Wow, I am just busting these out now, aren't I? This is the last update from Dark Light, and I'm not going to be making a sequel. This chapter is about how Jez finds her biological family (a chapter about Jez I've been wanting to do for a while). Hope you all enjoy the final chapter, thanks for reading!

Jez's POV

In all of my years, I had never felt nervous. I had faced a coven of vicious vampires, a circle of bloodthirsty dark witches, felt the darkest fear, and never blinked. I had almost lost the man who meant the most to me, but I never wavered.

Today, I felt nervous.

The police station wasn't very imposing, just a simple brick building, with regular men and women running it, trying to keep the city of Pismo Beach, California, a little safer.

I gripped the flyer in my hand tighter; it was what had led me here. Seth was waiting for me at the hotel. He had understood that this was a journey I had to make on my own.

I walked into the building. It was bustling with activity, and I couldn't find any source of the chaos. Instead of finding a secretary, I just grabbed the nearest man in uniform.

"Excuse me sir, but do you know where I can find Detective Moore?" I asked politely.

He looked taken aback for a moment, then said, "Sure, his office is over here."

He led me to a small, cluttered office, where a man in his late forties sat behind a desk, working at a dilapidated computer.

"Hey, Peter, this girl asked for you," my guide said, and walked away.

"Thanks," Detective Peter Moore said to the man's retreating figure. "How can I help you?"

My nerves doubled. "Well, this flyer said to contact you about the missing girl."

I handed him the flyer, and his eyebrows rose into his hairline. His attention immediately refocused completely on me. "Do you have information about the case?"

"Um, no. I think… I think she's me," I said shakily. Ugh, how do other people deal with this kind of anxiety?

"What makes you think that?" Moore asked.

"My name is Jezebel, I look just like the girl in this photo, and I'm fairly certain I was kidnapped at the age of five," I said succinctly.

"Why do you think you were kidnapped? Do you have any evidence?"

"No evidence. Just my own memory," I said. Would he believe me? To say I had an unbelievable story would be an understatement.

"What do you remember?" He was interested, at least. But I had a feeling he would give me the benefit of the doubt.

"My father, my mother, my sister, and I were at the beach. An old woman approached me… I don't remember what she said exactly, but she was trying to convince me to go with her while my parents were getting snacks. My older sister tried to get me away, but… the woman grabbed my arm, and dragged me away. I lived with her and her cult until I was twenty."

Moore looked shocked.

"My sister… I think her name was Lizzie. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, but otherwise she looked like me, I think," I added.

"Yeah," Moore said. "Yeah, I think you're Jezebel Greenwood, too."

"Sooo… what now?" I asked.

"Well, that's up to you. If you want to find and press charges against your kidnappers, we'll try to put a case together," Moore said.

There was just one problem with that: my captors were all dead. They had been for months now. It had taken that long for me to fully recover from my injuries, but I came back. With Seth and my coven's help, of course.

"Is it okay if I don't?" I asked.

Moore smiled. "I had a feeling you wouldn't want to. But yeah, I'm actually kind of glad you don't. The evidence in that case would be circumstantial at best, and the testimony of a young woman who barely remembers her family… yeah, thanks for not doing that."

"No problem. But… I would like to meet my family. Do you know where they are right now?" I asked tentatively, hoping against hope that he knew.

Moore smiled another sad smile. "They never left this town. They're only about a fifteen minute drive from here."

I could feel my eyes widen. Was I really that close?

"Come on," Moore said as he groaned out of his chair. "I'll call to see if they're home, and we'll go see them right now."

I left the cramped room before he got on the phone. I texted Seth quickly to let him know what had happened so far – and what was going to happen. He had understood my need to do this alone; I knew he was still supporting me.

"You ready to go?" Moore's voice cut through Seth's ecstatic answering text.

"Let's do it!" I said excitedly.

As we got in his unmarked Crown Victoria, he told me what his short telephone conversation had gleaned. My mother and sister were home; my father was still at work. Moore had told my mother that he was coming over to talk about the case, that there had been a break. Apparently, every year, on the anniversary of my disappearance, my parents would talk to Moore to check in. This was the first time they would get good news.

Moore had been right about the length of the drive. Before I knew it, I was standing before a simple off-white house in a nice suburb. A simple Honda sedan sat in the driveway; clearly, my taste for cars had not come from my mother.

My nerves reached their breaking point when Moore knocked on the door. But my excitement, and my desperate need to know where I had come from, won.

"You've got nothing to worry about. They've been waiting for this day for a long time," Moore said quietly.

I took a deep breath, and let the nerves and anxiety flow from me. Whatever happened here today, I would always have Seth, and my coven. The family I had built for myself.

The door opened, and I was looking at a middle-aged woman with wavy blonde hair and big blue eyes. Her eyes met mine, and tears started to appear.

"D-d-detective…" she stuttered out, looking from Moore to me, and back again.

"Hi, Mom," I said quietly.

My mother's lip quivered, and suddenly she launched herself at me, holding me and crying and howling my name. I held her just as tightly.

Before the storm, I would have been able to hold both of us up, no problem. But my muscles were still a little weak, and we both collapsed to the ground, still holding one another and crying.

"Mom!" a female voice gasped.

We looked up to see a much younger version of my mother standing in the doorway.

"Hi, Lizzie," I greeted her with a huge smile.

Suddenly, Lizzie was squealing and crying and landing on top of us on the ground, in what she probably thought was a group hug. I tried not to cry from sheer joy, but watching Moore knuckle away a tear didn't help.

Eventually, we picked ourselves off the ground and went inside, where my mother called my father to tell him to get his ass home this second. I told them where I had been (for the most part; it had been Nessie's idea to say I had been kidnapped by a Satanic women's cult), and how I had escaped and made a new life for myself, and finally recalled the memory that brought me back to Southern California.

My reunion with my father was quieter than the one with my mother and sister. He simply held me, and let a few silent tears escape. I couldn't help but notice I got my auburn hair and tall, slender frame from him.

"Well, I have some more good news," I said later that day. "I'm engaged. The wedding is in three months in Washington, and I was hoping the three of you could –"

"Of course we'll be there!" Lizzie interrupted happily. "When do we get to meet him?"

"Well, he's technically waiting for me at the hotel. I could –"

"Ohmygod call him and get him here now!" Lizzie demanded. "I didn't just get my sister back, I'm getting a brother-in-law too! Does he have brothers?"

I couldn't help but smile as I dialed Seth's cell number. A tiny vision entered my mind, one where I was introducing my family to my coven… and Collin was staring at my sister with wide eyes and an adoring smile.

"Yeah, Seth has brothers…"

I just had to give Collin his happy ending, too. I've tied up all of the loose strings in this story (mostly; Leah and her hawk man are still up in the air, but you all know me well enough to know they get their happy ending), and it's time to start anew. Thank you all for reading and taking this journey with me; you have no idea how much it has meant to me.

If you really want to make my day, tell me what you thought of this story in a review, and I'll try to get the first chapter of "Love Like Fire" up as soon as possible! Thanks again!