So this is only the second fanfiction I've ever written, it's the only one I've posted here. I have plans for this, but I could always use feedback! Please enjoy!~CanvasPrincess
Roderich sat at his piano, and began to play Debussy's "Clair De Lune" a quiet piece well known to him and it seemed to suit the day. Today was dull and rainy, which made his music room feel smaller and warmer than usual. The gentle chords seemed to reflect the delicacy of the moment, and for once, the young Prussian had not been by to interrupt. Smiling to himself, he closed his eyes and played the last few notes. Feeling satisfied, he stood and went to make a cup of tea.
No sooner than he had gone to reach for the teacup, there was a loud banging on the door. Rolling his eyes, he set the cup down and went to answer it. At least he had the courtesy to knock this time. He thought sarcastically. Sighing, he heaved open the door.
"What is it now Gilbert?" Austria asked without looking at him. The Prussian leapt at him and threw his arms around him and knocked them both into the house.
"Roddy!" he giggled happily. The Austrian struggled to push away. "Get off me! You're soaking wet!" he snarled as he got up.
"Awww Roddy, why are you always so uptight? It's not like a little water's gonna hurt you," he sulked childishly. Without another word, he walked into the living room and threw himself on the couch and turned on the T.V.
"What are you thinking? You're going to get my furniture all wet, get up!" he hissed at the albino as he followed him. The other didn't move.
"Come on specs, it's not like I have any clothes to change into. Just let me hang here for a while," he replied casually.
"Next time go home! It's not like you live here!" he spat back as he returned to the kitchen to pour his tea, muttering under his breath.
Without warning, the Prussian had snuck up behind Roderich and locked his arms around his waist. Smirking, he whispered in his ear,
"I was just lonely, why are you always so mad at me? Don't you love me at all?" he pouted. Furious, the brunette slapped his hands away.
"Stop it. I never said anything about loving you. You only come here to poke fun at me and eat my food," he replied coldly as he walked down the hall to the library.
Slightly annoyed now, the Prussian stood in the hallway and called back, "So cold. Fine, I will leave. And if I don't come back, you probably won't care anyway." And he stomped out the front door, leaving it wide open.
With an aggravated sigh, the Austrian got up to close the door. Already the Prussian was out of sight. He's bluffing. He'd come back and repeat the process again tomorrow, the way he always did.
When the Prussian arrived home, he stripped down to his boxers and threw a warm blanket over himself. Gott, stupid aristocrat is such a pain in the ass sometimes. He was serious this time; he wouldn't go back to the pansy's house until he came on his hands and knees begging him to. Or better yet… the albino got a cruel idea in his head as he searched to find paper. He began furiously writing letters of just a few sentences each on several pieces of paper. Kesesese- he laughed to himself. I'm so awesome. He sat in front of his laptop writing for over an hour before he was finished.
Feeling content, he stood up smiling. He would show that pansy for kicking him out; of course, he was hurt inside from his obvious rejection, why on the hell doesn't he love the awesome me? But he was going away for a long time, and the stupid aristocrat would probably care less anyway.
"Oi, West!" he called. "I'm going to Ivan's, I'm not sure when I'll be back," he said casually.
"What? Bruder are you insane? He could kill you!" Ludwig cried back angrily. "What reason do you have for going back?" The Prussian simply smiled.
"It's not like you can stop me little bruder. I'm going back of my own accord, and if that pansy aristocrat comes asking for me, you might as well tell him I'm dead," he replied nonchalantly.
"Bruder, this isn't some kind of sick joke is it? You can't honestly be serious about going back to Ivan's?" he asked, a little less sternly now.
"I'm perfectly sure. I'm the awesome me, I can do whatever I want." He picked up his backpack off the table filled with the letters. "Bruder, thank you for looking after me, but I'm going now," he smiled almost sadly. Then he grabbed his jacket and walked out the door.
Ludwig shook his head. "Bruder, you better come back," he whispered to himself as he stood in the doorway.
That night, the Prussian snuck into the Austrians house. Skillfully and silently, he hid every one of the notes he had written in the oddest places in the house so that he wouldn't find them all at once. The last note he slipped deliberately under his glasses he had left on the nightstand. With a final look at the sleeping brunette, he climbed out the window and disappeared into the night.
When Roderich woke the next morning, he was shocked at the cold draft. Sitting up, he looked up and saw the window left wide open. That's funny, I could've sworn… he reached for his glasses, and there was a note left underneath it. Adjusting his glasses, he picked it up and read it,
Guess what priss? By the time you're done reading this, I'll probably be dead.
Aren't you lucky?
A wave of despair even colder than the November wind swept through the Austrian. At first, he truly believed it, but then regaining his composure, he dismissed it as nothing but another trick meant to scare him. But as the day went on and there was no further signs from the Prussian. He worried, and by the time night had fallen, he was slightly on edge. As he lay down to sleep, he couldn't help but leave the window open. Where on earth, could he have gone?