Disclaimer: So I obviously do not own anyone from Harry Potter. I tried to rent some of them but my request was denied. *tears*

A/N: I just wanted to thank everyone who decided to favorite and follow this story. It really means a lot to me because I know that it takes me while to update, so thank you all so much. Just a heads up for those who haven't figured it out yet, the main pairing in this story will be HG/DM there will be GW/BZ and SS/HP on the side. So I hope you enjoy and let's go on a wild ride together~

Draco scowled sitting at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, his gaze was focused on the Gryffindor table; more specifically a certain curly haired Head girl, who was chatting with the Weaselette seemingly oblivious to the intense stare that was directed towards her. He was staring so fiercely at her that he didn't even noticed that Blaise sat down on the bench next to him.

"What's up Dray?"

Draco pulled himself from his staring and turned to his best friend. "Oh Blaise, my dear wonderful friend."

"No." Blaise stated flatly to Draco.

"You don't even know what I was going to say." Draco pouted.

"The answer's no. I know your face and just no. I'm not getting involved in this, besides you need to grovel a bit." Blaise took a sip of his juice and watched as Draco scowled darkly at him.

"You are my friend! You're supposed to be on my side."

"Yes I am your friend Dray but I am not getting involved. She is my friend too and you know that you are in the wrong." Blaise argued before rising and making his way over to the Gryffindor table, ignoring the stare burning into the back of his head.

Draco sighed despondently, rising from the Slytherin table and making his way out of the Great Hall. He began making his way to Charms when it happened. He was just turning the corner when he was grabbed and dragged into an empty alcove. He glared at his assailant who was glaring at him with vivid green eyes.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"I thought I told you not to hurt Mione, I believe I made it perfectly clear. Do I need to remind you that I killed one of the darkest wizards around?" Harry glared, pressing his wand into Draco's neck and smirked when the blonde paled exponentially.

"What is going on here?" A silky voice came from behind Harry who shivered before turning to face the owner of the sinfully silky drawl. Professor Snape was looking down at him, making Harry silently curse his lack of height yet again, examining him thoughtfully before turning his attention to Draco who was starting to squirm uncomfortably. Snape's face became impassive. "Draco."

"Hi Uncle Sev," Draco looked at his godfather in confusion as he noticed the cold mask slip into place. "Could you call off Potter?"

"I'm not a dog, you pompous prat!" Harry growled, muttering a quiet spell and Draco Malfoy disappeared, leaving a pale pink Pomeranian in his place. He nodded, satisfied with himself and turned back towards Snape, who was staring at the yipping dog with amusement and horror.

"I see your spell work has improved since you left Hogwarts. Is that due to Hermione or Auror training?" Severus wanted to smirk when he saw Potter blush and smile sheepishly.

"A little bit of both actually, but mostly Mione. She wouldn't let up on me at all over the summer. She was under the impression that something dangerous was going to happen to me. I don't know where she could ever get that idea. Nothing exciting ever happens to me." Harry smiled devilishly and his jaw dropped when he noticed the very slight flush that adorned Snape's face, he was about to comment on it when he felt a set of sharp teeth latch on to his ankle.


Severus watched, slack jawed as Harry jumped around with the pink Pomeranian attached to his leg, for a few minutes before taking pity on the poor fool. He grabbed Harry by his arm to hold him still and roughly removed the pink puff ball from his ankle. Holding the Draco puppy by the scruff of his neck, he brought him to eye level and glared at him.

"Bad Draco. Very bad dog. Very bad."

Puppy Draco growled at him before yelping as Severus flicked his nose in reprimand. Draco stared at his godfather incredulously as Harry roared with laughter in the background. Severus actually flicked his nose like he was a dog; technically he is a dog but only for the moment! He glared at Severus, silently promising retribution for the humiliation he was being put through. He quickly moved his glare to Harry when he noticed a hand moving towards his head. He growled again only to be stopped when Severus flicked his nose once again.

"No. Bad Draco." Severus smirked and dropped puppy Draco back on to the ground before turning to Harry, who was still trying to contain his laughter. Severus froze as he looked at the captivating young man in front of him. His face was flushed, eyes sparkling mischievously as he shifted his gaze to the Potion's Master.

"So Potter-"


"Excuse me?"

"My name is Harry; I'm not your student anymore so you should probably use my first name." Harry grinned widely at the uncomfortable look on Severus' face.



"I really must in-"

"Say it."

"I will do no-"

"Say it."


"You know you want to." Harry persuaded, moving closer to the uncomfortable man in front of him. Puppy Draco was forgotten as Harry coyly looked up at Severus through his eye lashes. He stopped when he was almost touching him and tilted his head slightly. "Say it."

All he got was a mumble.

"I'm sorry but I didn't get that, could you repeat yourself please?" Harry smiled sweetly as Severus scowled.

"Harry." The name rolled seductively from the dour man's lips causing Harry to flush furiously and bite his lip, which grabbed Severus' attention immediately. They stared into each other's eyes, lost in their own little world until they were thrust cruelly back to reality by a yipping pink fur ball. They both turned; blushing slightly, to the little ball of fur and smirked as puppy Draco growled and started jumping in an attempt to bite their smirks off.

"You know I think we should leave him like that for the time being."

"Yes H-harry I believe that would be a smart idea." Severus drawled and turned away, his robes billowing out behind him.

Harry tried very hard not to drool as he watched Severus start to walk away. He leaned against the wall, smirked evilly at puppy Draco but his attention was quickly diverted when he heard his name.


"Are you coming or not?" Severus smirked before continuing on his way, waiting with bated breath to see if Harry would follow him. The breath was released with a sigh when he heard quick footsteps behind him.

Hermione exited the Great Hall scowling. She had noticed that Draco had stared at her and when he left but she couldn't bring herself to speak to him. She wanted, so badly, to forgive him but how can you forgive someone who only sees you as a pathetic and pitiful excuse of a person? She sighed and decided just to go back to her room; she was still waiting for a reply from Harry. She didn't know what had made her spill her guts to him but she did regardless. She sighed once more, making her way down the corridor but stopped when she heard a small whimper. She looked around and seeing nothing was about to move on her way but was stopped by feeling something touch her leg. Hermione quickly looked down and just about melted when she saw a pink Pomeranian looking up at her pleadingly.

"Oh you poor thing. Who would do such a thing to such a cute puppy?" She knelt and pulled the puppy into her arms and pulled out her wand. She paused when the puppy whimpered, "it's ok pretty-" She checked between the dogs legs, ignoring the startled yelp. "boy. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just gonna get rid of this awful color." She quickly murmured the required spell and smiled at the now almost white Pomeranian. "There we go, there's my pretty boy." Hermione giggled when the puppy licked her cheek, she cuddled the puppy closer and began making her way to the down to the Potion's classroom instead.

Draco inwardly sighed as he kicked his little legs in an attempt to free himself from Hermione's arms. He failed, of course, since he was way smaller than Hermione. He finally decided, just as they reached the classroom, to just enjoy the ride and hope that his godfather didn't tell Hermione he was a puppy. He didn't think he could live with the embarrassment and he also hope that this would help him discover if she was close to forgiving him.

That's it for this chapter. Will begin working on the next one soon. Hopefully I will get it up pretty quickly.
