I felt like taking a wack at this, hope you like it, and if you don't, please be frank and say it up front.

"Mistakes happen, how we react to a mistake may be even worse than the mistake at hand. But the only way to know for sure it was a mistake is to see through new eyes… to live a new perspective… sounds like some crack pot philosophy," The brunette mocked with a role of her un-amused onyx eyes as she read through one of her law books.

She, along with all the contestants where invited to stay at Playa Des Losers to avoid any unwanted lawsuit due to a volcano blowing down on them and injured them, leaving some dramatically injured; such as Alejandro. They all agreed reluctantly, much to Chris' pleasure and relief. For the remaining days of summer, Chris and Chef where legally forced to cater to them without their usual shenanigans, much to everyone's pleasure. Courtney sat next to the black haired guitarist as they sat pool side wearing their usual clothing. Trent looked to Courtney with a side glance as he tuned his guitar calmly. "I don't know, it sounds pretty profound to me," He noted with a slight chuckle and a friendly smile.

Shooting him a bored look, she sighed. "Trent, as 'profound' as it sounds; what good comes from looking at anyone in a different way? People are the same no matter how you flip them," She explained to him, putting air quotes on the word profound. Trent sighed as he went back to working his guitar. "…we should know that better than any of the morons here…" Courtney muttered as she put her legs up to her chest and partially buried her face in her knees weakly. Trent froze for a minute before absently working his guitar again with a dark look in his face. His eyes looked across the pool to the mini bar in the center of the pool; drilling his eyes into the back of the heads of the two sitting with their backs to him. The two laughed and jostled each other playfully while Trent gritted his teeth. Courtney glanced at him then at the couple at the bar. "Don't bother… that ass and that—" Trent shot her a narrowing glair before she said anything about the girl. "—Goth, are not worth the trouble," She corrected herself mid sentence with a flick of her wrist to dismiss the idea.

Trent nodded at her and released a breath of relief before strumming his guitar since it was tuned for his next song. As he looked down at his strings as he played, he swore he saw Gwen peak her head at Trent, but when he looked, she was resting her head on Duncan's bare shoulder. Ignoring his despite thoughts, he went back to playing his guitar next to Courtney. As he continued to play his guitar, in the corner of his eye he saw Gwen and Duncan lean closer to each other and kiss passionently, cupping each others cheeks gently and brushing their bodies close to one enother. Trent attempted to hold in his anger and protest, clutching the neck of his guitar harshly with wood cracking under his grasp. Courtney on the other hand, clenched her knees tight with one hand on each knee while she shuttered. She kicked off the chair as she stood tall in front of all the people around the pool with her eyes softening and began to well up. "I hate you!" She screamed on the top of her lungs, forcing everyone to look over to her.

Despite how many times she said it, everyone including Duncan felt that she really meant it. Duncan hopped off his stool and waded through the water of the pool as quick as he could with a calm smile on his face. "Hey, come on princess," He pleaded with his usual carless tone, but a hint of nervousness under it all. As he reached the end of the pool ledge, he extended his hand to get out; only to see Courtney take a staggering step backwards in desperation to get away from the approaching delinquent. His eyes widened in surprise along with Gwen and Trent, who averted their eyes from the crowed standing around the resort. "Princess—"

"Shut up! I can't take this anymore! Bad enough you betrayed me… but now you openly mock me with that, that…" She stammered before breaking down in tears and bursting off to the resort building.

Looking at Duncan and Gwen's nervous and worried faces, Trent got out of his seat as he walked off after Courtney without a word. "…Trent?" Gwen called out with a shake to her voice and a slight extension of her hand out into the air.

Trent stopped for a quick second before shaking his head and continuing his walk. "…There is nothing to say to you two… much less you Gwen... it's all already been said," he informed her with an empty tone, despite the venom and anger behind it. At that, everyone gasped and looked to Gwen who hung her mouth a gap and slight tears pooling in her charcoal eyes.

Trent trailed after Courtney and finally caught up to her at the front doors to the main building on the island. He placed his hand on her shoulder as she sulked with her body trembling in sorrow. "Courtney…" he attempted to console her, but decided against going any further then that; things where bad enough.

She managed to stiffen her sobbing and turn to Trent with her biting her bottom lip. "Did you think I—"

"No way, you didn't over react… that was just the right thing to do," He assured her as he rested his palm on both of her shoulders.

As she sniffled, she wiped her tears with the back of her hand and forced a friendly smile at Trent. "T-thanks, Trent," She whispered as she hung her head down slightly.

"Courtney's right… people are the same no matter what. And now I see the real Gwen," Trent admitted to himself as he looked away in disgusted pain.

A loud crack of thundering lighting flashed through the sky over a towering stone castle resting on top of a flaming pool of lava. The sky was blackened by storming clouds, but the reflection of the burning sea below tinted the soot colored clouds in a bloody red horror. The outsides of the tower had no life of any kind except a lone man in shimmering gold and silver armor with multiple layers of mettle, waving in a sharp ended tiers and a golden helmet with a high tipped point shape to it. He looked to the sky before a glimmering light shone out in the distance, which made him scratch under his chin through his sleek helmet. "I sense a disturbance…" He stated to himself as he looked at the growing ring of shining white light in the distance.

"…this could be promising," He whispered to himself in assurance that no one heard him just in case. Taking a loud clanging step, he started on his journey to the inner sanctum of the castle. After roughly ten steps he stopped and took a deep breath before releasing it. "This armors heavy!" He groaned with a swift wipe to his forehead, only to run his gauntlet hand with a clang to his golden helmet. Taking the second long break, he went back to shakily walking to the small entry way on the roof of the tower.

Be honest… should I continue with this story? REVIEW… I promise you, if this keeps going, it will be amazingly funny and sad throughout the story.

I owe the idea of this story to Princess Absahail, whose idea inspired me to take a wack at this.

P.S. If I DO keep going and you want a character sheet of who plays who… I'll share it.