It has been a hellacious couple of weeks which I am not going to bother you all with the details, just know I am sorry it has taken me so long to post this. I know I was going to use the ideas from my questions I posted earlier but it just didn't work out though I loved some of the ideas. Again, sorry.

As is my usual, I have to thank the reviewers of the last chapter: greenAscandal13, Razgriz24, Winona Briggs, n3rdf1ght3r, iMaximumSeddie, Bartsim18, elizabeth567, Shadower-Sam, mrld97, SuperSumer, nightmarelover, I dunno. Kaos, TrueJackVP408, Blossom Utonium, SusieAnna97, and Fanfic-Reader-88. You all are great and I appreciated every word you wrote. Thanks to all of my silent viewer, you're quiet but I know you're out there.

This is the final chapter and I made it nice and long so I hope everyone enjoys. I had planned on stretching this out for a few more chapters but life doesn't always go as you'd like.


"I wonder what that was all about." Freddie whispers to himself as he heads back to his apartment. Telling his mother that he ate over at Carly's, he swiftly goes into his room and locks the door. Taking out his secret stash of munchies, he snacks while checking their website and the blogs before getting ready for bed.

"Tomorrow." He says happily and drifts off to sleep, dreaming of a mysterious woman hidden in shadows that he's slowly falling in love with.

Saturday morning…

The next morning Freddie wakes up to his alarm with a smile realizing the today is the day he gets to meet his mystery girl. After showering, shaving and brushing his teeth, Freddie carefully styles his hair trying to look his best. Dissatisfied with the his usual part and comb to the side, he ruffles it up a bit with his hands and checks his appearance. Liking the more casual look, he dresses in a pair of dark blue jeans and a black, long sleeve tee-shirt which he pushes the cuffs up on his forearms. After putting on his tennis shoes, he takes one last look in the mirror and walks out of his room.

"Freddie Benson! You forgot to comb your hair." His mother, Marissa, greets him as he enters the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast. "Don't worry. I'll just grab the comb and spray and take care of it for you." Not waiting for an answer, she scurries out of the kitchen for the bathroom.

Being a clever teenager, Freddie grabs the whole wheat toast off the counter runs to the front door. "Never mind, Mom. I'm going to the park!" Grabbing his keys and jacket, he throws open the door and jumps out, closing it firmly behind him. A mad dash down the hall to the elevator, which thankfully opens as soon as he hits the button, and he is safe as the elevator doors slowly close as his mom opens their front door to find him.

With a deep sigh in relief, Freddie eats the toast while riding the elevator down to the lobby. A metallic ding announces his arrival and the doors slide open to reveal their disgusting doorman snoring loudly at the front desk and drooling on the counter. Freddie tiptoes through the lobby and out the door so he doesn't wake the unpleasant man.

Outside the sun is starting to glimmer through the cloudy sky as it rises up past the horizon. There is a dampness in the air that sticks to Freddie's skin and hints at possible rain later. The soft taps of Freddie's steps are lost in the sounds of the city waking up, cars going past and stores readying for another day of work. The smell of freshly baked bread, donuts and coffee fills the air from the bakery down the street causing Freddie's stomach to rumble despite the recent snack of dry toast.

Glancing down at his wristwatch, Freddie quickly makes his way down to the bakery and the scent of heaven filling his lungs. He buys four, still warm, glazed donuts and two cappuccinos, figuring he can share with his mystery girl. Leaving the shop, he continues on his way to the park, the bag of sweet goodness in one hand and the coffee in a cardboard carrier in the other.

Finding the bench is easy enough and he is surprised to find not only a black scarf, which his assumes is the blindfold, but also a sky blue fleece blanket folded across the bench so he doesn't have to sit on a wet seat. His admirer's thoughtfulness makes him smile as he sits down on the blanket and sets the breakfast beside him. Another glance at his watch reveals that he is still ten minutes early but, clearly, his mystery girl was even earlier. Not having seen anyone when he came into the park, he decides to dig into the donuts and coffee.

A few minutes later, Freddie's stomach is satisfied but now butterflies are trying to take up residence. He nervously picks up the blindfold and ties it over his eyes with a deep breath. Within moments, he hears light footsteps padding through the damp grass towards him. "Hello?" Freddie tilts his head trying to hear more.

Two soft hands slide over the blindfold from behind, making sure it covers Freddie's eyes. He raises his own hands and wraps them over her much smaller ones, desperate for some kind of connection. "Hello?"

"Hello." A feminine whisper tickles his left ear and the scent of vanilla wafts by his nose. Freddie's hands still holding hers, she lifts them to walk around the bench and sit down. The silence expands as Freddie takes in the feel of her delicate hands, rubbing the smooth skin with his thumbs.

"I brought some donuts and a cappuccino for you, if you want them." Freddie releases one hand to feel for the containers on his other side, accidentally hitting the coffee holder and knocking it to the ground. "Well, I did bring you a coffee." He grumbles, upset with his clumsiness.

"That's okay. I really didn't need the caffeine anyway." She whispers to him, a hint of laughter in her voice. "Thanks for bringing me breakfast."

"You're welcome." Freddie hands over the bag containing the last two donuts. "I hope you like glazed."

"They're donuts. Of course I like them. Who doesn't like donuts?" Freddie can almost hear her roll her eyes at him and he grins as she lets go of his hand to reach for the bag.

"Actually, a lot of girls won't touch them. They worry about their figures, I guess." Realizing what he might have implied with that comment, he flinches internally before continuing. "Personally, I like a girl that can eat without constantly adding up the calories in her head. Eating healthy is important but where's the fun if you can't indulge every once in a while."

"Nice save." The girl next to him giggles softly before savoring the sugary donuts. "It doesn't get much better than fresh donuts. I can think of a few things but not many."

"Definitely my kind of girl." Freddie quips causing her to laugh quietly again.

"How can you be so sure?" His mystery girl whispers after finishing the last of her donuts. "What if I'm hideous? Or fat? Or have a mole the size of New Jersey on my nose?"

"Hideous… I doubt it but looks are only skin deep. Fat…same goes." Pausing to think, Freddie tilts his head to the side. "As for the mole the size of New Jersey… do you? If so, I'm betting Sam and Carly would love to put you on our show. Sam is crazy about stuff like that. She practically worships the World's Fattest Priest so I can only imagine what she would do with the World's Largest Mole."

"Alright, I give in." She laughs a little louder and Freddie feels a niggling of recognition but its quickly gone. "I wouldn't call myself hideous, I'm not fat just average and I don't have the glory of having the largest mole in the world. In fact, I'd have to say there isn't much that stands out for me in my looks."

"I'm sure that's not true." Freddie smiles then grimaces in frustration. "Obviously I can't tell what you look like with this blindfold but it doesn't really matter as I know there is beauty in just about everyone. Take Sam for example. I know most comment on how gorgeous Carly is and there is no denying it but, next to her, people forget about Sam which I find odd. You don't hear people talking about her long, golden hair or big blue eyes yet they are beautiful. Just because you don't see it or others don't acknowledge it doesn't mean it isn't real." The quiet after his speech is deafening and worries Freddie as it continues on for a long time. "You are still here right? I'm not just talking to myself?"

Freddie feels a hand cup his cheek to turn his face where the other hand is waiting so they frame his face. "What the hell am I going to do with you?" His mystery girl sighs in exasperation as he, once again, manages to say the perfect thing. Pulling his face down, she tentatively places her lips against his and then a bit more forcefully as he responds.

Freddie is shocked at first but relaxes and kisses her back. Delicious tingles spread from his lips and shoot through his body as he wraps his arms around her narrow waist to pull her closer. Gliding his hands up her back to tangle in her familiar curls, he tilts his head and parts his lips to deepen the kiss, tasting her as he has wanted to do for a very long time. Her hands lower to his chest taking fistfuls of his shirt to keep him close. Breaking apart to breath, Freddie lifts her onto his lap and leans his forehead against hers.

"At the risk of a broken arm, do you think we could take the blindfold off now Sam?" Freddie nuzzles against her throat as he feels her tense up.

"What?" She barely whispers, afraid she heard him correctly.

"Sam, I know it's you." Freddie smiles and kisses her stunned lips. "I know your laugh, I know your kiss and you taste of donuts and ham." He kisses her again. "So, do you think we can remove the blindfold?"

After a disgruntled sigh, Sam whips the fabric off his eyes. Blinded by the sudden light, it takes Freddie a moment to see her blushing face clearly and to notice her frustrated expression. Settling her closer on his lap, he brushes the hair away from her face. "Alright, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Sam crosses her arms in front of her. "I was having fun driving you crazy with this secret admirer stuff and you had to go and ruin it with your dorky cleverness." She hits him on the shoulder but there's no real force behind it.

"Maybe, but this is so much better." Freddie pulls her in for another deep kiss, thrilling at the feel of her in his arms.

"You know this doesn't change anything, right?" Sam says breathlessly, her eyes still closed from the kiss.

"Yes, it does Sam." Freddie kisses his way to her ear. "This changes everything and there's nothing you are going to do to stop it."

"There isn't?" Sam raises her eyebrows at him in challenge but Freddie just smiles at her.

"There isn't." Taking one of her hands, he laces their fingers together and brings them up to kiss the back of her hand. "You are not going to fight it, argue about it or back out of it. You are my girl. End of discussion."

Sam's eyes widen at his forceful tone and spark in excitement. "Standing up to Mama. I think I like it." She grins and pulls his face down to hers in a heated kiss where they duel for dominance and Freddie wins. Sam pulls away and licks her swollen lips. "No, I think I love it."

"How about we go get a smoothie and head over to Carly's?" Freddie smiles down at her, loving the dazed look in her eyes. Sam nods her head and stands up to wait while Freddie disposes of their bags, shoves the blindfold in the pocket of his jacket and folds up of the blanket over one arm. He laces the fingers of his free hand through hers and they walk out of the park toward the Groovy Smoothie.

Walking into their favorite hangout, they find it mostly empty due to the early hour. Freddie orders four smoothies to-go (one each for him, Sam, Carly and Spencer) and refuses to buy the breakfast burrito on a stick which has sausage and egg falling out of it onto the ground. After paying for the smoothies, he hands one to Sam and carries the rest out in a cardboard container.

"Does Carly know?" Freddie asks as they walk hand-in-hand down the sidewalk.

"Yep." Sam grins at her sneakiness. "How do you think I was able to get those letters into your locker all the time or get your's without you finding out who I was? By the way, I knew exactly what those spy glasses of your's were for."

"You made sure I saw Carly putting a note in my locker, didn't you?" Freddie stares at her, impressed. "Did you guys even help Spencer that day or was it all a ruse?"

"Strangely enough, we did help Spencer but it made for the perfect excuse to put something in your locker." Delighted with fooling him, Sam laughs. "Carly just put two letters in your locker instead of one."

"Did she read any of them?" Freddie blushes at the thought.

"No." Sam rolls her eyes. "She refused to help me with mine and refused to read either of ours saying it was personal chiz and stuff. Plus, she was going to have a hard enough time keeping it a secret without reading the particulars. I didn't even tell her about today. She's been kind of distractedly lately anyway, so I didn't want to bother her."

"What's got her bothered?" Freddie asks in concern.

"Don't know. Been busy with us and figured she'd tell me when she was ready. It can't be bad since I keep seeing her with this vacant, dopey smile on her face. I think it's probably some dude that's got her all giggly." Sam slurps down the smoothie and tosses the cup in a nearby trash can as they enter the building.

Inside the elevator, Sam lets go of Freddie's hand and grips the front of his jacket to pull him down for a long, slow kiss. Dropping the smoothies, which thankfully land right side up, Freddie wraps his hands around her waist and tugs her closer. Neither of them hear the elevator ding or the doors sliding open but both jump at the sudden screeching coming from the other side.

"Hey Mom." Freddie says after recognizing the shocked person before them. He picks up the still intact smoothies and walks by his mother, calming kissing her cheek. "Have a good day at work."

Sam follows behind him into Carly's apartment, almost as shocked as Mrs. Benson at his handling of the situation. Distracted by what just happened, she doesn't notice that Freddie has stopped just inside the door and runs into the solid wall of his back. She catches herself on the doorframe, keeping from falling onto the hard floor. "Why'd you stop?"

"I think I know what's been distracting Carly." Freddie whispers from in front of her.

"What?" Sam looks around his shoulder and gasps in surprise. "No way."

There, cuddled up on the couch, are Carly and Gibby. Gibby is slouched down with his head laying back on the back cushion and his feet propped up on the coffee table. Carly is laying across his lap with her legs stretched out on the couch, her head resting on Gibby's chest. Their arms are wrapped around each other and they are sound asleep.

"I think maybe we should hang out at my place today." Freddie whispers as he pulls Sam out the door and across the hall. The rest of the weekend they spend together getting used to the new dynamic of their relationship. They saw Carly briefly later that day as she ran out her door yelling that she is going to busy all weekend and she would see them Monday in school.

Monday morning the school is in a state of shock as Gibby and Carly walk down the hall to their lockers holding hands and staring adoringly into each other's eyes. Standing near her locker, Sam laughs at the strange looks on everyone's faces having decided to be happy for her best friend.

"Um, hey S-sam." Carly tears her gaze away from Gibby.

"Hey Carls. What up Gibster?" Sam nods her head in Gibby's direction and smiles at Carly before opening her locker to throw her backpack inside.

Carly smiles in return knowing that she has Sam's approval. "Thanks Sam." Carly whispers and gives the blonde a quick hug.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Sam brushes it off and buries her head in her locker trying find the stash of beef jerky. "Save it for your shirtless wonder."

"Morning Princess Pucket." Freddie's familiar voice reaches her ears and she turns around with a smirk as he continues. "What is everyone gossiping about today? About six different conversations stopped as I walked by on my way here."

"Carly and Gibby came out this morning. Guess it surprised a few people." Pulling out her books for the morning, Sam shrugs her shoulders. "Should be interesting when they find out about us."

"Really?" Freddie smirks evilly as an appealing idea comes to him.

"What is going on in that dorky little mind of yours?" Looking into Freddie's eyes, Sam catches on and mirrors his smirk. "Mama likes the way you think. This'll shock the hell out of them."

"Now?" Freddie drops his bag on the floor and takes a step closer, his eyes staring at her soft lips.

"Now." Sam grabs Freddie by the collar of his navy sweater and pulls him swiftly to her, planting her lips on his. Freddie, not to be outdone, grabs her by the waist and pushes her roughly up against the lockers, devouring her mouth with soul stealing kisses. Within seconds both have completely forgotten their audience and surroundings, not hearing the clatter of dropped books or the hiss of gasps filling the air. They are lost in each other, only caring about the person in their arms and the searing warmth heating their bodies.

"Break it up!" A nasty, nasally voice startles them apart and they look over to find one of the meanest teachers yelling at them. She's surrounded by half the student body looking dumbstruck. "Get to class or it'll be detention for both of you!" She stomps off down the hall pushing through several gaping teenagers.

"Guess that's our cue." Freddie smiles affectionately down at Sam and picks up his bag. "Ready to go?"

"Just a sec." Walking over to Carly, Sam gently nudges her friend's mouth closed and pats her on the head. Taking Freddie's outstretched hand, the two walk down the hall with wide smirks on their faces as their fellow students part to let them through, no one saying a word. Two steps into the classroom, they hear a loud, excited screech that sounds a lot like Carly followed closely by groans of disgust and cheers of 'Seddie!' Freddie and Sam laugh as they sit down at their desks in the back of the room, satisfied that they managed to freak out the entire school.

"That rocked." Freddie grins and leans towards his blonde headed demon girlfriend.

"Better than bacon." Sam agrees and leans towards her nubbish techie boyfriend.

Their lips meet in the middle of the aisle for a sweet, blissful minute just as the bell rings signaling the start of class. Pulling away, they turn to find the rest of the class, including the teacher, staring at them.

"Mind your own freaking business." Sam growls at them and everyone turns around suddenly, not wanting to get on her bad side.

"Sam." Freddie rolls his eyes at her then laughs. "What am I going to do with you?"

"I have a few ideas." Sam whispers and winks at him. "You know you love me."

"Yeah." Freddie sighs. "I really do."

To answer a few questions I know some of you are thinking: yes, I had planned on it being Sam the whole time. There is nothing wrong with the Freddie/Carly combination. I just happen to think Freddie and Sam are more dynamic and interesting. I hope everyone enjoyed it regardless of whether you follow Seddie, Creddie or any other combination. Thanks for reading.

Please review and let me know your thoughts and how you liked/loved/hated it.
