I finally update! Sorry for all the reviewers that's been waiting, but as I said before, I don't have a computer so I have to type things on my phone and use my school computer to edit and post. It's a very LONG PROCESS by the way.

I want to give a big THANK YOU to Ashleigh who e-mailed me a great idea for my story not too long ago and I LOVED IT! So I decided to go along with that idea, but don't worry, I'm still going with the original way, but I wanted to add her idea, which I LIKE! So THANK YOU again Ashleigh!


Last Chapter:

Jaken cleared his throat and announced loudly, "My Lord and Lady will retire now." The room was filled with applause and cheering. "You may continue to enjoy yourselves." Sesshomaru added and lead Kagome away.

Kagome didn't know if she could be more embarrassed than she is at the moment. Her whole face was as red as a tomato. "You should breathe Kagome." Smiled Sesshomaru leading them down the complicated halls and eventually right in front of their room.

"Now that I'm here, maybe we should wait. Be-" Kagome was cut off by a passionate kiss which made her knees go weak instantly.

"Did I say let's wait? I say let's do it." Kagome moaned as Sesshomaru carried her to their room.


Chapter 22

Lady Himeka couldn't believe that Sesshomaru had actually taken Kagome over her! She was actually enjoying herself talking to a few princes as always, but that danm announcement cut her deep. She hated how these fools around her were smiling. That bitch was human; what's there to smile about? Their blood would be tainted; their children hanyou and she just couldn't let Sesshomaru go...not ever. About 10 minutes after Sesshomaru and Kagome left, Lady Himeka paced back and forth continuously as she thinks of a ways to get Sesshomaru away from Kagome.

'Fresh air will do me some good.' Himeka thought to herself as she makes her way out through the doors to the garden. "I can't let them mate tonight! I just can't! Everything I've been waiting for will be gone! I must kill her before she mates him." She chants to herself. Lady Himeka took out a small tainted part of the Shikon Jewel Naraku had given to her when they decided to join forces. He promised it would give her more power, "looks like I'm going to use you after all." she mumbled as Himeka pierced the jewel into her skin and it flowed to her heart. Everything seemed too quite...she heard nothing but her breathing. Not a minute after, Himeka pulse once, twice and then a third time. The jewel started feeding on Himeka's tainted heart, giving her dark energy. At the feel of power rushing through her, Himeka felt the renewed urge to break the mating ceremony. "Sesshomaru, you're mine." Himeka growled and jumped up to find the room.


Sesshomaru was abusing Kagome's neck when something felt wrong. "Sesshomaru, I feel a tainted jewel shard coming toward us, fast!" Kagome yelled in alarm frantically pushing a heavy, pissed off demon off of her. The shard was only one but it seemed to be jumping to one place to one place but getting closer by the second.

"Is it part of Naraku?" Sesshomaru growled not loving the fact someone will dare to make them postpone their mating. "If it is, I will torture it to death for disrupting us."

"No it's not-" she suddenly felt the presence at their window "DUCK!" screamed Kagome out of instinct, but Sesshomaru had seen the bitch before she even came to their room. He doesn't bow...unless; it's between his mate's legs; so Sesshomaru side step as a long spear flew passed him blasting through his doorway. Just then, Lady Himeka opened their balcony door further, slowly stepping into the room her eyes on Sesshomaru. You can actually see the evil aura of the jewel that cloaked Himeka as she looked ready to kill.

"What is the meaning of this Himeka?" asked Sesshomaru who was impressively already dressed. As soon as he said those words, Himeka went back to normal and flew towards him, looking desperate.

"Sesshomaru, I love you! I can't let you take her! You have to choose me! We were meant to be together, why are you turning your back on me Sesshomaru? I LOVE YOU!" She yelled even louder.

By the time Himeka stopped talking, Kagome was already dressed in a tight, fitted pants, fitted shirt and her snickers just in case she had to fight. Her bow and arrow were ready to fire at any minute, but Himeka didn't even notice the change as she only focused on Sesshomaru.

"No." Sesshomaru said coldly, slowly prying each finger of his person one by one.

"No?" asked Himeka still desperate, starring deep at Sesshomaru as if searching for something; but Sesshomaru being him had a cold face that left little to imagine of how he currently felt.

"Hn" as he gave her a shove away from him completely.

"WHY DO YOU LEAVE ME SESSHOMARU? It's because of her right?" Himeka asked pointing without even looking at Kagome….maybe she should have. It's like she was blind to Sesshomaru's attitude and actions towards her. The jewel's evil aura started cloaking her frame once again. "I will kill her okay? Then we can be together. You will no longer be confused anymore." Himeka whispered. As soon as Himeka stopped talking, a powerful purified arrow zoomed right by her face causing a hot pressure wind. Himeka was shocked, 'when did she dressed? When did she arm herself?' Himeka took a look in the mirror across the room and saw half her face was red, almost like she had been burned.

"Lucky for you, it is not too severe that your demon blood cannot heal it over time... I will give you a chance, leave now or you won't walk out of here alive." Kagome growled

"Sesshomaru, come with me." Himeka pleaded. She just can't leave him. No one but her is allowed to have him.

Sesshomaru was so angry; he was wasting all his energy fighting his youkai to stay in its cage instead of making love to his mate! Their mating ceremony was ruined. That bitch, Himeka thought that he would turn his back on HIS Kagome... to go with her? Before Sesshomaru replied, another arrow let loose and Himeka felt another hot pressure on the same side of her face, but this time, the pain was twice as much and she cried out hold the side of her face, which had some bleeding.

"I will burn that half of your face with no problem if you don't get out my sight." Kagome said dangerously as she tries to push down a dark energy within her that was forcing its way up. She felt like she had given enough time for Himeka to speak and even touch HER mate...no more now...she was just as possessive is not more.

While Himeka had been speaking, Kagome had a chance to examine the shard she was detecting from Himeka. Something just seems off, the jewel was part of her, and thus she had a strong connection to one if near. The jewel Himeka had seemed soulless and weak, she couldn't connect with it. There was once a time Naraku had attempted to re-create the jewel, so maybe this was it...maybe she was given a fake.

Since working with Ai with her powers, she was not only able to take the jewels raw energy, but also call on them too. The more jewel there are, the harder it would be though since the cursed thing fed on the negative energy of its host, it wouldn't willingly come to her to be purified.

"I'm not leaving without Sesshomaru by my side, so I have to get rid of you!" Himeka yelled laughing hysterically. She hadn't realized Kagome concentrating and started glowing a pinkish hue around her frame. The jewel was definitely fake as it didn't even resist Kagome's power.

Just when she was about to attack, the Jewel was pulled from her heart into Kagome's hands and it shattered upon contact. Her purifying power was too strong for such weak vessel. "Looks like Naraku gave you a fake jewel." Kagome mocked. "You allied yourself with that monster?" She asked disbelievingly. They just can't seem to get away from that Spider, but for the north to ally themselves with him, Kagome realized just how serious this situation has just become. Who knows how many of those wretched things he had created or given to his incarnations...No one can connect to the jewel, but her.

"I allied myself with no one! You broke my jewel!" Himeka screeched. This was unbelievable...the Shikon doesn't shatter! She knew that, but her rage was so strong, she ignored that fact and focused all her anger on Kagome. "You, what did you do you witch!" she screeched still holding the side of her face; the burns only seem to get worst. Her youki was healing her at extremely slow pace.

"Only Naraku have these fake jewels Himeka, I guess that's why your father was gloating. You just put your secret out." Kagome smirked. Naraku or not, now that they knew the parties involved...Naraku is going down no matter what.

Himeka was going into rage. Her eyes bleed red as she made a bee line for Kagome. Just when she was about to attack- "HIMEKA!" screamed a woman's voice

Kagome looked toward the door and noticed many guards, lords and ladies, and other people including Juro, Miroku, Sango, and Ai looking at the horrifying scene. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Lady Miki screamed in shock. The dishonor she currently felt was enough for her to take her own life...how could this happen to her?

Before anyone could say something, Sesshomaru's evil aura started slipping his control and dripping out slowly. "LEAVE!" Sesshomaru boomed causing everyone to run. Never had Sesshomaru ever yell or raise his voice since he was a toddler. Himeka knew when to run, she didn't think twice as she jumped from the balcony and ran toward the forest.

Sesshomaru walked to the door and shut it slowly despite the big hole from the spear. "I am sorry Kagome." Sesshomaru said softly despite the rage he was feeling.

"I don't mind, life can't be without a challenge, at least we know who she had allied herself with. Sesshomaru the final battle will be brutal." Kagome said worriedly. Naraku and his reincarnations are already enough, now to have the northern lord and army involved as well, they're going to need numbers, and a lot of them.

"Don't worry about it now, rest Kagome." He whispered to her.

"I didn't get my birthday sex or my mating mark, so I'm not resting until we finish what we started." Kagome said stubbornly

"No, you will rest"

"No I will not. You said the full moon is when you're at your most powerful state, let's just do it. I'm not hurt or exhausted." Kagome whined

Not long after, Kagome found herself pinned under a half-naked Sesshomaru. "Even if Himeka tried to ruin it, everything will be worth it."

Just when Sesshomaru started on Kagome's neck again the door was knocked loudly. "Damn, Fucking Son of a Bitch! Can't we fucking have a time to ourselves?" Kagome said harshly

A now dressed Sesshomaru opened the door to see Akane. "My Lord, Thousands of Demons are attacking, our soldiers and other lords are fighting now, and we need your assistance." Akane said in a rush

Sesshomaru couldn't be angrier.


"Where did all those demons come from Sango!" yelled Miroku as he threw another set of sutras toward the weaker demons. There were saimyosho everywhere so Miroku couldn't risk using his wind tunnel.

"You think I know? The main question is why would demons attack the Western Palace? Don't they know they will get slaughtered?" asked Sango as she threw Hiraikotsu cutting through multiple airborne demons.

"I bet Naraku is behind this," Miroku said grimly

"Why?" asked Sango

Miroku pointed to the poisonous insect demons that were flying around and hanging off to the side...they were definitely there to spy and report to Naraku. "Damn" Sango growled in frustration.

Suddenly, a very strong, dangerous, evil youki stepped outside the gates of the Western Palace. Everything seemed to stop as everyone watched a very pissed of Sesshomaru draw out his sword. By the time Sesshomaru pulled out his sword, all the weaker demons ran for cover. "I give you a choice, leave or die." Sesshomaru growled in a chilly voice that seemed to actually echo throughout the field.

After that comment, even the stronger demons fled, but most of the demons stayed. "We will get the jewel shard as a gift for the victory, we will not leave." Said an ugly green demon

"You seem to be the strongest, but the stupidest, even more than my hanyou brother." After that comment, Sesshomaru disappeared from sight.

All the demons became alarm; after all you can't fight the Western Lord if you can't even see him. Not moments after demons were being cut in half in a blink of an eye. All the Western soldiers including Sango, Miroku, Juro, and Kagome stood in shock to see how fast Sesshomaru was. Kagome can obviously see Sesshomaru with all the training she had received, but it still made her surprise.

"Kagome, can you quickly purify those saimyosho off to the side, one will definitely try to escape to report to Naraku. I don't think it'll be wise if he knew we were together, he would go straight to Inuyasha." Miroku quickly said to Kagome while Sesshomaru was doing the killer dance.

She followed Miroku's line of vision and realized some were already trying to escape but were getting caught up in Sesshomaru's onslaught. A few seconds later, they were all disposed of completely. Sesshomaru left nothing of the enemy standing. After the little display of power from the head of the house, everyone started cheering at their victory.

Himeka had disappeared into the mass at the beginning of the attack; the northern Lord was not in sight. Lady Miki stood alone shocked, eyes red and puffy on the steps clutching to her kimono as if it was the only thing she had left, but no one noticed... they had just fought a hoard of demons.

"I just confirmed that Sesshomaru was going easy on us when he attacked Inuyasha." Sango whispered to Miroku. Miroku could only nod in agreement as they starred at the mass of dead demons. Kagome put a hand on his upper arm since his shoulders were out of her reach; she was the only one who was brave enough to go close to him. "You could have saved me some." Kagome giggled, and Sesshomaru's anger dissipated into a smirk.

"Next time mate." He said in a husky voice.

Just when they were about to turn, the dead demons were back on their feet, but you can tell they were still dead. Their eyes were lifeless, they smelled of corps, they had no heart, and they held a foreign energy within them. "It's like Kagura's dance of the dead." Kagome whispered.

You could hear the soldiers whispering to each other about what to do. "No sword will work on them men, my mate will handle this." Sesshomaru announced and give Kagome a nod. "looks like I did save you some" he smirked at her as he squeezed one of her butt cheeks in front of everyone causing her to blush and turn red immediately.

"Everyone backed up," Sesshomaru warned but stayed right behind his mate. Kagome took an arrow, fueling it with her purifying powers. She pulled it back and just when she was about to release that same powerful aura from Himeka's confrontation was trying to face up. 'I might as well use some of the power; it's been trying to come out.' Thought Kagome as she took a little of the dark power and mixed it with her miko power. The aura around the arrow was a dark purple, almost pure black, and then Kagome let the arrow fly.

Everyone stood in shock as they watched one single arrow destroyed the mass of demons even before it connected. Kagome was shock to say the least, she would have had to use like three arrows to kill all the demons, but with that power and her miko power, it only took one arrow. 'I only took a pinch of the power.' Kagome thought. Her face betrayed nothing of her thoughts though, only Sesshomaru had spotted the slight confusion.

Sesshomaru was impressed. 'I didn't think I could love her more than before.' He thought to himself. 'I told you our mate was strong.' His demon said in his corner, 'and you were right.' Sesshomaru replied 'I always am.' Sesshomaru looked down at his mate, he felt even more powerful than before with Kagome by his side. "I'm impressed mate, let us go." He said in a low voice

Kagome could only smile as she followed him into the castle. Everyone parted as the two powerful couple made their way inside.

"Who would have thought…?" Sango started but was too shock to say anything.

Juro has a gloating smile on putting an arm around Ai, "we thought her well." He smiled even wider at everyone's stared at them.

Sorry guys, I know you were probably expecting a lemon chapter, but I loved the idea of postponing the mating for a little later chapter (that was the idea...so I made Himeka's slight revenge before the mating rather than after). Thank you for Reviewing. I will update as soon as I can again!

A/N: So my phone was stolen!Yep, now I don't have a cell so I'm literally working on this whenever I can. I'm hoping to be replacing it soon just waiting to see when I can afford it. That being said, I am not giving up! So don't worry and think I will stop updating . Hope you all had enjoyed this chapter and looking to update soon. Thank you!