If Alice had told me a month ago that I would be speeding my way back to Forks with my Jasper at my side I would have thought that something was wrong with her gift. In less than a month my whole life had been turned on its head causing me to have to re think everything I once held dear.

Esme left me for some nomad that she had run into when hunting one day with Alice. I was upset that yet enough one of my children was leaving and went to hiding in my study whenever I wasn't hunting. That was where Jasper found me one day having enough of my brooding, it was also the first day that changed my life. I came back to the present and purred as I felt Jasper scratching the back of my head with his nails helping me to relax a little.

"It's okay Carlisle, our baby girl is probably fine. You know Alice has problems when it comes to the wolves and since Charlie is friends with one of the mutts fathers she is probably with them."

His words didn't help matters causing me to press the gas pedal to the floor as I thought of what said wolves could actually do to her if they lost their temper. I was the one that had to fix up their Alpha's mate after he accidently changed to close to her. I didn't realise I had started to growl until Jasper started to coo at me.

"Sh it's all right. We will be there in just under an hour and you can see for yourself."

I nodded my head and took a deep breath to calm myself a little. Jasper loved me enough to understand that at this moment in time I didn't want him to use his power on me. The moment the Welcome to Forks sigh flashed past my tinted window I slowed the car down. I couldn't afford to get stopped by a police officer for speeding especially with how close I was to the end of my journey. It had taken over three hundred years to get to this point and I wasn't going to let anyone to stop me. Jasper squeezed my leg indicated that he felt the same way. I pulled up to the front of the Swan house hold and got out of the car noticing that there weren't any lights on. Flicking my eyes over to the drive way I noticed that both the Chief's cruiser and my mates truck weren't in their usual places. Jasper moved so he was next to me before wrapping his arm round my waist and kissing my temple.

'Come on lets go wait in side. Alice said that there is a spare key just above the door that we can use."

I allowed him to pull me up the small concrete path and the few wooden steps to the front door. I couldn't help but notice the cracking paint on the boards, or how unstable the railing looked as Jasper felt around for the spare key. The moment Jasper pulled me inside I couldn't help but notice the two sweet scents that filled my nose but I also picked up in the change of the one that belong to my mate. By the look on Jasper's face I could tell he was picking up on the same thing I was.

"She's sick and I don't mean a cold. I mean emotionally she is sick, it's the only thing that can change her smell this much."

I nodded my head as I moved around the house noticing how clean it was. To clean for any human's to actually be living here and yet I knew that wasn't the case. I entered the kitchen and raised my eyebrow at the sight of the bright yellow cupboards. Something told me that they were painted that colour a long time ago most likely by her mother since I couldn't picture yellow being something the Chief would use in a kitchen. In fact from the time I spent around him I got the impression that he was what was known as the 'classical' bachelor. When he wasn't at work, he was watching sport or out fishing. From the little I got of Alice it didn't change much when Bella arrive either.

"Carlisle come and have a look at this."

I walked out the room and into the small longue room. Most of it was taken up by a wide screen TV and an old coach that looked like it had seen better days however that wasn't what Jasper wanted to show me. On the ledge of the small fire place that looked like it hadn't been used or cleaned in years stood rows of photo's of my mate. The first one must have been taken the day she was born and even then her eyes seemed wise. My eyes flickered over the picture that made up her life and couldn't help but notice how alone she looked in all of them even ones where others where in the picture with her. The last photo was one of her with a group of boys from the local reservation. I couldn't stop the snarl that left my mouth as I saw the state she was in. I turned around just in time to watch as Jasper sank to the floor with his hands buried in hair.

I crouched in front of my other mate and drew him close to my chest while I tried to remove his hands from their hold.

"Jasper this is NOT your fault. She doesn't blame you for what happened on her birthday, none of the family do. If Edward hadn't thrown her into the table you would have been fine. Now come on where is my strong warrior?"

I watched as the words sank into his head before he raised his head so his eyes become level with mine still filled with pain and angus. I turned my head and nuzzled my nose into the side of his neck and purred knowing that it would help to a least become more settled for when our other mate returned to us. I suddenly found myself laying on the floor as Jasper crawled up my body before laying his head on my shoulder. There wasn't anything sexual about it for either of us, we had often spent the last month in similar positions when either of us was upset. We stayed where we were up until the sound of our mates truck entered our ears. Jasper suddenly shot up before reaching down and helping me up before we both screwed up our noses.

I was hoping that both Alice and Jasper had been wrong about her hanging out with the wolves but by the stench that filled my nose I knew that they spoke the truth. I swallowed the growl that threatened to escape my throat as the mutt tried to stop our mate from coming to us the moment she noticed my car. In the end our mate won the argument causing the mutt to run back to his side of the treaty line. I winched as I heard her fall hitting her knee against the wood step but couldn't smell any blood. Unlike Jasper it took less than a second for her to find the spare key even though it wasn't needed as we hadn't locked the door after we had entered.

We stood and watched as she raced into the house looking into the darkness. I hadn't realised that I had moved until my hand reached for the light switch. The second the light came on she was in my arms crying.

"Oh god Carlisle its really you. I thought I was only dreaming when I saw your car. Are you alone? Did anyone come with you?"

I pulled her back so I could actually look at her and all most fell apart at what I saw with my eyes. She had lost an unhealthy amount of weight and it looked like a vampire who hadn't feed in a long time.

"Oh Bella what did we do to you? As for your question I am not alone."

I watched as she suddenly stiffened and pulled back from me looking like I had betrayed her right into Jasper hold causing her to turn round. Like she had done to me she threw her arms round his waist and buried her head into his chest. I winked at him over the top of her head.

" Why hello to you too darlin"

While he was still holding her I started to speak. I needed her calm with a few of the things I had to ask.

"Isabella, I know you probably don't want to answer my questions right now but I would like to ask you a few if that's okay with you."

I watched as she pulled away from Jasper who whimpered at the lack of contact.

"Um sure. Do you mind if I go shower and change first?"

I nodded my head and watched as she quickly walked up the stairs hesitating as she got to her bedroom door. It took me a second to work out why this was the case.

"Isabella, it's just Jasper and me. No one else has come back with us."

I heard her take a deep breath before entering her bedroom to get a change of clothes no doubt before moving into the bathroom. It wasn't until I heard the water start did I turn to Jasper.

"I am going to go and make her some food. I'm sure you felt how much weight she has lost during our time away."

"I did, she also needs more sleep. Plus it's like I can't feel her emotions but I know I can. I am really worried Carlisle."

I reached for his hand and pulled him closer to me before claiming his mouth with mine a soft kiss.

"So am I hence the questions. Now let's go and see if we can find something to feed our mate."

After hunting threw the whole kitchen the only thing that was healthy enough was a thing of two minute soup. Following the instructions on the ladle I placed it in the microwave as Jasper took in the small room.

"I wonder who painted in here? I mean it's not something that I could picture the chief or Isabella doing."

"It was Renee. I guess that it was her way of trying to brighten up the place a bit."

I hadn't notice that she had finished her shower let alone come down stairs until that moment. I smiled at her before the microwave beeped indicating it was finished.

"I thought you could do with something to eat. I'm afraid that the only thing I could find was two minute soup."

"It's okay. I was suppose to go shopping today and well between everything that has happened I didn't . Um do you mind moving this in to the lounge room?"

I nodded my head and turned to get her soup as Jasper took her hand pulling her out of the room. I couldn't stop the smile that crossed my face as Jasper had managed to wrap her up in so many blankets she could move her arms.

"Here love let me help you ."

I rearranged the blankets as Jasper pouted before handing her the soup.

"hey no pouting . You did a good job, you just forgot to leave her hands free. "

I run my finger down the side of his face causing him to purr and Isabella to gasp. I sighed and pulled Jasper to what I could only guess was Charlies seat.

"Isabella, you eat your soup while I talk, then I hope you will answer some of our questions?"

I laughed as she dug her spoon into the soup before waving her hand to continue.

"I don't know where to start so how about the night of your birthday after Ed..."

I watched as both Jasper and her grimaced at the same time the moment I started to speak my eldest sons name.

"After my eldest son returned home. He convinced us that you wanted nothing to do with us ever again and that it would be better if we just left. We tried to argue with him but well we lost. After that things went downhill. He left without a word and no one has seen or heard from him since. Rose and Emmett where next Rose said it was another honeymoon but we all know that they wanted to grieve alone. Rose might have been 'bitchy' towards you but she liked you a lot and well Emmett saw you as a little sister. Esme was next, she found her mate while out hunting one day. Alice was last leaving only two weeks to go to art school in Paris. That left Jasper and me."

"Hang on I thought Esme was your mate? And Alice Jasper's?"

Jasper run his fingers through my hair again calming me.

"Esme and I were never mates Isabella, never was Jasper and Alice. It's a bit complicated to explain but I will try my best. Esme and I fell into a parent role to protect our secret, however the moment Jasper entered my life will let's say we knew that we were mates. At first we fought it because well it seemed wrong until one day Alice sat us both down and explained to us. Ever since then we kept it between us three with Alice willing to play the part of my girlfriend to hide it from the rest of the world. We would often go off and hunt just the two of us to be able to spent time together."

I watched as she nodded her head in understanding.

"Wow, but why do I have a feeling that there is more to the story?"

"There is but for the time being I would like to ask you some questions."

"I was hoping that you would forget but hey wishful thinking ask away?"

I nudged Jasper who moved so that he was sat on the other sofa with her feet in his lap. Bella shook her head before moving herself into his lap patting the cushion next to them. Once I had moved and she had placed her feet in my lap she started her tale.

"I am not going to go into every single thing that has happened but I will give you a quick rundown. He didn't go straight away. I have no idea where he went during the day but when I got home the following day he was waiting for me. He asked for me to follow him and took off into the woods leaving to stagger after him. He then told me I was nothing but a toy to him and I wasn't wanted anymore. He also told me that the family thought it was too dangerous to be around me anymore and had left before I did any more damage. He went on and on about how I wasn't good enough for him before running off all of a sudden. Of course I tried to follow him still not believing his words, I got lost. In the end Sam found me and brought me home. It took me three months to come to the grips that maybe his words where right and that you didn't want me anymore. I started to function again well somewhat. As you probably notice the house is spotless. I would take my anger out on it when I wasn't with the guys down on the rez. Paul taught me how to kick box but it didn't help, I wasn't eating much and what I did I just brought up again so my energy levels dropped. The boys took me cliff diving today or more along the lines of they did the jumping I sat there and watched them. I went to stand up and lost my footing falling into the water below. Jack pulled me out and well you know the rest."

I nodded my head and was about to ask the next question when I heard the chief cruiser coming down the road. Jasper suddenly picked her up and placed her back on the sofa.

"We should go your father is all most home. I am not sure how he will welcome us."

"No, stay please. I am sure he will be happy to see you. Thinks between us haven't been exactly friendly of late. Between my break down and refusing to date Jake things have been strained."

I nodded my head before running my fingers through her hair to bring her comfort. The look that Jasper sent me told me that we had much to talk about once we got settled again. The moment the front door opened I felt our mate tense up and I could smell the fear rolling off her. Jasper and I stood up together hiding her from her father's view as he came into the room. To say the chief looked surprised by our visit was an understatement but it didn't last long. His eyes moved past us and landed on our mate where they narrowed.

"So you've finally decided to come home then. What had enough of playing around with Jake's heart for the time being? Or is it Paul's this week? Who next Leah? You know I would swear you are nothing but a good for nothing whor..."

I snapped something that I hadn't done in over a century. I grabbed the chief by his neck and pinned him against the wall before ordering Jasper to take our mate upstairs to get everything she wanted to take with her. I would be dammed if I was going to let her stay one more minute with this man she called a father.

"Now listen to me Charlie because I am only going to say this once. Jasper and I are going to leave now with Isabella, this is probably the last time you will see or speak to her. If you think about saying that we kidnapped her against her will or anything that will led to causing her any more heartache, I will hunt you down and I promise no one will find the your body. Now I have to go and make a phone call you are going to sit in your chair and think about the last words you said to your daughter."

I dropped him on the floor before turning and pulling out my phone. I flicked through my list until I found who I was looking for. I didn't have to wait long for him to answer.

"Unley house, Sam speaking."

"Samuel, Carlisle Cullen here. I was wondering if we could speak in person. Say in about ten minutes on the treaty line. It concerns Isabella."

" We will see you there."

I clicked my phone shut just in time for Jasper to call for me. I ran up the stairs to see what he need help with.

"Do you mind taking the bags? I have my arms full."

I knew full well even carrying Isabella he would still be able to carry the bags but we had a secret to keep so I did as he asked but not before kissing his check causing Isabella to blush.

"You'll get use to it time darlin' now we had better get a move on. I take it we are going to see the wolves?"

I nodded my head before turning round before quickly moving down the stairs noticing that Charlie hadn't moved from where I had dropped him. As I walked out of the door I listened as Isabella asked what was wrong with her father.

"He's in shock darlin' and unless you fancy a rerun of earlier I think we better get a move on before he recovers"

"Can I say goodbye?"

"Darlin' I don't think that is a good idea. Plus we don't have much time before we have to meet with your furry friends. As it is Carlisle is going to have to speed to get there in time."

She must have nodded her head because I didn't hear her answer. Shutting the boot of the car I quickly moved to open the back door so Jasper could slide Bella in. It was at this moment I couldn't help but be grateful for Alice who messaged to take pillow with us. At the time I found it a little odd but as Jasper pointed out never question the mystic that was Alice. I watched as Jasper told her to lay down before covering her with her blankets again before carefully closing the door.

"I know you drove down here but do you mind driving to the wolves. I want to see if I can get Isabella to actually get some sleep."

I smiled at him wanting badly to show him just how much meant to me but couldn't.

"I know Carlisle, trust me I know. Now come, we need to go and meet with the mutts."