Here it is the final Chapter of my very first story and boy am I glad that I'm going to finish it. This chapter will be the end of the fight between Gohan and Ice. Then it will go into the aftermath and last the epilogue. I'm thankful for everyone who read my story and a special thanks if you reviewed at least once.

Chapter 12: The End

Gohan and Ice glared at each other as they floated fifty yards across from each other. Both knew that this would be the end for one of them it was a battle to the death and neither had a doubt in their mind. "Haha this will be the end of you saiya-jin. I am the strongest being in the galaxy and no monkey will ever be as strong as me!" Declared Ice.

"No you will not win this battle. I will never allow you to win and as long as I'm still alive you will be defeated! I won't let you leave just to go around killing more and more. Your blood lust is unquenchable and no more will die by your hands anymore!" Shouted Gohan as he charged at Ice.

With his super saiya-jin 3 speed, he easily started to pummel Ice with attack after attack. But Gohan knew that if he didn't finish this battle quickly he would revert back to the second level. He kneed Ice in the gut making the lizard double over in pain and Gohan brought his elbow down onto Ice's head sending him to the ground. The impact caused a huge crater in the ground, and the shock waves could be felt for miles around.

'No way could that be the end of it! He has to be planning something, or looking for a way to escape.' Thought Gohan as he floated over the massive crater in the ground. Suddenly he looked at Videl when he felt her energy begin to plummet.

Videl continued to pummel Hakai with everything she had. It was clear that the demon couldn't continue to put up a defense for much longer and that Videl was going to win, but Hakai still didn't give up since it still had one trick up it's sleeves. Although it knew that the attack probably wouldn't succeed it could weaken her to the point that she could no longer defend herself. So as Videl started to attack once more, Hakai started to focus his energy for the attack. She kept striking at Hakai at any opening possible, but Videl was starting to get tired and Hakai knew that it would soon be the time that he would unleash his attack. Finally he saw an opening in her offense and delivered a kick straight to her gut causing her to gasp in pain. At this Hakai brought both of his hands together and shot red bolts of lighting at Videl. The bolts wrapped around her paralyzing her in the process. "Time to finish this now!" Yelled the Demon as he flew into the air away from Videl's struggling figure.

"DIE!" He yelled as black ball of energy started to form in his palms. After he put all of his energy into the black ball of death; he launched the attack at Videl's weakened form.

Videl watched in horror as the attack flew at her in what seemed like slow motion. 'Gohan, I'm so sorry. I love you.' She thought just before a bright flash appeared in front of her.

'It's not over yet Videl. Did you really think that I would let that thing ever hurt you?' Asked Gohan through the bond. The light died down and Videl could see that it was indeed Gohan who had saved her, but something seemed wrong. He wasn't glowing gold, but was glowing white as though he were an angel.

"This is the end for you! This technique allows me to absorb any attack made from pure negative energy and redirect it back at the one who fired it by using positive energy!" Shouted Gohan as beam of pure white energy flew from him straight to the shocked Hakai. The demon couldn't do anything since the blast flew faster then he could see and the blast hit him directly causing him to disintegrate completely.

Gohan fell to the ground on one knee as he changed back to the second level. 'Dang that attack drained too much energy, but it was the only thing that I could do. If I tried to block it then it would've exploded and killed Videl.' He thought as Videl walked over to him.

"Gohan, is it over yet? Did we win?" asked Videl in a whisper, but suddenly a blast came from the sky and hit her right in the back causing her to scream out and fall to the ground unconscious.

"Haha not quite yet monkeys. I will kill the two of you together and make you suffer before I finally kill you." Laughed out Ice, who had just decided to reappear after witnessing the death of his strongest general.

"Grrr…I am going to finish you once and for all Ice!" Yelled Gohan as his aura blasted out from him and he charged the alien once more. But this time Ice had the advantage and fazed from view just before Gohan's attack hit his face. Gohan continued to chase Ice, but no matter what Gohan did, he just couldn't manage to land a single hit on Ice. The lizard smirked as Gohan came closer to him once again, but this time instead of dodging he flew back at Gohan and punched him in the face before Gohan could even see him move, it was a devastating blow and it stunned Gohan for a few seconds. During this Ice brought his tail up, wrapped it around Gohan's neck, and started to punch him with everything he had. The blows kept coming and Gohan couldn't do anything to protect himself from the attack. Each blow weakened Gohan and he could feel himself start to power down. Finally Ice grabbed both of Gohan's shoulders and with a yell he headbutted Gohan right in the face with all of his strength. The blow was all that was needed for Gohan to lose control of his transformation.

"I'm going to kill you saiya-jin and after you're dead I'm going to kill the saiya-jin that ran earlier and kill him. After I'm finished with the two of you, I'm going after your mate." Stated Ice. "I'm going to make her suffer the most saiya-jin. She will wish for death as a form of release for what I have planned for her and there is absolutely nothing that you can do to stop it." Sneered Ice as he licked his lips.

Gohan couldn't believe what he just heard. He was mad, beyond mad he was completely outraged by what Ice had just said. Gohan opened his eyes and looked up at Ice who was completely oblivious to the fact that Gohan was glaring at him in a way that would make Brolly piss himself. 'THAT MONSTER! HE WILL NOT HURT VIDEL EVER! I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!' thought Gohan as his eyes flashed teal once more.

Ice was still laughing at the saiya-jin that he thought was unconscious. This didn't change until he felt pain coming straight from his tail. He screamed due the pain coming from his tail, or should I say what remained of his tail. For when he looked at the saiya-jin his eyes widened when he saw that Gohan had completely ripped his tail off of him.

"THIS ENDS NOW ICE! YOU WILL PAY FOR ALL OF YOUR CRIMES AND FOR ALL THE BEINGS THAT YOU OR ANYONE IN YOUR FAMILY HAS EVER CAUSED!" yelled Gohan as he started to power up again. This time it took less time for him to power up to the third level, but the transformation was different then any other that he had felt in his life.

Instead of his hair growing down beyond his back as it normally did, it shrank until it was just beyond what his hairs normal height was. Then in the most surprising development, his aura started to flash white once again instead of gold. Then the hair transformed again only it changed from gold to his normal black color. To anyone who didn't know how to sense energy they would think that he was weaker. But to someone who could sense power, it was beyond anything they had thought possible for anyone to achieve in a lifetime. It was so powerful in fact that every warrior on the Grand Kai's planet stopped training at once and stared in the direction that they had all felt the power come from. Gohan had transformed into the Mystic Saiya-jin. (Yes I know that he gets the mystic ability from the older Supreme Kai, but I love how awesome Mystic Gohan is so I decided to make it a transformation for any saiya-jin and it is much more powerful than level three.)

Ice couldn't believe what he had just seen. The saiya-jin's energy had just skyrocketed above anything that the lizard could detect. For the first time in his life, Ice felt true fear.

"What's the matter Ice? Are you scared or have you finally realized that what you've been doing for your entire life was wrong?" asked Gohan in a cocky voice.

"I am the most powerful being in the galaxy and I chose who lives and who dies and I say that you will die!" Shouted Ice as he gathered every last piece of energy that he could gather. The red energy formed in his hands and grew until it was about the size of a house. "Now DIE!" he shouted as he threw the massive ball of energy at Gohan.

Gohan just waited until the ball was about to him before he started gathering energy for his own attack. When the ball was only twenty yards away, Gohan used one of his old favorites. "MASENKO-HAAAA!" he shouted as he launched his own attack at Ice's attack. The beam of yellow light tore right through the red ball and continued onto Ice. Ice was too tired from the amount of energy that he had poured into his attack and could do nothing as the beam hit him straight in the chest causing him to instantly disintegrate into nothingness.

Gohan sighed as he felt his power leave him until he was back into his normal form. He didn't even go back to his previous levels. Soon he began to look around for the only thing that mattered to him at the moment and he soon spotted her lying on the ground a few hundred yards away. He then blasted off to her and when he reached her he immediately checked her energy and found that she was still alive, just injured badly. Gohan picked her up and flew straight to where he could feel Trunk's ki.

Trunks and Lime had just released the leader of the Yadrat. They made it inside to find that the rebels that weren't outside were still fighting the last of the guards, but the second they saw the super saiya-jin the last of the guards flew away in panic.

"Trunks do you feel that power?" asked Lime in fear.

"Yeah it's massive! I didn't even think that it was even possible for anyone to get that strong… Oh my God! Its Gohan!" Exclaimed Trunks after a few seconds.

"What! But I could barely even feel his power a second ago! Do you think something happened to Videl?" asked Lime in concern.

"No I can still feel Videl's energy, but it is extremely weak. Wow! Gohan just killed his opponent without even trying!" Stated Trunks in awe. The Yadrat king heard what they were saying and decided to ask a few questions of his own.

"I would like to thank you and your friends for helping our people today. My name is King Pergus and I am the ruler of Yadrat." Said the King as he extended his hand out to Trunks.

"Thank you King Pergus, but you should be thanking my friend Gohan; after all he is the one who just killed Ice." Stated Trunks which made the King gasp in surprise.

"Wait Gohan? Is he the son of Goku? The saiya-jin who saved our planet years ago?" asked the King.

"Yes he is the one and he is coming here right now with his mate. She is hurt pretty badly so do you know where there's a decent regeneration tank?" asked Trunks.

"Yes there is one here in the prison. I can't believe that the son of Goku would kill Ice. That monster was much more powerful than Frieza ever could be and Goku barely beat Frieza." Stated the King.

"Well when Gohan was eleven a monster known as Cell attacked us. It was during the final fight that Gohan pushed beyond the first level of super saiya-jin. Goku unfortunately died in the battle and Gohan became the strongest in the universe." Replied Trunks.

When the group of five entered the recovery room. Erasa and Sharpner both entered separate pods, while Lime and Trunks decided to wait for Gohan. It didn't take long for Gohan to reach the building and find them. When he saw that they were in the recovery room he immediately placed Videl into one of the pods and turned around to face Trunks, Lime, and King Pergus.

"Gohan I can't belive how strong you are. The power that you displayed during the battle was unreal. I bet that everyone in otherworld could've felt the amount of power that you were giving off." Said Trunks in an excited voice.

"Yeah Gohan! I can't believe that you won that battle; I thought that you were in trouble right before you started to power up." Stated Lime.

"Well I was in trouble until Ice said something that completely pissed me off. Anyway, are you the King of Yadrat?" asked Gohan as he looked at King Pergus.

"Yes I am Gohan. My name is King Pergus and my people and I owe our lives to you. If there is anything that you need just ask and you shall receive." Stated the King as he shook Gohan's hand.

"Thank you sir and there is something that I would like." Said Gohan.

"Yes and that is?"

"I would like to learn the Instant Transmission Technique like my father did so that I can save my planet." Said Gohan

"Well that can be done, but only a few of our people know the technique, but I'm sure we can find one that can teach your friends and you. But what happened to your home world?" asked the king.

Gohan proceeded to tell him the entire story up to the part at which he destroyed Ice. By this time Erasa, Sharpner, Lime, and Videl had all exited their pods and were listening to him while he told them all about the final battle. That night there was a huge feast as the planet celebrated the victory that had occurred on their planet.

Even greater news soon reached their ears when it was discovered that the entire Cold Empire had collapsed in only about ten hours. Then the elites brought in a village elder that claimed he knew how to teach the Instant Transmission Technique and that he would teach them the day after the feast. Soon enough it was extremely late and everyone was shown their rooms for the night. Sharpner and Erasa both took the same room as did Lime and Trunks. Of course Gohan and Videl took the same room and lets just say none of the others living in the Royal Palace got any sleep tonight due to the sounds coming from those three rooms alone.

It didn't take the group of six to learn the technique and within only one week they were ready to head to New Namek. They soon landed outside one of the villages and soon enough six Namekians surrounded them.

"What are you doing on Namek?" asked the Namek who was obviously the leader.

"Hey Guys! I guess you don't recognize me, but I'm Gohan!" Said Gohan in a cheerful voice. But the Namekians continued to stare blankly at Gohan. Luck was on their side though since another group of Namekians landed nearby and Gohan spotted Murri the Elder Namek. "Hey Murri! It's been a long time hasn't it?"

"Gohan is that you?" asked Murri.

"Yep! My friends and I were wondering if it would be possible to bring back the Earth since it was destroyed." Asked Gohan.

"Why ofcourse it would be alright if you used the Dragon Balls! Afterall we wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for your father or you. Now who are your friends." Asked Murri.

"Well this is Trunks, and just to let you know he is Bulma's son." Said Gohan as Murri looked at Trunks. "He also happens to be Vegeta's as well." This caused Murri and all of the other Namekians present to gasp in surprise, since they all remembered who Vegeta was.

"This is my mate, Videl. These three are Lime, Erasa, and Sharpner. Videl is also a half saiya-jin like me, while the three of them are fully human." Explained Gohan.

"Okay then, well you better start to look for the Dragon Balls. There are one in each town so just find the town and you find the Dragon Balls." Replied Murri.

The groups went off in two person groups. Gohan and Videl, Lime and Trunks, and Sharpner and Erasa.

"I can't wait till everyone is back Gohan. It's going to be great to see them once again." Exclaimed Videl.

"Yeah me neither. It will be good to see all of them again. Even though Vegeta might be mad that I ascended once again." Replied Gohan.

"Yeah I can't wait to see his face when he hears that." Answered Videl with a bright smile.

"Well we better get going now so that we can see them by nightfall."

With that both of them blasted off to the nearest village where they easily found one of the balls. A few hours later they were all on a single island located on the planet. Murri approached the balls and summoned Porunga to the planet.

You have summoned me, now speak your wishes.

"Dragon we wish that you restore the Earth to the way it was before it was destroyed." Spoke Murri in Namekian.

Your wish has been granted what are your other wishes?

"We wish that everyone who was killed when the Earth was destroyed to be brought back to life"

That wish has been granted and now what is your final wish?

"Murri I would like to make one last wish if it is okay with you."

"Why of course it is okay with me Gohan." Stated Murri

"Okay I want you to wish my father back to life." Asked Gohan.

"Dragon I wish that Son Goku was back to life and was right here with us." Asked Murri as the Dragons eyes flashed once more.

Your last wish has been granted. Fair well! Boomed the dragon as it disappeared and the balls flew up into the atmosphere and separated.

"Thanks for the help Murri!" Exclaimed Videl.

"No problem! It is an honor to help all of you." Replied Murri as he flew off. Suddenly Goku appeared out of nowhere

"Uh…is that you Gohan?" asked a confused Goku.

"DAD!" shouted Gohan as he rushed his father and gave him a hug.

"Wow Gohan I was hoping that you might wish me back with the Dragon Balls along with everyone else on Earth. It made me realize how much I missed everyone on the Earth." Responded Goku.

"Yeah, maybe we should get back to Earth now that it's back." Asked Gohan

With that said everyone gathered around Goku and Gohan to IT back to Earth. They arrived on the look-out a second later right in front of the normal group.

"GOHAN/VIDEL/TRUNKS!" can be heard as the group rushes over and hugs the two half saiya-jins while Lime, Sharpner, and Erasa just sit off to the side.

"I can't believe that you guys found New Namek! We didn't' even have it on the navigation logs of your ship!" Exclaimed Bulma.

"Well that's where our story begins." Answered Gohan.

"Hey Gohan, Videl, and Trunks were going to go see our parents now. Okay!" Shouted Lime as the three humans walked to the edge of the look-out.

"Yeah seeya at school guys!" Shouted Gohan and Trunks while Videl waved.

"Okay!" Shouted the three of them as they took off to Satan City.

"Well aren't you guys going to tell us who they were?" asked Krillen.

"Those were the others that came with us on the journey. Lime by the way is now Trunk's mate." Said Videl out of the blue making everyone's jaws drop and for Bulma to get hearts in her eyes.

"At least you chose the strongest human on the planet as your mate." Said Vegeta in his gruff voice.

"Oh those three are probably close to being as strong as you Krillen." Said Gohan.

"No way! How did they get so strong?" asked a surprised Krillen and Yamcha.

"Well my training programs that I created are extremely effective." Replied a cocky Gohan.

"Yeah well I better go see how my father is. I bet he really wants to see me now!" Said Videl as she started to walk towards the edge of the look-out.

"Hold on Videl I'm coming with you!" Shouted Gohan as he ran over to where Videl was. The two of them then blasted off to Satan City behind Lime, Sharpner, and Erasa.

"It's so good to be back on Earth again after like seven months." Exclaimed Videl as she started doing loops in the air.

"Yeah it is good being back again…Videl I've been doing something thinking." Stated Gohan.

"Yeah what is it Gohan?" asked a curious Videl.

"Well I was thinking that we should get married this summer instead of when we graduate next year." Replied Gohan.

"That would be a great idea Gohan!" Exclaimed Videl as she flew into Gohan's arms and kissed him.

The kiss lasted for about a minute and when they broke apart they both looked into each other's eyes and knew that no matter what they would always be together.

"I love you Videl." Said Gohan making Videl smile.

"I love you too Gohan." Responded Videl as she leaned in to kiss him again.

Well there it is the final Chapter of Together and let me just say that I enjoyed writing this story immensely. I might make a sequel to this story, but I'm planning on writing a few other stories that are separate from this one before I even start to write a sequel. Well tell me how you liked the ending and if you didn't like it. Furthermore if you have an idea on how the sequel could be written don't hesitate to give me an idea.