Title: Undercover Lover

Rating: K+

Disclaimer: I do not own Rizzoli & Isles or anything related to it.

Notes: So, this fic is for Seph. Firstly cause she kept telling me to write it and kept going all "nooo" throughout my process of writing it and secondly to make her happy :)

And actually this fic is not a Oneshot for once lol.

Chapter 1

"You're coming with me!" Jane stated, quite convinced of her idea. She had, after all, worked on her plan for some time now. All she had to do now was make her friend agree. I just won't leave her any other chance, Jane thought.

"No, Jane!" the blond Medical Examiner countered. Jane hadn't expected that reaction when she came up with her plan. She thought that the blond would agree to help her out when she asked her. They were friends after all.

"Yeeeees, Doctor Isles!" Jane's gestures, emphasising what she just said, made her hands practically fly through the air. She was trying hard to demonstrate to her friend that it was really important that she could call her her partner on this one.

"Why do you want me to come with you anyway? Why don't you just take Frost? Or Korsak?" Maura asked her arms entangled in front of her chest. She had a point there and she knew it. The brunette knew that Maura could be really stubborn if she wanted to but she didn't think she would be that stubborn. It was just a mission she needed her friend's help for since she couldn't do it alone.

"Because the victim was a lesbian," the homicide detective mumbled, not wanting to bring the topic up again. Jane hoped that Maura understood what she said but was pulled back to reality when the woman in front of her asked her to repeat what she just said.

"So, why don't you take a female cop with you?"

"Because I couldn't trust them like... you know!" Jane replied. The way she said it reminded Maura why she used to tell the detective that she was like a squirmy six year old. At first she'd thought that it was only about her clothes but she happened to notice that sort of behaviour again and again even when they were talking about different topics.

A pleading expression took over Jane's face when she was trying to make eye contact with her friend, who clearly avoided it.

"Oh come on, Maura! Pleeaaaaase!" the brunette kept pleading, almost jumping up and down in front of her friend. She was indeed behaving like a squirmy six year old. Oh god, she was right when she said I'm behaving like a child, Jane thought to herself, shock and understanding slowly taking over her brain when she heard the blond answer.

"Alright, Jane, I'll come with you. Just, explain what we gotta do there," The M.E. gave in, sat down on the couch and took one of the pillows in her arms as if she needed it for protection.

The female Detective sat down next to her, desperately trying to hide her joy. She had already spoken to Korsak and Frost about her plan. Both of them agreed on the fact that it was probably the best idea to let Jane and Maura do the mission, given their undeniable chemistry. After all, it had to look somewhat authentic if they wanted to do their job right.

Just when Jane was about to tell Maura where their mission would take place, her phone rang.

"Ugh, Rizzoli," the brunette sighed in her phone as soon as she picked it up.

"Am I interrupting something, Rizzoli?" her ex-partner Korsak asked, not even trying to hide the amusement in his voice.

"Uhm... no," she told him while she was trying to mimic Maura that it was Korsak she was talking to. Although, all she got was a puzzled and confused look from her usually so intelligent friend.

"Are you okay over there?" Korsak asked even though he knew that short answers were normal for Jane.

"Yeah don't worry, I was just talking to Doctor Isles about the plan" she explained while running through her apartment in need for a piece of paper and a pen so she could tell Maura who she was talking to. After her first try to tell her without words failed she didn't want to interrupt Korsak's rather fluent monologue.

When she finally found a pen to write on the paper, Maura was nowhere to be seen. Confusion overtook Jane for a few seconds.

"Jane? Jane are you still there?" her ex-partner asked slightly worried.

"Yeah, Korsak, don't worry. I just gotta go now, I'll tell you everything tomorrow!" the brunette told him, about to hang up.

"Wait, did she agree to go with you?"

"She did." Jane stated.

"Wow, you really know how to convince people." Korsak started before he realised that they both knew that before. They said their goodbyes and hang up.

Just when the Homicide Detective put down her phone and was about to start to search for her friend, the M.E. appeared in her living room again.

"Sorry, I got a call and I didn't want to disturb yours so I went to another room," Maura explained and sat down on the couch again.

Jane nodded and let herself fall onto the couch as well.

"Alright, let's continue the explanation," Jane started and explained the last important details to her partner, who listened carefully and didn't even try to interrupt her.

Slowly the explanation changed into a normal conversation about work and yoga class. After their double date, Maura's attempt to hook up Jane with a guy from yoga class, both women couldn't get enough of jokes about that poor guy. Jorge, or how Jane always pronounced it, Whorehay, was, as it turned out, a male nurse who wanted to be a stay-home daddy. A good enough reason to joke about him, they thought.

As their conversation eventually came to an end, Maura stood up and grabbed her stuff. Jane escorted her to the door and opened it for her friend.

"So, uhm I pick you up tomorrow and we'll drive there together? That okay?" the brunette asked and got a positive reply from her friend in from of a simple nod.

Jane locked the door after her friend left, fed her dog Joe and went straight to bed.


reviews make my day - next chapter should be up soonish :D