
Hidden in an abandoned warehouse just outside the city, the Huntsclan was busily preparing, reprogramming, and refurbishing their new lair.

Upon a group decision, the Huntsclan had found it best to leave their original lair. If they were going to plot their return, it would be much too obvious a place to do so. The Huntsman was almost certain that his former Huntsgirl had already leaked the location to the American Dragon. At the time, moving was the most logical thing to do.

It had been over a year since they had last showed their faces in public. They hadn't been back to the city since the day of their filthy dragon master's downfall. It was just too risky. They had only just changed locations a few months ago, and they had absolutely no intentions of switching again anytime soon.

They were just now starting to make progress. Connecting computers and other devices, receiving internet access, and many other things were being worked on at the current moment.

Other members of the Huntsclan were working on things like cleaning and organizing. When first entering the abandoned building a couple months prior, it had been a total disaster, and the smell had been nearly unbearable. Over the past couple of weeks, a lot of housekeeping had been completed. Cobwebs had been removed, broken boards had been fixed, and the thick layer of dust that had previously covered the floor was completely gone.

They had come a long ways in the past few months, in both organization and plot.

The crystal skull plan had backfired on them big time. The Huntsman didn't know how he could've missed the major flaws of the plan beforehand. He hadn't even stopped to think about what would've happened if the skulls had ended up in the hands of his enemy.

Of course, despite the obvious flaws, the plan would have gone smoothly if it hadn't been for Huntsgirl. The traitorous wretch would pay someday. He would have his revenge.

It mattered little anymore though, as he had found himself a new Huntsgirl. Though he could barely even remember her real name, she was very skillful in her fighting techniques and forms. Had he known how much talent she truly possessed, he would have replaced the old Huntsgirl with her years ago.

He wasn't quite sure yet how or when they would return. There was still much more to plan and do organizationally before he could even think about what their next move would be.

It could take a long time to come up with a plan. Unlike the last time, the Huntsman intended to be very careful in making the plan flawless.

All he knew for sure was that Huntsgirl was going to pay deeply for her treachery. Her and that dragon both.


Yay that sequel is up. ^_^ here is the prologue...i'll post the first chapter tomorrow night. Here's the thing: since i'm in school and a bit busier than i was over the summer, i'm updating this once a week...on fridays. I'm posting another fanfic within the next couple of weeks too, and that will be updated on tuesdays i believe. I'd have to check my calender to be sure on that.

I'm not at all where i'd like to be writing this so far, but i've been working on more than one fanfic remember :)

So anyways, update tomorrow, chapters already finished so its for sure. I'm kind of depressed that updates are really slow from everyone right now so hopefully getting this fanfic out there will make this next month go a little bit faster.

Thanks for your support!
