A Skywalker Family Reunion (otherwise known as who they legacy era authors screwed up.)

On a desolate planet in the outer rim, the most powerful beings of yesterday, today, and tomorrow gather in one place-the Skywalker family.

"Hey guys, it's me!" shouts Darth Vader

"Shut up, Anakin" says Shmi Skywalker.

Luke looks towards the few people gathered within the hut. "Where is everyone?"

"Probably didn't want to come. What have I taught you, you need food for people to show up." Says Anakin.

"You teach me anything, you were too busy cutting of my hand!" retorted Luke.

"There is no need to fight." Walks in Leia.

"Shut up princess, this is funny." Says Han.

"Yeah, a father who is a Sith and a son who is a Jedi, hilarious." Anakin Solo rolled his eyes.

"You watch your tongue, boy!" Han points his finger at his son "You killed Chewbacca!"

Jaina steps in "Let it go dad, It was the vongspawns fault."

"Seriously dad, shut up" says Jacen Solo

"Oh, look everyone it's the kriffing Sith Lord." says Mara Jade.

"Its alright Aunt Mara, I am sorry for murdering you but I have renounced my ways as Darth Caedus and am now a follower of the light." Replies Jacen.

"Yes, but your dead now and besides, the readers don't know that until the Fate of the Jedi series and nobody has picked up a book in the legacy era veto the Legacy comics." Mara says.

Another figure enters the room. "Hello, my name is Roan Fel and depending on what these damn authors decide I may or may not be part of your family."

Ben Skywalker enters from behind him and stabs him with his lightsaber. "Hi everybody I am here. Now, some of you may be wondering why I did that. That is due to the fact of my sudden changes authors have written for me and my subtly dark side of the Force references." The skywalkers all look a Ben as another two figures comes in to take the spotlight.

"Hey, my name is Kol and this is my brother, Nat."

"That's Bantha!"

Yeah, whatever."

"You know that Galaxy doesn't revolve around you Kol." Says Nat.

"Actually," Anakin steps in, "The whole Star Wars galaxy does. That is except for some of the really good parts, like Knights of the Old Republic."

The door to hut blasts open. "Shut up sleemo and listen to me."

"Oh, crap its Cade." Said Ben.

"I don't know whether I am Jedi or Sith, but I decided I hate you all." Says Cade.

"Well, it's different, I'll give you that." Luke says.

"U kulle rah doe kankee kung" says Cade.

"Shut up no one understands you!" shouts Han.

"I'll teach you some manners, Koochoo!" yelled Cade as he draws his weapon to bear. Han also brings out his blaster and shoots just as Cade is firing of his own weapon.

Silence ligers in the air after the sound of blasters fall from the air.

"I think Han shot first." Says Jaina.