Author's Note: And this is the final chapter of this selection of stories, so I hope you've enjoyed them. There's plenty more coming, though.
To note, Gala has a cruel mind, so if you suggest ideas to her they will almost certainly mutate into plot bunnies and get written.
Thank you all, once again.
Prompt: New Year Celebrations
Mica, who had been so excited at being allowed to stay up until midnight, had fallen asleep in Ianto's lap, flopped sideways with her head against his chest and her mouth slightly open. Jack had one arm around Ianto, and his other hand rubbed at Mica's arm gently, barely conscious of it. The adults were all foggy with alcohol, apart from Jack and Alice, who seemed to have inherited her dad's tolerance levels, and had been sharing their plans for the next year and stories from the last whilst they watched the clock count down to midnight.
It was snowing heavily outside, too much for them to go out in it as Jack had wanted to, and far too much to set off the fireworks. They were well and truly snowed in now, trapped in the house until the weather thawed a bit and they could get down and make a dash for Cardiff. Johnny was frustrated at being trapped with the extended family, but everyone else was taking it in their stride for the most part.
At ten to midnight, Jack got up to fetch the Champagne and Ianto snuck out of the room behind him. Rhiannon and Alice smiled at each other knowingly, but Ianto returned quickly and dropped back into his seat, holding his finger to his lips. Jack came back with two bottles and handed one to Rhiannon. "Are we letting the kids drink?" he asked her, unwrapping the foil from his bottle.
"We?" Alice asked. "Yes, Steven can have one; one, Steven, okay? And a small one at that."
"Thanks Mum!"
"Mam, please?" David asked, kneeling up and leaning against her legs.
She sighed and nodded. "You can have a small one, but Mica's not having one."
"She's asleep," Johnny pointed out. "Not drinking anything."
Jack held one hand out to Ianto and smiled at him. "Mr Jones."
"Captain Harkness," Ianto took his hand and let Jack pull him up, then brought his other hand up to hold the mistletoe over their heads. "Would you make the midwinter vows with me?"
Jack swallowed hard and nodded. "Alice, would you take this?" he held out the bottle and she took it from him.
"You'd better be quick, because I'm firing this at midnight," she warned, smiling.
Ianto wrapped his free arm around Jack's waist and met his kiss. Johnny had woken Mica, and their family were silent to watch as Jack took Ianto's hand, holding the mistletoe with him, and rested his other hand against Ianto's cheek. He licked his lips and watched Jack, nodding for him to start.
"I, Jack Harkness, vow to be yours, and that you are mine, for this turning of the year. That in these dark days, we will be one. Through the dark days to the dawn I will be your light, your shelter from the storm, your candle in the window and your Summer's warmth."
Ianto tightened his hand and repeated, "I, Ianto Jones, vow to be yours, and that you are mine, for this turning of the year. That in these dark days, we will be one. Through the dark days to the dawn I will be your light, your shelter from the storm, your candle in the window and your Summer's warmth." He smiled and licked his lips again and said nervously, "I'd paint my love in the stars, so let the turning of the year carry us on together 'til those stars go dark."
Jack swallowed and said, with his voice choked by emotion, "I'd paint my love in the stars, so let the turning of the year carry us on together 'til those stars go dark. To the end of the universe."
There was a pop as Alice fired off the champagne cork and started pouring, followed by Rhiannon, and Ianto leaned forwards to kiss Jack gently, feeling Jack meet him with all the passion and love they were both feeling. When they broke apart, Alice handed Jack a glass of Champagne and kissed his cheek. "Congratulations, and happy New Year."
"Happy New Year, Alice," he hugged her and closed his eyes tightly, swallowing against the wave of emotion. "Thank you for being here."
She watched Rhiannon hugging Ianto, and Ianto's worried look at Jack over his sister's shoulder, and hugged Jack tighter. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be. Thank you."
They parted from the hug and Jack reclaimed Ianto, raising his glass. "Happy New Year, here's to two thousand and nine."
"Cheers!" Ianto clinked his glass with Jack's and raised it. "And to family."
They drank to the toasts and Alice raised her glass, looking straight at her dad. "To Jack and Ianto, may they be standing here and doing the same thing this time next year."
"I'll drink to that one," Rhiannon agreed. "Took you long enough to tell us, Ianto, but I'm glad you did in the end."
"Yeah, so am I," he agreed, hugging his arm tighter around Jack's waist. "You do know I just wanted to keep him to myself, right?"
Rhiannon laughed and held her glass out for Ianto and Alice to clink with. "Jack, Alice, Steven; welcome to the family."