seat and stood beside the bed. He hooked his finger through the belt loop of her denim shorts and tugged her closer. "These are my favorite shorts."

She chuckled and rolled her eyes. "I bet they are."

"So what was going on in that pretty little head of yours?"

She climbed in beside him, slid her leg between his, and curled into his body; she draped herself across his chest and snuggled in tight. "Just thinking about the wedding."

"Yeah." He nuzzled his face in her neck, and turned her face up to his and kissed her long and sweet. "You taste like sunshine."

"Umhmmmm….." She mumbled in between his kisses.

"You've been swimming."

"I have."

"I missed you."

She poked him in the chest. "You didn't even know I was gone."

"I did. I got cold as soon as you left."

"Really, Castle? It's 85 out already."

"Ocean breeze."

"Ummmmhmmm, you don't feel cold."

He continued to plant soft, sleepy kisses on her nose and eyes "So, what parts of the wedding were you thinking about that put that smile on your face?"

"The look on your face when I walked into Remy's."

"Yeah, so much for the promise to 'obey'."

He had finally agreed to let the driver take them to Remy's.

"You'll have to stay in the car Kate or this will be all over page six tomorrow."

She undid the bow tie to his tux and pulled at his cummerbund. She leaned in and started to unbutton his shirt with her teeth.

He groaned and pulled her head back up. "Are you sure you can't wait until we get to the hotel and we can order room service?"

She kissed him and moved onto his lap to straddle him, her dress bunched up around her waist. "Castle, I want a Remy's burger now."

"Yeah, I'm thinking that's not all you want right now."

She smiled at him. The car stopped and he moved her aside. She pouted and whined, "I want to say 'Hi' to everyone."

"You are the one that didn't want this plastered all over the papers. Someone in there will see you in that dress and me in this tux and it will be everywhere before we even get to the hotel." With a wicked grin on his face, he pushed her gently back into her seat and whispered to her, "Stay in the car, Kate."

He was in Remy's ready to leave with their order when the door opened and the place went silent. There was Kate, standing in the doorway, her hair still in an updo from the wedding with soft curls framing her face and her wedding dress all bunched up in her arms. He remembered her admission to 'misplacing her undergarments', and dropped the bag of food on the counter and ran to her. As he got closer, he realized that she was not even wearing the dress; she was holding it and appeared to have nothing else on. Just as he got to her, she dropped the dress at his feet.

He closed his eyes, and she let out a laugh. She took her hand, dragged her finger up his chest, and chucked his chin, "Castle you can open your eyes."

He opened them slowly and she was standing there in a pair of cut off jeans that were oh so short and a pale pink cami top. "Beckett, I think I just had a heart attack, I am sure I do not want to know how you managed to change in the limo." He picked up her dress and she grabbed the food off the counter and waved to the staff who were laughing at the encounter of two their favorite customers.

She rolled on top of him so she was straddling him, her hands holding his arms out beside him. "You know the word 'obey' was not supposed to be in our vows."

"Yes, but you were so very busy, if I remember correctly, and asked me to just 'pick some traditional vows', so I did as I was told." He pointed to himself and said, "Obeying."

She rolled her eyes again and leaned down to kiss him. He reached up, pulled her hair out of its bun, and watched the curls tumble over his face. He whispered into her ear. "I think, you're wearing too much clothing."

"Yeah? What do you plan to do about it?"

He grazed his fingers along the skin at the edge of her shorts and she sat up straighter, her eyes getting wider. "Oh"

"You like that?" He sat up, leaving her with her legs wrapped around his waist. His hands were on her back under her t-shirt, his mouth tugging gently on her ears when she pulled away slightly and placed her hands on his face.


"Hmmm….hey what?"

"I just wanted to say thanks for the wedding and letting me do it my way."

He chuckled. "Detective, we can always do it your way."

She leaned in and kissed him, slow and sweet, then untangled her body from his and climbed off the bed. She reached for his hand and pulled him gently until he was standing beside the bed.

"I wasn't finished here, where are you taking me?"

"It's our last day here and I want to go back out on the boat."

He tugged her back, "How about it's our last day here, and we stay in bed?"

She rolled her eyes, leaned in, and kissed him. She pulled her shirt off to reveal a little red bikini top, tossed it at him, and sauntered towards the bedroom door.

He stood there staring at her. "How is it that we've been here all this time and I haven't seen you in that yet? And I think I need to see if there are matching bottoms." He reached for her belt loop again.

"Castle. Focus. Clothes. Now." She pulled back quickly and he tumbled forward. She walked out the door and he quickly slipped into a pair of shorts, and grabbed a t-shirt. "Yes, Mam. This is me obeying."

Seconds later, he was in the kitchen watching Kate as she packed the cooler and stopped to pull her hair back up into a messy bun. Her eyes were on his bare chest, his tan bare chest, and his shorts that hung low on his hips. They had walked, swam, and even did some running every day for the last few weeks and he was in excellent shape, not to mention all the physical activity that took place inside…..not only in the bedroom, and bathroom but they had made good use of the kitchen too.

He slid his hand along her waist and whispered into her ear, "Like what you see, Detective?"

She chuckled, rested her forehead on his chin, and slid her hands along his chest and around his waist.

He leaned in, using his teeth he grabbed at the tie to her bikini top, and he pulled. She pushed him back.

"Nice try, Castle. Good things come to those who wait."

"Oh, believe me Kate, don't I know it!" He pulled her back to him, not quite ready to let her go.

"Come on there, Prince Charming; let's go for a boat ride."

"It's hurricane season, silly girl."

She chuckled into his neck and kissed him lightly then whispered into his ear. "Yeah, well hurricane Kate wants to rock your boat, Rick."

He groaned and reached down to pick her up and carried her off to the bedroom. "We'll be doing some bed rocking first Mrs. Castle."

She threw her head back and laughed heartily. He tossed her on the bed and landed on top of her, his hands splayed on either side of her to break his fall. "Now, about those bikini bottoms?"

She traced her fingers along the edge of his shorts and up his back, pulling him down on top of her, and then kissing him desperately, she let out a sound that was half sigh and half moan. "Hmmmmm what about them?"

"I think I need to see them." He rolled onto his side, taking her with him; her legs entwined in his, her hands now in his hair. Her mouth sucking on his neck.

"Really, you just want to see them? Why didn't you say so? I'd be happy to let you see them."

He growled into her neck and she giggled at the sensation. His hand was sliding up her thigh and under her shorts. "Beckett, shut up already and let me take off your damn shorts."

A/N: Thanks again for all the reviews, alerts and favorites. :o) I really did have this written when I posted the last chapter. It just needed lots of revising. I have absolutely nothing written for the next chapter. So I'll post when I do :o)