AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey everybody (Or nobody , depending on whether anyone reads this)! This is my first ever story and I'm a bit new at this , so please don't kill me if I horribly failed [x I think my story flows better after the first chapter , because the first chapter is a bit awkward , since I had trouble introducing the scenario ... Anyways , hope you think it's okay for a first try ! Love you all , and thank you ahead of time for reading the story , I PROMISE to update frequently if anybody reads it , okay byee ;D

Chapter One: Drunken Encounters

Melena didn't think as she drove to her destination. She had a dull feeling of fear in the base of her heart, and she felt her hands shaking as she drove further from her home. She had no idea whether she could call it her home anymore. The home was more like a jail cell, and she felt like she was breaking out of jail, and she knew that she had to return in the end.

She pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car, walking into the bar with constant skittish glances. She threw herself down into a barstool and immediately ordered a beer, deciding that she was going to drown out the world around her just for one night. Melena didn't think about getting home or about what would meet her back at her house. She shook her head brusquely and downed the beer quickly, trying to stop the thoughts that were threatening to pop into her head.

Not far away, an old pair of friends sat and talked, having endured a long day of work. One of the men had hardly touched his beer, while the other had drank more than most could handle.

"Randy, you gotta drink more buddy!" the drunker of the two slurred. "It's a celebration day man, you don't win the WWE Championship everyday!" The drunk man slapped his friend on the back a little harder than he meant to, and he sluggishly pulled his arm back with mumbled apologies. The sober man let out a breath in frustration, but couldn't stop smiling at the state of his drunken friend.

John Cena was a beer-loving 6'4" pro wrestler, with very short brown hair cut military style, and blue eyes. Though he loved his fair share of alcohol, he made up for it by working out in the gym 24/7. He was also a notorious rapper. The sober man sitting with John, Randy, always admired John in the ring when watching him on WWE, but right now he was admonishing his friend for his recklessness.

"John, if any little kids see their idol, Mr. Superman John Cena, sitting in a bar shitfaced, then your ass is gonna get fired. We should go anyways, we only have 2 days to relax before our flight out-", Randy, stopped talking as he heard a voice.

"Will you look at that! The two compadres, Randy Orton and John Cena… or should we say drunk-as-hell Cena!" a blonde man chuckled. The man was none other than John and Randy's close friend, Chris Jericho, accompanied by their other friend Adam Copeland.

"Hey there Jericho and Adam, my boys! How does it sound getting drunk like me as hell?" John stupidly asked, not making sense as he scrambled his words. His face contorted into one of deep thought, possibly realizing that he had not said a coherent sentence. He immediately started grinning again as he spoke. "Ol' man Randy here don't wanna enjoy himself, he just been mopey cause of him not being with Sam anymore, but ssshhh, don't mention it too much or he might give us booboos!" John's face glazed over, and he looked completely innocent as he just stared out into space. Jericho and Adam burst out laughing as Randy gave all his friends an angry look.

"Dude! Come on lighten up! Cena's pretty damn fucked for the house show tomorrow, that should make you feel better about yourself!" Adam chuckled and shook his head at the now sprawled Cena, who was attempting to grab his bottle of beer, but failing miserably and just grasping air.

"Damn bottle… comm'ere!" John grumbled to himself loudly as his eyes crossed slightly and his face turned to one of determination. Randy shook his head and got up. Adam and Jericho stared at Randy curiously as the oblivious Cena continued to grab at the empty space which he thought to be his beer bottle.

"Hey Orton, where do you think you're heading off to?" all three of the sober men turned to see their long-time friend Paul Levesque standing with a grin on his face with 2 beer bottles in each hand. "I could hear Cena's little speech to Chris and Adam from across the bar. Your 26, not 50, there will be more hot finds in the future! Forget Sam, she was shit! Now sit your ass down and drink!" Hunter sat down and looked at Chris and Adam with expectancy. "Well, are you two going to just stand there, or join us? I didn't get all these beers for nothing!"

"Actually Hunter…" Chris started, using Paul's nickname, "We were just about to join you, but then we saw this guy over here." Chris grinned and gestured to the slumped form of John Cena, which was now on the ground in a heap, attempting to get up. He managed to get his head higher than the table's height and saw Hunter.

"Hey Hunter ole buddy ole pal! Got any beers to share?" he grinned as he looked at Hunter with expectancy. Hunter burst out laughing and just shook his head.

"How much did you give Cena? He's gonna have hell to pay tomorrow for the house show, and I mean major hangover!" Hunter just gave one more look to John and then pulled his beer closer to himself, keeping it a safe distance from John.

"I think I should take John back to my place, he's drank himself to oblivion." Randy finally spoke, causing all eyes, sans John, to turn to him. Suddenly they heard John utter his first somewhat-coherent sentence.

"Randy, just chill for a while!" John drawled. "Go talk to someone, get a few bars from the drink, and I'll leave with complaint not in half hour!" John stated incoherently, once again aiming at the beer bottle which was a foot to the left of where he was grabbing. He started cursing silently at the bottle and Randy pulled his hand over his face tiredly.

"You guys just keep an eye on Cena, I'm gonna go over to the bar and take a break from this," Randy said, gesturing towards John. They all nodded in agreement.

"Alright, we'll take care of your boy for the next half an hour, now go do something other than kill our moods!" Hunter joked as he took a swig of his beer. Randy simply turned and walked off.

Randy Orton wasn't a typical man. He was a 6'5", 26 year old pro wrestler, with good looks, short brown hair, blue eyes, a great physique, and a great job. It just seemed that love evaded him. He thought he had met 'the one' in Samantha Speno, but after getting multiple gifts off of him, she finally returned everything, admitting that she had been using Randy, and she felt guilty for playing with his emotions. Randy could not get over the fact that he was about to propose to her later that day. He was left with multiple gifts which he had no use for, and an engagement ring sitting all by its lonesome in his quiet home. Randy was glad to be back in Saint Louis, Missouri, his hometown, for the time being. It gave him time to think about his life. Randy reached the bar and sat down next to a woman and he simply put his head in his hands and let out a loud breath in exasperation.

"Sir, would you like a drink?" one of the bar tenders asked Randy. He lifted his head enough to see the bar tenders face, shook his head, and then plopped his head down once more. He suddenly heard giggling from the female next to him, but he ignored it. The woman kept giggling until, in annoyance, Randy lifted his head to meet the eyes of the giggling madwoman.

The self-proclaimed Legend Killer was shocked to see that the woman was no more than a young lady, with soft green eyes, and long brunette locks flowing down her back. She was slim, and she seemed to be about 5'5", but Randy could only guess from her slumped figure. She was giggling and hiding her flushed face, and only then did Randy see all the beers in front of her.

"Excuse me miss, but would you like another beer?" the bartender asked the woman. Without a second thought, the woman nodded her head profusely and looked at Randy once, before looking back at the bartender who was getting her a drink.

"Excuse me sir, but I believe she's had enough." Randy was shocked to hear himself speak, especially about a girl whom he had no ties to, but the words came out of his mouth efore he could stop himself. The bartender looked at him curiously.

"Are you sure about that sir?" the bartender asked, his eyes looking at Randy in a deep, piercing way.

"Yes, if you can't tell, she is inebriated at the moment." The Legend Killer said, looking at the woman who was no longer staring at any certain object. The bartender's eyes softened, and suddenly he said something that would change both Randy and the woman's fate forever.

"You are the only one who can save her from her fate. There's going to be a time when you come to a fork in the road, and the right move will prove brightest for you both, but the wrong one will be both of your downfalls." With that, the bartender moved away, and Randy sat there stumped. He finally turned to the woman who was staring at him.

"Ma'am do you-" Randy began before he was cut off.

"My names not ma'am, I'm not OLD. Call me by my name, mine's Melena! Whashur name mister?" the girl said, giggling as she spoke.

"My name is Randy. Are you here with anyone?" Randy asked, as he turned towards the woman. He noticed that she was very beautiful, even in her completely drunken state.

"Now why would I be here with anyone when I'm not supposed to be here? What kinda question is that, Randy? Huh, tell me! HE'd kill me by now!" Melena said to the man, laughing in a bitter way. Suddenly she looked at Randy and said, "You aren't his friend, right?"

Randy stared at the woman, confused by her words. "No I don't think I know a 'him'… do you have any way to get home?"

"That's good, because he might hurt you too!" Melena stated, wide-eyed. "I don't wanna go home! I don't, I don't, I don't!" She sat with her arms awkwardly crossed and a pout across her face, but she quickly shifted her position to lean against the countertop.

"Well Melena, would you like a ride back to your home? You have to go sometime." Randy said as kindly as he could, silently trying to interpret what the girl was saying to him. She nodded her head jerkily, and grinned.

"I wanna go with anybody who isn't friends with him! You're my new friend!" She held out her hand, looking at Randy like an expectant child, and he grasped her hand uncertainly. She shook it from side to side, rather than up and down, and then let go, grabbing on to the countertop. "Everything is so funny-looking…" Melena muttered before her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

"Miss, are you-" Randy couldn't finish his sentence as the woman starting falling out of her seat. Randy lunged forward and grabbed the girls now-unconscious form, and he shook his head. She was out cold from all of her drinks. He looked at her for a few moments before making a decision. Getting a better hold of the girl, Randy walked back to where his friends were.

Hunter looked at Randy and grinned. "You already got a girl to lay! Good for you man!" Randy smacked Hunter on the back of the head, with some difficulty. "What was that for?" Hunter asked, rubbing his head.

"This girl passed out while I was talking to her, so I'm taking her with us so she can wake up and tell me where she lives, so I can drop her off at her house." Randy said resolutely. Chris and Adam got up after a few seconds, stretching out.

"Well, I guess we'd all better call it a night… and get Cena into the backseat of your car." Adam said, looking at John, who was on the ground rolling side-to-side on his back, like a child. Randy shook his head and laughed, and thanked the two men.

"Hunter, you gonna get to the hotel without trouble?" Randy asked, concerned that his friend might be too drunk. Hunter got up without wobbling, and just grinned at Randy.

"Cena stopped us all from drinking too much. Hell, I had half a beer, that's nothing! I can make it back okay. Have fun with the shitfaced guy and the girl you found sleeping in the bar. Night." Hunter patted Randy's back and walked off. Adam and Chris held up John by either side of him, and Randy led everyone out to his car. Randy first deposited Melena into the front seat of the car, gently setting her down and pushing her hair out of her face before putting her seatbelt on over her slumped body. He then opened the back door of his car and patiently waited for the three men to get to his car.

"Wait, how'd I car get bar into… Randy!" John rambled unintelligibly, as Chris and Adam stuffed him into the backseat. They shut the door and Randy locked it so John wouldn't try to get out and cause a commotion. John pressed his face to the window, his left cheek and nose squashed and spread out against the glass. Randy turned to his two friends and gave them a smile.

"Thanks for all the help guys, see you tomorrow in the arena!" Randy shook both mens hands and then walked over to the drivers side of the car.

"Alright, see you later! Make sure you have advil and coffee ready for Cena as soon as you get home!" Chris shouted, as him and Adam made their way to their own car.

"Will do!" Randy replied, getting into his car. He sat down, closing the door and putting on his seatbelt. He turned to see Cena still leaning against the door, and as a precaution Randy locked all the doors and turned on the child safety lock for the windows, so John wouldn't open them. He turned to see Melena, and was immediately stumped. He had no idea where she lived. After a minute of deliberation, Randy decided to do the only rational thing. He pulled out of the parking lot, and started the drive back to his home. He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, and knew it was Cena.

"Hey man, whats the little chick doing in the car? Was she with us before?... My head hurts!" John kept talking to Randy, and Randy simply nodded or said "Mhmm" in reply to everything the drunk man said. After the ten minute drive, Randy pulled into his driveway, and he immediately got out of the car. He first went around to John's side of the car and pulled him out. He guided Cena to the door, and then pulled him into one of the downstairs guest bedrooms.

"Easy Cena, just stay here, I'll be back in 10 minutes, alright?" the Legend Killer looked at John carefully.

"Sure thing Randy-O! I'm gonna take a nap for a while actually," and with that, Cena dropped onto the bed and relaxed. Randy decided to take care of his friend later, and went back outside. He opened the passenger door and saw that the girl was now conscious, but asleep. She stirred slightly as Randy picked her up from the seat, and he shut the door quietly, so he didn't startle her awake. He walked into his home and took her into the guest bedroom next to his own room, upstairs. He set her down on the bed and she stirred slightly. Randy saw her eyes flicker open, but he knew she was still immensely drunk. Melena sat up and clutched her head, her face contorting into one full of pain.

"My head hurts!" She said to Randy, as if she had no clue what could have caused the headache. Randy nodded and shuffled around in the dresser until he found what he needed.

Tossing a pair of sweatpants and a baggy shirt at the girl, Randy walked to the door. "Put those on, I'll be back with aspirin." She grabbed the clothing as Randy left. He went downstairs to his kitchen and grabbed 2 glasses and filled them with water, and got aspirin for both his drunken house guests. He grabbed both glasses and went to Cena's room first. He opened the door to see that John hadn't moved much. He put down the glasses on the dresser and walked over to the bed where John lay, shaking his shoulder. John groaned in pain and sleepiness.

'My head feels like there are a fucking thousand Big Shows punching me in the head." John griped as he reluctantly sat up. Randy shook his head and laughed, getting the water and giving it to Cena, along with aspirin.

"Man, you gotta stop drinking so much! It's gonna be worse in the morning. Do you want me to get you something to wear?" Randy tried to be nice to John, even though he was tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep.

"Nah, I'm just gonna sleep in my boxers." John said as he took the aspirin and drank some water. He splashed himself, and gave back the glass. Randy took it from him and put the glass on the dresser. John removed his shirt with some difficulty, and then started to reach for his pants.

"Woah there! Let me leave the room! I'll turn off the light so you can just knock out once you get changed. Night Cena." Randy grabbed the glass for Melena, and he went to the door.

"Night Randy, thanks." John called out as the Legend Killer turned off the lights and left the room, closing the door behind himself. He felt tired and knew it was late, but he went to Melena's room to give her the aspirin. He walked into the room, and was surprised to see what she was doing.

Melena was sitting in the middle of the bed attempting to pull the sweatpants over her head, yet she hadn't changed out of her clothes yet. She saw Randy and grimaced with pain.

"My head still hurts, and the sweater wont go on! Will you do it for me?" She looked at him innocently and expectantly. Randy mentally chided himself as he momentarily considered what she had asked.

"Well first take the aspirin, then we'll see about the clothes." Randy gently sat down net to her, and gave her the pills. She shook her head, pushing the clothes towards Randy.

"Will you help me? These clothes are too uncomfy!" Melena spoke like a child, and Randy couldn't help but laugh.

"I don't think I have a choice in the matter! Lets get you dressed and into bed. I'll take you home tomorrow morning." Randy smiled at the girl.

"Thanks!" she said, smiling back at him. Randy sat down and gently grabbed the bottom of Melena's red v-neck sweater. He steeled himself as he got ready to pull up the shirt. Suddenly he felt a pair of small hands grab his, and he looked down to see her hands holding his.

"Its okay Mister, I can do it!" Melena gently pushed Randy's hands away from her sweater, and she briskly ordered him. "Turn around!" she said indignantly. Randy obliged, raising his hands up and turning his back to her.

"Tell me when you want the aspirin." Randy put his arms down and heard her grumbling as she attempted to pull off her clothes and wear the sweats. After a good 10 minutes, where Randy felt like he would fall asleep right there, he was awoken by a loud voice in his ear.

"Alright Mister Randy! I want the aspergers now!" Melena yelled right into Randy's ear. He winced, and felt two hands on his shoulders. "I'm sorry did I scare you?" She giggled as she rested her chin on his shoulder.

"Uhm, no, it's fine, let me get you that aspirin." Randy gently removed Melena from his back and got her medicine, and gave it to her. He guided the water to her mouth, and couldn't help but notice the intense burning feeling he felt wherever she touched him, a sensation which he hadn't felt in a long time.

"I'm sleeping now Mister Randy! Nighty night!" Melena pulled Randy down by his hand, and kissed him on the cheek, then let go of his hand. Randy smiled down at her.

"Goodnight Miss Melena. Have a good nights rest." Randy walked to the door, turned off the lights, and left, closing the door behind himself. He lightly touched his face where Melena had kissed him. He wondered if she could be the one, but he quickly chided himself.

"She's only a girl I met at the bar, that's it. I'll take her to her home tomorrow, and that'll be the end. C'mon Orton, forget her." Randy chided himself as he made his way into his room. He couldn't help but think of her though as he got changed and ready for bed. He laid down under the covers, and shook his head. "She goes home tomorrow, then she's gone. That's all there is to it."

After chiding himself some more, the Legend Killer drifted off into a deep sleep.