A/N: Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've wrote anything. My Royai obsession kinda died….xD (I still like it, just not as obsessed as I was). Anyways, this is sort of based off a dream I had. I dreamt that I fell into the FMA world, but it was all blurry. I remember trying to get Roy and Riza together…lol. So I turned it into this. No, my name isn't really Bronwyn, I just decided to use the name. Other than that she's still basically me.

There might be some spoilers in here for the manga (and episode 37 of the old anime), so beware.

Disclaimer: The only thing I own in this story is the plot and Bronwyn, along with any other OC's that might be in here. FMA does not belong to me (it really hurts to type that…).



A voice broke into my beautiful sleep, making me groan.

"Whaisit?" I grumbled, still half-asleep as I forced myself to sit up.

"Just what do you think you're doing, sleeping outside Central HQ!" The voice demanded loudly, making me open my eyes. Central HQ? I wondered blankly as I blinked the sleepiness out of my dark brown eyes.

The sight before me made me even more confused.

Looming over me were two, tall young men in navy blue military uniforms that rang a bell in my head, although I couldn't figure out where I recognized them from. A quick sweep around told me that I was sitting outside the walls of some huge building. Purple and orange were streaked across the sky, which told me it was roughly around five or six.

"Uhh…" was all I could manage as I stood, brushing the dirt off my skinny jeans.

"You on drugs or something, kid?" the blond man asked, gazing at me with disgust.

"No!" I snapped irritably. I was really not in the mood for comments such as that.

The other guy snorted is disbelief and grabbed be by the arm roughly, dragging me along "C'mon, kid. You can sort this out with the Colonel."


I tried to think of what I would tell the Colonel as the officers dragged me through the building's long halls, but I was too confused to come up with anything. Instead, I tried remembering how I ended up in this weird mess. I remembered coming home from one of my friends' house, exhausted. I remember we went walking for a long time around the neighborhood or something like that. Then I remembered flopping down onto the couch, not bothering to take my shoes off and….then what?

Oh, I thought suddenly I must've fallen asleep. But…I know for sure that this isn't a dream. Dreams aren't this vivid and real. So what the hell happened!

But I wasn't given any more time to think as the officers turned sharply into a room (or an office), the dark-brown haired man still gripping my arm, and not exactly gently if I may add.

The office was pretty nice, I guess, as far as offices go. There were five men and one woman. Four of the men—a blond smoker, a young man with black hair and glasses, a portly red-headed man, and a guy with squinty eyes and gray hair—sat at desks in the middle of the room, while the other man sat at the back of the room. This guy's desk was big. The Colonel (at least that's who I assumed he was) was currently bent over his desk, signing a paper. His hair was raven-black and messy. A serious-looking blond woman stood at his side, her hair clipped up in a tight bun.

And then, all of a sudden, just like that, it clicked. The uniforms were familiar because I had, in fact, seen them before.

In an anime.

In Fullmetal Alchemist.

The names came to me in a flash; Jean Havoc, Kain Fuery, Heymans Breda, Vato Falman, Roy Mustang, and Riza Hawkeye.

However, though, I tried not to let any recognition show on my face as the officer shoved me in front of him, causing the Colonel to look up at me. I mean, I had no idea how I would explain what the hell an anime was to them, let alone how they were a part of one. So I decided to just play dumb and gazed back innocently at the Colonel.

"We found this girl sleeping outside HQ," the blond man behind me growled "And we thought her temper should be put in check."

Confusion flashed in the Colonel's onyx eyes briefly before he waved a hand "Alright, I'll deal with her. Go back to your posts."

The two officers did as they were told and left, closing the door behind them.

"Who are you?"

I blinked and looked down at my feet nervously as the Colonel questioned me, all eyes on me.

Shit, I thought, frantically trying to come up with something now as he repeated himself "Answer me; who are you?"

"I need your help," I blurted out finally, looking up at him.

He blinked, studying me carefully now "With what?"

"Uhhh…er…" I was panicking now, racking my brain for ideas "I have no idea how I got here." That was true, after all.

Okay. Bad approach. Now they were all looking at me like I was on drugs.

"Um, what year is it?" I asked. Now I knew what to do. Technically, I had gone back in time. Well, and traveled to a completely different world, but whatever.

"1912, why?" (A/N: I'm not entirely sure on the year….) The Colonel answered, looking seriously concerned and confused now.

I made my eyes widen as large as I could, my entire body going rigid. It was at this moment that I thanked myself for taking drama in school.

"Oh God…" I muttered, my voice trembling "Oh no…no no no no no….." I sped up my breathing a little bit, too.

"What is it?" Mustang asked, concern in his voice, along with a hint of confusion.

"Umm…you might not believe me when I say this, but…I'm from the future." I told him, silently adding And an entirely different world.

For a moment, the entire room was silent.

Until Havoc and Breda burst out laughing, that is.

"Yeah," Havoc laughed "And pigs fly!"

"I'm serious!" I snapped in frustration "One minute I was napping on my couch at home, and the next thing I know two officers are waking me up!"

"Okay, okay," Mustang said. I was surprised to see he was still calm, even looking a little interested in what I'd just told him. "What year is it, then? Where you're from, I mean."

"2010, sir," I told him in all honesty.




"Uhh….the first?"

He stared at me for a moment longer before turning to Hawkeye "Lt., take her down to the mess hall and get something to eat."

"Yes, sir," she said, walking over to me and leading me out the door.

"Oh," the Colonel added before we left "And if anyone asks, she's your niece. We'll interrogate her further once you're done."

The Lt. nodded before closing the door and guiding me down the hallway.

"So," she said after a while "What's your name?"

"Bronwyn. But Bryn is fine," I responded quietly. I wasn't exactly sure what to say. Riza was my favorite character in the anime (next to Roy, of course) and I knew that she and I were very much alike. But that didn't change the fact that I absolutely suck at socializing.

"I'm First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye. You may call me Riza."

Okay, so we're on a first-name basis. But I can tell she's only being friendly to calm my nerves. Not that I care, though. My nerves are pretty haywire at the moment.

There's silence after that, and we don't speak again until we get to the mess hall. It was surprisingly empty. Some part of me felt relieved about that; I'd probably just end up causing a scene, what with my colorful clothing.

"What do you want to eat?" Riza's voice broke me out of my thoughts and I looked up at her.

"Uh, a sandwich?" I'm not too picky when it comes to food.

"Turkey or ham?"

"Turkey," I told her with a dismissive wave of my hand. The previous silence ensues once again, but this time my thoughts are more focused on how the hell I managed to get here. I began to panic when I wondered if maybe I died in my sleep or something. THAT would be bad. My palms began to sweat and my hands trembled as the usually do when I'm scared. I wasn't worried before. I thought I must've been dreaming. But now it's clear that this wasn't a dream at all.

I moved over to the nearest table (which reminded me of the ones in the cafeteria when I went to middle school) and sat down, my movements all clumsy. I needed to think. Get a grip, Bryn, My mind yelled at me You're being ridiculous! Even though I know the little voice is probably right, I can't help but worry. What if I'm stuck here? What if I can never get home? What if I never get to see my friends and family again? What if—


I jumped in my seat, my heart pounding. I looked up to see Riza gazing at me with concern and the sandwich I had asked for on a small glass plate.

"You alright?" she asked with a small frown.

I stared up at her for a moment before looking down at my sandwich and nodding. "I…I'm fine. Really."

Riza stood there for a moment. She looked as though she was deciding whether to question me further or not, and obviously went for the later when she sat down across from me while I munched on my sandwich.

"Look," she began, and from the sound of her voice, (I'd experienced it with my mother) I knew she was about to go all spappy on me. "I know….you're frightened. You're worried. But we will find a way to get you home. I promise." I swallowed my food and looked up. Riza gave me a small, reassuring smile when I did.

I said nothing in response and continued to eat until a little more than half of the sandwich was gone. That was when things started getting weird.