I'd like to dedicate this chapter to DegrassiFan894332 for giving me my very first review for this story!

Okay in case you guys are wondering why I'm updating so soon, but your

probably thinking "Will this bitch shut up and tell us what happens, I'm updating so fast

because it's a snow day! Yay! So instead of playing in the snow, I'm writing for you guys so

your welcome! So enjoy this last chapter!

WARNING: CLIFFHANGER! Still not sure if I'm gonna make a sequel so you guys better convince me.

Clare's Pov

Thankfully the family that hit us dove in and saved Minnie and Eli while Adam and I called the ambulance.

I watched as they but Eli and Minnie on the stretcher.

Both of them had scars and bleeding from their heads.

"Will they be okay?" I asked

The young paramedic shrugged his shoulders.

At the Hospital

Eli's pov

It was dark. I felt around for something.

I grabbed something round and squishy.

"What the fuck?" someone said

Then they felt my face. When they found my cheek, they slapped me.

"Hey!" I shouted rubbing my cheek

"That's what you get for going to second base on me, Eli!"

"Minnie?" I asked

"Yeah!" she said like I was stupid

"Where are we?" I asked

"Hold on Eli let me switch to night vision." she said sarcastically

I felt on the walls until I felt a switch.

"I found a light switch."

I flipped it up.

One by one fluorescent lights turned on.

I looked at Minnie. She had scratches on her face and blood was dripping dow the back of her neck.

"You look awful." I said

"Thanks. You look like fucking Chucky." she said crossing her arms

I looked around us.

We were in a white hallway. But there were no doors.

I slammed into walls trying to break them down.

"Eli give up. Were trapped." Minnie said sliding down a wall.

"Trapped where? All I remember is that we were in a car accident." I said

" I know. Are we gonna starve. I'm eating for two!" Minnie said panicking

"Calm down. I'm gonna find us a way out of here."

Clare's Pov

I watched them as they laid on the bed. The only noise was their heart monitors.

Adam was outside. He said he could look at Minnie this way. Bruised with scratches on her face.

Eli didn't look any better.

I held back tears until my became filled and over flowed.

The door opened. The doctor came in with a grim look on his face.

"Well?" I asked

"I'm sorry, Ms. Edwards. Mr. Goldworthy and Ms. Masterson have fallen into a coma." he said

Haha! You must really want to skin me alive right! So that's the end. Convince me that I need to make a sequal!

Bye! I'm gonna go play in the snow now!