I'm just putting the rest of the story here. It's finally the END!

Spoiled Little Rich Girl Goes...Country?

Chapter 33


One week and Gabriella and Vanessa was out the hospital. Troy had stayed every night, talking with Gabriella and taking her to their daughter. She was sore and weak, especially after going through labor being only seventeen. But she said she was okay with that when she got to look at her daughter, got too feed her by herself. It was amazing, the most amazing things that's ever happened to her.

"I told you it was a girl," Savannah said excitedly, jumping up and down on the arm of the couch. "Vanessa! Vanessa! Vanes—"

"Savannah, shush," Irene scolded her. "Vanessa is only one week old, you can't be loud around her. And Gabriella is weak and tired, she needs rest; they both do."

"How come?"

"Well, Gabriella was in pain while she was having Vanessa and Vanessa was just born. Just let them rest," Irene concluded silently. Gabriella smiled weakly at her then turned to Savannah. "After a few hours you can come up and hold her, I promise."

"Yay!—I mean, yay," Savannah corrected, smiling.

"And can I hold her too?" Hannah said, sitting up. "I wanna hold Vanessa."

"You can, but later on," Troy said. "We'll be upstairs." He placed a hand in the crease of Gabriella's back and led her up the mahogany stairs. Gabriella gazed down at their baby and she knew that nothing could bring her down. She was so precious, the same eyes. She wish they were blue, but Troy said they were beautiful. Gabriella had agreed. She had long copper hair, too. Just like Troy. Maybe she would grow up looking like him. Maybe even her, too. It's most likely since, you know, Vanessa is a girl and so is she. Gabriella stopped herself from giggling.

They were moving into their own apartment soon, but for now, at least until Vanessa is one month old they stay here. Her basinet was placed neatly by the foot of their bed and the door was locked at all times. They had brought a few clothes. Alex and Sharpay and Melissa and Jessica all brought girl clothes and Mike, Harold and even Chad brought some boy clothes. They're just going to give them back to the stores, hopefully they still have recites.

Gabriella placed Vanessa gently in her bassinet. The girl looked up at her parents. She didn't know how to smile, she was only one week, but the jumpy, energetic milky brown eyes told them how happy she was. Troy smiled.

"She's so beautiful," Gabriella said, reaching down. Vanessa gripped at her long, slender pointer finger with her small hand. She wrapped her fingers around it and let out a sound. Gabriella giggled. "Well, she looks like you," Troy said truthfully. "Ready to go rest?"

"Yeah, come on. We'll be right there, niño." Vanessa tilted her head to the side and Gabriella smiled. "It means child in Spanish," Gabriella classified. She looked up at Troy and gave him a slow, soft kiss on the lips.

Troy smiled.

They separated after a moment and Troy lead Gabriella to the bed, getting into it.

"I missed this bed," Gabriella said with a giggle, stretching across it.


Troy chuckled and grabbed her hand. "I missed just you and me. No nasty smelling hospital. I love you, Brie."

She looked at him. "I love you, too."


Two restless weeks. Two grumpy teenage parents. Two voices yelling at each other. One screaming infant.

The house was a mess.

It's been three weeks since the birth and two since they arrived home. Things haven't gone so well. Along with Jamie and the twins, Vanessa was crying and screaming constantly, waking up at the most unreasonable hours. This meant three a.m. in the morning. This caused many fights for them.

"Troy," Gabriella groaned, rolling over as the cry of Vanessa erupted. "Please."

"No," he said groggily.



Gabriella's jaw clenched and she sat up, quickly moving out of bed. "Fine," she muttered and wiped at her wet eyes. She went and picked up Vanessa, holding her close to her chest. Her eyes wandered over to the night stand.

4:45 a.m.



"Won't you stop crying?" Gabriella pleaded softly. "It's killing me."

Vanessa opened her mouth to let out another cry, but she instantly closed it and went quiet. Gabriella smiled and settled her little head on her shoulder. "Daddy's not helping much," she whispered, her eyes going to Troy who was in a temporary coma. "And we keep fighting...it's horrible." She thought back on the fights the past two weeks. Silent tears fell down her cheeks.

"Troy, you're not doing anything! All you do is sit around while I take care of our baby, remember? Remember, that Vanessa is your baby, too? You're not doing anything! When was the last time you actually got up and went to put her back to sleep? When was the last time I actually got a good night sleep, huh?"

"Gabriella, stop yelling, Vanessa is crying. I'm trying to help, okay? I already told you; I'm not ready to be a father just yet. I'm only seventeen."

"Well, news flash, Troy; so am I! I'm not ready, but at least I'm not neglecting my child!"

"Neglecting?" He flared with anger. "I'm not neglecting Vanessa! I do my share! I change her diaper! I change her clothes! I feed her when you're sore! I don't understand what I'm doing wrong."

"Everything! You help, Troy, but not enough! You fed her once; you change her diapers hardly ever! And don't you dare say you change her clothes because you don't! You're doing nothing! Am I the only one in this relationship?"

"I don't understand why you come at me when I try and help! What do you want?"

"I want you to help, Troy! You got up once to get out baby out of the two weeks she's been here. I got up every other time. I got up a some time every morning to feed our baby. To change her diaper or something. What do you do?"


"I do a lot!" Troy stood up and his fist clenched. "You act like you're perfect, Miss 'Oh, I'm great at everything! I'm miss Independent'! Well, if you are, what do you want?"

Gabriella screamed, nearly ripped her hair out. "You're such a dick! I want help, Troy! Help! I'm so tired, so sleepy and sore and all you care about is yourself! And don't say you do stuff or what do I want from you! It's all bullshit!"

"Gabriella, just calm down—"

"C'mon, Nessie." Gabriella turned, ignoring Troy and went to pick up Vanessa. She walked out of the house, tears leaking from her cheeks. A few hours later she came back of course, crying so hard she forgot she was angry. She came into Troy's arms and they forgave each other, but it started all over the next day.

"It's so hard, Ness. Does he even love us anymore?"


Gabriella turned stiffly towards the bed. Troy was sat up, running a hand down his face. He crawled over to them and threw an arm around her shoulder. "I'm sorry," he whispered. He nestled his head in the conjoining of Gabriella's neck and shoulders. He had heard her soft cries and woke up. Then he heard her question towards Vanessa. Of course he loves her. "Gabriella, I'm really sorry." He sat up and sighed. Gabriella had her head turned away, her soft hair hiding her face. "Of course I love you," he said. "I will never stop, you have to believe me. I know these past nights I've been a"—He looked down at Vanessa—"donkey, but I still love you and Vanessa. I promise I'll be better, wake up at night and try and put her to sleep." He sighed. "Brie, will you look at me?"


He hadn't called her that in a while.

Gabriella turned to him slowly. Troy gave her a soft smile. "You promise?" she whispered. Troy nodded then bent and took Vanessa from her. "I promise to take care of our creation. But you have to promise never to doubt my love for you."

"Yes, I promise." Gabriella smiled and slipped her body closer towards Troy's. She leaned up to kiss his slight stubble. "No more fights."

"Well, all normal couples fight," Troy said. "But, we are far from normal. We have a baby and we're getting married. There aren't a lot of teenagers who do that."

Gabriella giggled and nodded slightly. "Yeah." She looked up at him. "I love you, Troy."

"I love you, too, Brie." He looked down at Vanessa. "And I love you."

Spoiled Little Rich Girl Goes...Country?

Chapter 34

"I can't believe this is happening," Gabriella panted, looking at herself in the mirror. "This is so surreal."

They've been postponing it a lot mainly because of school. Alex went off to Community college, not wanting to leave far away from home. Gabriella and Troy had graduated with scholarships. Troy had one from Duke, U of A, Berkeley and Syracuse. Gabriella had one from Syracuse, Berkeley, Penn State, University of Tennessee, Stanford and UCLA. They had declined good opportunities, but their future was laid out and they could care less.

"Well, you better believe it, hunny, because I nearly paid one thousand dollars for this dress," Jessica said, combing slowly through Gabriella's silk hair. "And you look stunning in it."

"Well, you should be saying that for yourself," Gabriella said, trying to get over her blush. Jessica, Melissa, Marissa, and Sharpay were bridesmaids. Marissa and Sharpay are more so Alex's friends, but that was okay. They're pretty nice. They were all dressed in simple white silky dresses that were floor length and had diamonds embedded across the front. They each held two dove white lotus flowers, Gabriella's (and secretly Troy's) favorite flower.

Troy had picked his best man and man of honor; Chad and Dustin. It was going to be Paul, but what Paul did, it wasn't forgivable. Plus, they haven't heard of him since.

So now Gabriella was getting ready with Irene, Alex and all her friends, for the biggest night of her life. She was more nervous than excited. Or maybe she was more excited than nervous. Or maybe—oh, who cares? All she knows is that she felt like fainting.

"What if I trip?"

"You won't," Alex assured her, smoothing out her pearl white dress. She was Gabriella's maid of honor and she looked like a girl actually. Gabriella just noticed Alex has killer legs. She would definitely give this girl a new wardrobe.

"Well, what if someone objects?"

"Who would that be other than Gina who isn't here?"

"Well, what if—"

"Gabriella, shut up, will you? Nothing will happen except for you floating your way down the aisle and then stepping up to Troy, handing yourself into marriage."

Gabriella sighed and nodded. She looked at herself once again in the mirror. Her dress was a strapless, floor length gown that crowned like a pastry at the bottom. Her hair was set simply down except for two tresses of hair that were twisted back. Her make up was done beautifully, making her glow. And last, but not least, was the veil. It was thrown back, still showing her face, and draping over like a lace curtain all the way down to the floor. Her mother had worn this during her wedding and Gabriella had wanted to wear it ever since. It just felt right and it fit perfect.

"Gabriella." She turned. Irene was there in her white dress. "It's time."

Gabriella's legs began to feel like jelly as she walked out of the room. If it weren't for Alex and Jessica, Gabriella would have fallen flat on her face.

Really, was she ready for this?

Irene was carrying Vanessa and she looked beautiful in her white, puffy dress. Like most, diamonds were encrusted in the front and her hair was tied neatly in a bun. Vanessa was five months old, a head full of dark copper hair and big, auburn eyes. Her hair also had a woven hair piece made out of lotus and wood. Irene had done it and Vanessa looked incredible.

They were there at the cedar doors and Gabriella was breathing heavily, trying not to pass out. The rest fled into the room and Gabriella and Mike were there alone.

"This is amazing," Mike muttered. "I got married at a young age, but I didn't expect my child to. You're growing up so fast."

"I know," Gabriella whispered. "But I still love you, daddy. I always will. And I'll always be your little girl." Gabriella linked their arms together and smiled up at her father. He smiled down at her, grasping what has become.

On cue, the two advanced into the room and the organ started to play sweet music. Everyone had stood up, gazing at the beautiful bride. Gabriella tried not to cry, Melissa would kill her if she ruined the make up.

But a few tears went anyway.

Especially when she saw Troy.

He was stood kind of crookedly up on the alter, fixing and pulling at his first class tuxedo. It was Calvin Klein; he seems to buy a lot of stuff from him. His hair was slicked back neatly, the way Gabriella liked it. It made him seem classy, but also so cute and innocent. He had the same 'do at graduation.

Once they got in front of the altar, Gabriella leaned up and kissed Mike's cheek then whispered, "I love you" in his ear.

"Who gives this bride?" the preacher said.

"I, Mike Angelo Montez."

He went and took his seat while Gabriella stepped up on the alter with Troy, taking his hand in hers and Gabriella felt even more weak to the knees. Troy had his eyes on her, taking in all of her. Gabriella wanted to collapse. But she didn't. No, she smiled.

She never felt so happy and complete before.

The preacher started reciting then announces it is time for the vows.

"I, Troy David Alexander Bolton, take you, Gabriella Marie Montez to be my lawfully wedded wife, my soulmate and my partner, only to love me and only me. I promise to take care of you through our toughest time, through sorrow and bliss, through sickness and health and as each day will grow, my love will grow. You didn't have a healthy life growing up, but you found yourself, found what was on the inside, not just your looks. I always knew that I was missing something in life and now I've figured out that it was you I was missing. As long as I live, I will love you, cherish you, laugh with you, grow with you, trust you and cry with you, no matter what bumpy time it is. I give you my hand, my heart and my love from this day until the day we shall die." Slowly, Troy takes the ring from Jamie, the ring boy, and slips it onto Gabriella's slender left ring finger.

Gabriella took a breath. "I, Gabriella Marie Montez, take you, Troy David Alexander Bolton to be my lawfully wedded husband. I promise to cherish you, to love you and all of the above, no matter how many failures of hard times we go through and through sickness and in health, through love or hate, through thick and thin. I wish for you to be the father of my child. The thing is that I never expected to find my love here, just smelly old farm animals. But I didn't just find love, I found life. I found out who I am and who I want to be. Especially with you. I also found my family and how much I missed them. So, I want the chance to grow with you and to raise a family, big or small. We may be young, but I encourage my love for you, making it larger and larger everyday. And I promise to keep that encouraging till the day death do us part. Whatever life will bring us, we'll get through it."

She slipped the ring on his finger as their eye contact stayed together.

The preacher smiled. "You may now kiss the bride."

Troy grinned and grabbed Gabriella's hips. He guided his mouth down to hers in a passionate kiss, holding her as if this would be the last.

But it isn't.

Troy and Gabriella Bolton would never be done.


Gabriella laid her head down on Troy's broad shoulder as the music swayed their bodies in peaceful harmony. It was the husband and wife dance right now. A single spotlight shimmered down on them as the rest of the room was darkened and crowded with people, smiling as they watched the newly wed couple.

#As long as stars shine down from heaven

And the rivers run into the sea

Til the end of time forever

You're the only love I'll need

In my life you're all that matters

In my eyes the only truth I see

When my hopes and dreams have shattered

You're the one that's there for me

When I found you I was blessed

And I will never leave you, I need you

Imagine me without you

I'd be lost and so confused

I wouldn't last a day, I'd be afraid

Without you there to see me through

Imagine me without you

Lord, you know it's just impossible

Because of you, it's all brand new

My life is now worthwhile

I can't imagine me without you

When you caught me I was falling

You're love lifted me back on my feet

It was like you heard me calling

And you rush to set me free

When I found you I was blessed

And I will never leave you, I need you

Imagine me without you

I'd be lost and so confused

I wouldn't last a day, I'd be afraid

Without you there to see me through

Imagine me without you

Lord, you know it's just impossible

Because of you, it's all brand new

My life is now worthwhile

I can't imagine me without you

When I found you I was blessed

And I will never leave you, I need you oh

Imagine me without you

I'd be lost and so confused

I wouldn't last a day, I'd be afraid

Without you there to see me through

Imagine me without you

Lord, you know it's just impossible

Because of you, it's all brand new

My life is now worthwhile

I can't imagine me without you#

"Mmm, I love you, Troy," Gabriella whispered, looking up at him. He smiled and nudged his nose against hers, cutely. "I love you, too, Brie."

They separated as the song ended and ended and the father daughter dance started.

Gabriella placed her head on Mike's chest as they swayed with the song. She couldn't help but let out a giggle when she saw Troy dancing with Vanessa.

"Daddy, are you crying?" Gabriella lifted her head from her dad's chest and looked into his glossy eyes. She wiped at his tears with the pad of her thumb. "Remember, what I told you? I'm still you little girl, just a little bit bigger," Gabriella said. Mike smiled and hugged her close. "You look just like your mom in that veil. It looks perfect on you." Mike pulled away from the hug.

"Thanks. You look nice in your tux." Gabriella pulled at the black thread.

"It's from my wedding," Mike said. "Never got rid of it."

Gabriella smiled and giggled when Mike twirled her around. "Next to Vanessa's birthday, this is the best day ever," Gabriella said. Mike smiled and kissed the top of her head.

Four and a half years later…

Gabriella and Troy were finally done college. They both picked a college near their apartment so they could be close to Vanessa and still be able to learn. To celebrate their graduation, it was family dinner night at Applebee's.

"Daddy, I want the worms," four-year-old Vanessa said. She was looking at the menu upside down. Troy smiled and turned the menu on the right side. "Those are curly fries, Nessa. Do you want them?"

"Yes!" Vanessa put the menu on the table and started coloring in the dinosaur. Gabriella came back from the bathroom and plopped down next to her family. "What are we getting?"

"I'm getting the steak," Alex announced. "I love steak. It's so juicy."

"I want the steak too," Vanessa said.

"Ness, you're already getting the curly fries and chicken fingers," Troy said. Vanessa pouted. "But I want the steak!"

"I'll give you a piece of mine," Alex said. Vanessa smiled and continued her coloring.

"What are you drawing, Nessie?" Gabriella asked, leaning over to view her daughters work. Vanessa grinned and pushed her paper into Gabriella's view. "I'm just coloring. But I made the dinosaur have hair." Vanessa giggled and continued drawing.

"Hi, I'm Aaron," a waitress said as he came up to them. "Would you guys like any appetizers or drinks?"

"I want apple juice!" Vanessa exclaimed. "They should have apple juice at Applebee's."

Aaron laughed and wrote down the order. "And we do. Anything else?"

"We'll have Coke and Pepsi," Gabriella said. She had vowed never to drink again when Vanessa was born. She wanted to be a role model for her daughter, not the person she was before she came to Nashville.

"I'll have some apple juice too, please," Alex quipped.

Aaron laughed and wrote down her drink as well. "How about appetizers?"

"I want some bread," Vanessa said. Aaron wrote down the order. "Okay, I should have your orders here in about ten minutes." Aaron turned to Alex and grinned. "Actually, I'll make it five."

When he left Gabriella turned to Alex and smirked. "I think someone has a liking for you."

"Shut up," Alex said, but still smiled. Aaron was kind of cute and she hadn't had a date since she went out with Paul. "I mean, he is cute though."

"Why is Applebee's called Applebee's?" Vanessa asked. "

Troy shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe Alex should ask Aaron."

"Okay, Bolton—"

"Which Bolton?" Gabriella teased. Alex stuck her tongue out at her. "You two are both shitheads."

"Language," Gabriella scolded, covering Vanessa's ears. Vanessa giggled. "You say that word a lot at night mommy when you're in your room with daddy."

Gabriella felt her cheeks get hot and she quickly moved her hands from Vanessa's ears. Troy and Alex started cracking up. "You also say fu—"

"Okay, enough talking," Gabriella said quickly. "Look, Aaron's back."

"Yes he is," Aaron said. He placed Alex's and Vanessa's cups of apple juice by them and then gave Gabriella and Troy their Coke and Pepsi. He placed the bowl of cheesy bread in the middle of the table. "Are you guys ready to order?"

"I'll have the medium rare steak with salad on the side," Alex said. Aaron quickly wrote it down then turned to Gabriella and Troy. "We'll have the Lobster Terminal and baked potato," Troy said.

"The baked potato comes separately with a size of vegetables," Aaron said. "Do you want both?"


Aaron quickly wrote that down then turned to Vanessa. "And you?"

"I want the curly fries and chicken fingers," Vanessa announced. "I thought that the fries were worms because they were curly."

Aaron chuckled and wrote down her order. "Well, be lucky that they aren't. Okay, I'll be back with your food in just a little while, but I'll try and make it back fast." Aaron peeked one more glanced at Alex before walking away.

"Auntie Alex, I think Aaron likes you."

"I think so too," Alex said, biting her lip. "I'll be right back." She slipped from her seat and started walking off to where Aaron left. Gabriella turned to Troy and smirked. "Where's Auntie Alex going?"

"To get her a boyfriend," Gabriella said.

"Can I have one?" Vanessa asked. Troy's eyes went wide and he shook his head. "No! You only can have one when you are fifty."

Gabriella pinched Troy. "Shut up, Troy. She can have a boyfriend when she goes into the double digits."

"How about triple digits?"

"The time will come when it comes," Gabriella told him.

"Can I have my Hana-Bana?" Vanessa asked.

Gabriella reached into her purse and pulled out Vanessa's yellow teddy bear. Before Mike went back to LA three years ago with Jessica and Melissa, he had bought Vanessa a cute little bear. Since then, Gabriella and Troy couldn't separate Hana-Bana and Vanessa.


"Where were you?" Gabriella asked Alex. Alex grinned and held out her hand. On her palm was a phone number. "We were talking in the freezer. It was cold and so he hugged me to keep me warm. Although it didn't help, it still was amazing."

"Aw, that's cute."

"Why am I the only boy here?" Troy groaned. "Chad could've come with us."

Gabriella rolled her eyes. "You are such a whiner, Troy."

After dinner, they all headed to Irene and Harold's house. The twins were now ten years old and Vanessa always had a blast with them. Although it's a six year age difference, they all like to play together.

"Hannah, Savannah!" Vanessa shrieked as she dashed out of Troy's arms. Savannah and Hannah raced up to Vanessa and hugged her. "Nessa!"

"How was dinner?" Savannah asked as they pulled away from the hug.

"Alex got a new boyfriend."

"I do not," Alex said. "Don't tell fibs, Vanessa."

Troy swooped Vanessa up and Vanessa giggled. She laid her head on Troy's broad shoulder and yawned. "Tired, Nessa?"

"No. I'm just tired."

Troy chuckled and walked inside the house. Irene and Harold were standing there with a huge cake. "Congrad-ulations," Harold said.

"We wish we could've gone to dinner with you guys, but we had stuff to do," Irene apologized. "How was it anyway?"

"It was good," Gabriella said, taking Vanessa from Troy. "We're going to crash Vanessa here, is that okay?"

"Now why would you ask me? That's more than okay. Alex's room still has a bed in there. I'll have Savannah and Hannah sleep in there with her."

"Thanks so much, Aunt Irene. Oh, and we brought you back some food."

"Honey, I am old and you're going to make my stomach even bigger." Irene smiled and took the bag. "Thanks."

"No problem."

"We have all the Hannah Montana episodes," Savannah said to Vanessa. Vanessa's head popped up. "Really? Can we watch them?"

"Sure, come on."

Gabriella put Vanessa down and Vanessa scurried off after the twins. Alex plopped down on the couch. "I'm crashing here because we all know what those two monkeys are going to be doing tonight."

"And you're just mad you're not getting some," Troy said, pulling Gabriella against him.

"I question you young people," Harold said. He looked inside the bag and grinned. "Irene, you don't need this do you?"

"Shut up, Harold." She turned to Troy and Gabriella and hugged them. "I'll see you guys tonight. Have fun and be careful." Irene winked and they laughed.


"Finally," Gabriella groaned. "I'm so tired." She jumped inside the car. Troy got in too and drove out the driveway. "But we wouldn't change our lives for anything."

"After all we've been through; I'd never in my life change it." Gabriella sighed and sunk low in her seat. They arrived at their apartment five minutes later. Gabriella got out of the car and grabbed Troy's hand as they walked inside the house. It was dark and sultry.

Gabriella squealed when Troy grabbed her from behind. "Ready to go to our headquarters?"

Gabriella giggled and nodded. "Lead the way, superman." Troy grabbed her torso and swiped her up into his arms. He walked into their room, pressing his lips to hers.

As the night fled on, Gabriella couldn't help but think about how much her life had changed. She turned to Troy. He was staring at her adoringly with his beautiful blue eyes. "How'd I get here?" Gabriella whispered softly.


"I used to be a spoiled little rich girl from LA and then my dad shipped me off here and now I'm…a married, in love mother with the most amazing family she could ever ask for. How'd all of what I used to be change into…this?"

"Everyone can change," Troy said. He kissed her on the lips and Gabriella smiled. "This could be a story. Spoiled Little Rich Girl Goes County," Gabriella said.

Troy ran his hand through her hair and shook his head. "It already is. And it's just beginning."

How did I get here?

I turned around and there you were

I didn't think twice

Or rationalize

'Cause somehow I knew

That there was more than just chemistry

I mean I knew you were kinda of into me

But I figured it's too good to be true

I said pinch me

Where's the catch this time

Can't find a single cloud in the sky

Help me before I get used to this guy

They say that good things take time

But really great things happen in a blink of an eye

Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one

I can't believe it, (whoa oh)

You're one in a million

All this time I was looking for love

Trying to make things work, that weren't good enough

Till' I thought I'm through, said I'm done

And stumbled into the arms of the one

You're making me laugh about the silliest stuff

Say that I'm your diamond in the rough

When I'm mad at you

You come with your velvet touch

Can't believe that I'm so lucky

I have never felt so happy

Every time I see that sparkle in your eye

They say that good things take time

But really great things happen in a blink of an eye

Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one

I can't believe it, (whoa oh)

You're one in a million

I said pinch me

Where's the catch this time

Can't find a single cloud in the sky

Help me before I get used to this guy

They say that good things take time

But really great things happen in a blink of an eye

Thought the chances to meet somebody like you

Were a million to one

I cannot believe it (oh whoa)

They say that good things take time

All this time I was looking for love

Trying to make things work

Thought the chances to meet somebody like you were a million to one

I cannot believe it (oh whoa)

You're one in a million... one in a million

All this time I was looking for love

Trying to make things work

They weren't good enough till

I thought I'm through

Said I'm done

And stumbled into the arms of the one

You're one in a million


How'd you like this story? I finally finished it. I hope you all liked it and I hope you all are giving my new story Glamorous a chance. I already have fifteen chapters out. But if you aren't, I hope you still enjoyed this one and will stay tuned with other stories that I will do!
