Sorry guys! I just have too many ideas and I want to establish at least a chapter on them before moving on! So, yeah I'm writing like several fanfics at once.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Soul Eater or D. Grey Man, so don't sue me! I just like writing entertaining fan fiction about them. MYA~ so there. WARNING: There's a kind of love-triangle/quadrangle thing kinda goin' on in this so please no be shocked! (And yes, I know I said "no be shocked") :)

Chapter One: Accommodating For Innocent Sorrow

"Maka, GO!" Spirit pushed his already wounded daughter through the mirror, after her friends. Witches. There were too many to fight off. All the other students had escaped through the emergency mirrors, but now they were all smashed into pieces. Except this one. Maka and her friends had already stepped through, when a sudden bolt of dark magic zapped the control panel connected to it. There were several sparks, and before the children were sent, there was a major malfunction. Spirit looked through his tunneling vision to the coordinates: DGM143. Where was that?


**There is Here**

She woke to the sound of arguing under a sky that was not hers. Through a throbbing left eye, Maka watched as her friends bickered amongst themselves like children.

"I was just sayin'…" continued Black*Star with folded arms. Soul put his hands in his pockets and growled.

"Well," said Soul, "What I'm sayin' is you can just shut your ass up!" Black*Star snorted and rubbed his nose. "Wether or not it was a suggestion or you were serious, I don't want to hear it." The white haired weapon was obviously upset.

"How do you expect to carry her up there, then? You know you're not strong enough. 'Cause I'm not doing it."

"We're not leaving Maka."

"Soul's absolutely right," interrupted Kid. "But either way we have to get some help."

"Guys?" Maka sat upright on the uncomfortable, rocky ground, and blinked. Her left eye was blackened and slightly swollen.

"Oh," said Kid. "Maka, you're awake." He walked over and held out a helping hand. "Can you stand?" Using Kid's hand for support, she pulled herself to her feet. A little sore but that was it, aside from the bruised eyelid.

"Yeah, I'm fine now." She looked around. "Where's Tsubaki n' Liz and Patty?" Said girls appeared from behind Soul and Black*Star as if from nowhere.

"Woah," Maka passed a hand in front of her face, testing her vision. "I think my depth-perception is a bit off." She dusted off her jacket and looked to her friends. "So what's the plan?"



***The Plan***

It was a very good thing Maka was wearing gloves. If not for them, her hands would have been torn up by the cliff's jagged rocks. Kid and Black*Star were okay. Kid's skin was naturally tough, and Black*Star had tons of calluses to protect him, and using Tsubaki as a climbing pick was a plus. Soul, on the other hand, struggled. His hands were getting cut up pretty badly. It hadn't occurred to him or Maka that he should have transformed like his fellow weapons.

When they reached the top, it was almost surreal. They'd been climbing since very late afternoon, and the fog was so thick they didn't get a glimpse of the moon until they'd climbed the entire way. What they saw shocked them. Or rather, what they didn't see. The weapons transformed back into their human forms and stretched.

"What's that pale round thing in the sky?" asked Patty.

"I think—it's the moon," observed Maka, "but why does it look so weird?"

"Yeah, where's its goofy smiling face?" asked Soul, trying not to move his sore hands too much.

"Never mind that," said Black*Star. "Isn't that the place we saw at the top of this stupid cliff?" They walked up to the gate and tried to get the attention of the people inside. "Hey, does that gate look like it has a face or what?"



"Hey Komui, it's a bunch of kids..." Reaver looked at the screen blankly. "They look really weird. What are they doing here? They made it up the cliff, like Allen did."

"Oh?" said Komui. He took a sip of coffee from his bunny mug. "Can't we just throw them off the cliff?"

"Is that your answer to everything? Besides if you did that to Allen, we'd have one less Exorcist."

"Fine, give 'em a physical."


**Back at the Gate**

The gatekeeper opened his eyes and leaned in close to the children.

"You!" he bellowed in their faces. "Children, be prepare for an X-ray exam to determine if you are human or Akuma!" Bright light glowed around them. The image flickered in the gatekeeper's vision. "Not again! It's like with Allen..." he muttered.

Kid began to glow purple in his vision. "AH! The one with the black hair, FAILURE!"

"What?" Kid growled. "Of course I'm not human, but I'm not an Akuma, whatever that is?"

"He's a minion of the Millennium Earl!" continued the gatekeeper.

"Hey, leave Kid alone," said Maka, stepping in front of the boy. "He can't help if he's a Shinigami!"


**Yeah, so...**

What's a Shinigami? thought everyone at once.

"He's a spy!"yelled the gatekeeper.

"Oh, well, I guess they fail," said Komui, throwing up his arms. "Send Kanda and Allen after them."

"But only the dark-haired kid failed," said Reaver, pointing to the screen in front of them. He did have a point, but still, you couldn't be too careful.

"Guilty by association," said Komui, taking another sip.



"Hey," said Allen to Kanda. "They look just about my age, are they sure about this?"

"We have orders," responded Kanda, unsheathing his sword.

"But you almost killed me on my first day!"

Kanda was already jumping down from the gate. "You, Akuma!"

Kid looked up as Kanda landed before them. "I'm not an Akuma, I'm a Shinigami!" He avoided the sword and jumped back. "Patty, Liz, weapon forms!"

"'Kay, Kid!" sang Patty.

Liz shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

They transformed, and Kid caught them. "If you don't step back a few feet, I'll have to kill you."

They turned into guns? thought Kanda. "I'd like to see you try, Akuma. Prepare to be slaughtered."

"For the last time, I'm a Shinigami, for crying out loud! You'd challenge a Grimm Reaper at risk of losing your soul?"

"You're not going to have my soul, you filthy murderer." And Kanda rushed forward. Kid jumped into the air, avoiding him.

"Let's go, Soul Resonance!"

"Death Cannon!" The two shots barreled towards Kanda. He sliced one in half with his sword, and narrowly missed being hit by the second. "Huh, that should have worked."

"Hey, what are you guys?" said Kanda, landing softly on his feet. "I saw those two girls turn into a pair of pistols. What are you doing here?"

"Like I said," said Allen, jumping from the gate to land next to Kanda. "They're not Akuma, Kanda. I can see that clearly."

"Sure, and what if you're wrong? You'd jeopardize the Black Order, kid. I suggest again that you not let your emotions get in the way. AGAIN."

"Hey!" said Maka. "We're lost, we don't know where we are, and we were just trying to find help. You guys just go and attack us for no reason. And for the last time, my Kid-kun is not an Akuma, he's a Shinigami!" She was ranting, and Soul had to grab her black coat to stop her from trying to kill the two boys.

"Don't you know just by looking," said Soul, "that we're students of the DWMA?"

"What's a Shinigami? And what's the DWMA? A private school?" asked Allen.

Liz sighed. "Can we get a bath please?"

"And some food!" said Black*Star.

"Can we just get inside?" asked Tsubaki. "We'd appreciate it. We'll answer your questions."

"Fine," said Komui. "Open the gate...but be careful."



"Thank you~" sang the tired group as they collapsed on the floor once they got inside.

"So, hungry..." said Black*Star.

"Tired..." whined Maka.

"Tired AND hungry," complained Patty, Liz, and Soul.

"Ya guys got anything to eat?" asked Soul.

"First answer our questions," said Komui, appearing from nowhere.

"Sure, whataya wanna know?" asked Soul. "I'm starving here!"

"First, your names would be nice," asked Lenalee. "I'm Lenalee; that grumpypuss over there with the long hair is Kanda. The friendly looking little tyke with the white hair is Allen. And this silly figure with the glasses is my brother, Komui."

Maka extended a hand. "I'm Scythe-Meister Maka Albarn. That lovable jerk with the jagged teeth and albinism is Soul Eater Evans, my Weapon Partner." She pointed to Kid. "He's Death the Kid, son of Lord Death, he's a Grimm Reaper. Those two girls are his partners, Liz and Patty, the Thompson Sisters. And—,"

"I AM THE GREAT BLACK*STAR! I am the most amazing assassin in the world! Oh, and this is my Weapon Tsubaki. I'm a Dark Arm-Technician."

"Ain't that cute?" said Lenalee. "Two albinos in one room?"

"Huh?" said Soul and Allen.

"Anyways, where did you guys come from?"

"We're from the DWMA, Death-Weapon-Meister-Academy," said Kid. "My father's school. We had to evacuate. There were too many witches to fight off. Somehow, we ended up here."

"The moon looks different here..." added Patty.

"Does it look different where you're from?" asked Allen.

"Yeah," said Soul. "It has this pretty wicked smirk all the time, and sometimes it's mouth drips blood."

"Th-that sounds scary," Allen replied.

"Not really.." said Soul. "You get used to it after seeing it all the time. Can we eat now?"

"Wait, we should see Hevlaska about you guys first," said Kumoi, who had been listening quietly the whole time.

**The Great Generals**

" I have a feeling about you children," said Kumoi, his voce echoed in the chamber ads they descended in the hover-lift. "That is why we are to see The Great Generals. And Hevlaska." he gave them a sideways glance. "Do you know of an object called Innocence?"

"What do you mean?" asked Maka.

"Innocence in essence is a strange material left by an ancient civilization which, if compatible with a person, can form into the weapons. Akuma are evil weapons with human souls trapped inside them. They kill to evolve and gain power. Exorcists use Innocence to battle Akuma. The maker of these Akuma is the Millennium Earl. His plan is to prevent us from finding Innocence in order to annihilate mankind." He smiled darkly. "Any questions?"

Soul raised his hand.

"Yes, um—Soul, is it?"

"Yeah I was wondering... What kinda hell world is this? 'Cause I sure don't understand. Lord Death would know about this, wouldn't he? He'd send us Weapons and Meisters right?"