A/N: I own nothing. I love Clare and Eli. I haven't been excited about a Degrassi couple since Ellie and Craig. Although they were never really a couple. I know there are a lot of EClare stories, but I wanted to give it a shot too. I hope it's good?

Clare nervously walked into Ms. Dawes' class afterschool. She had gotten her paper back with a note from the teacher saying, See me afterschool. She wasn't sure what the note meant and spent the rest of her day pondering.

"You wanted to see me, Ms. Dawes," Clare squeaked.

The teacher looked up, "Ahh yes, Clare. Come on over."

The girl made her way to the table.

"You're not in trouble," Ms. Dawes started, "However, your recent work hasn't been up to par with your previous works. It has been distant and lacking an opinion."

Clare was confused – she had written about gun control, stating it was good. That was an opinion.

"You've got great potential as a writer, Clare. You're wise beyond your years. I just want you to tap back into that. That's why I'm assigning you an English Partner."

Clare was even more confused – English Partner?

"Sorry for being late, Ms. Dawes," a voice came from the door.

Clare turned around and saw that it was the boy who ran over her glasses. It was also the boy who got her flustered with his comment, "You have pretty eyes."

"Elijah Goldsworthy, perfect timing," Ms. Dawes acknowledged him.

He walked next to Clare and gave her a smirk. She just stood there speechless.

Ms. Dawes started to talk, "You write excellent papers, Eli. However, you can be a bit wordy. You present good points but you don't need the excess words."

"Ok…" Eli said slowly.

"I've assigned you an English Partner," she looked towards Clare.

The two teens looked at each other, acknowledging one another's presence.

"I believe that you two will balance each other's writing styles. You've done well on your own, but with this partnership, you will do better," Ms. Dawes started to pack her things, "I'm expecting you to proofread each other's papers with comments so yes, you two will have to interact. I'm looking forward to your next papers."

With that comment, the two were dismissed.

Clare looked to her right – Eli was her English partner and she had to go to him for help. She wasn't used to asking for help. This was going to be quite the experience.

"So have you started thinking about the next assignment?" she attempted to make small talk.

"It hasn't even crossed my mind," Eli said smoothly.

"Should we set up a day to write it then just e-mail our papers to each other?" Clare was still getting used to the idea of working with a partner.

"How about we get together tomorrow and think it over?" Eli suggested.

"Oh. Well, I –" she started.

He turned to her, "Great. I'll see you tomorrow. Meet me in front of Morty afterschool."

Eli walked to his hearse.

Clare stood there speechless – what's a Morty?

A/N: So how was it? It's just a start and more will come. Promise =) Please review. I want to know if I should continue it. Thanks!