Prologue, Happily Ever After Didn't Happen

Genre: Adventure, Family

Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter I would have more slash and less good vs. evil.

Pairings: HP/HG/RW, NW/CC, DM/PP, SB/RL, (past) HP/GW

Warning(s): Cannon Compliant (even epilogue), Dark characters, Violence, Death, Swearing, Slash, Het, Fem-slash, Threesome, Ginny bashing, Good Draco, (light mentions of) Incest

Summary: After the ultimate betrayal Harry and his most faithful are sent to rewrite J K Rowling's books.

"speech" – speech
^speech^ - parseltongue

Once upon a time there was a young orphan hero. This hero faced many struggles within his life. One of these struggles was an evil Dark Lord who wanted to kill the boy.

But with the help of his two best friends and the wise and good headmaster the hero defeated the Dark Lord. And though there was much death the people of the wizarding world rejoiced.

The hero's best friends got married to each other and our hero fell in love with his best friend's little sister. And like everyone else in the wizarding world to two couples had lots of sex and babies.

And presumably they all lived happily ever after…

J K Rowling wrote her story. Sickeningly this is the truth. In the jubilance over the Dark Lords death most of the wizards alive set about fornicating like rabbits. It is also true that the dark haired hero got married had three children and lived the life his wife had always dreamt of.

Where J K ends her story is not the true Happily Ever After-

It was Harry's youngest son's second year at Hogwarts when Harry tested positive to love potion. It seemed that Ginny Weasley had secretly been dosing Harry with it since his fifth year. After finding out the truth Harry went straight to his best friends who were shocked at Ginny's actions. The couple took care of Harry for a week.

During that week Ginny (after making sure Harry could never get his children) went around to everyone, the Order of the Phoenix, the Ministry and her and Harry's friends and told them that he was abusive and the next Dark Lord. By the time Harry face the world again he was no longer a saviour he was the next Dark Lord.

Fortunately for Harry many of his friends were convinced of his innocence. They came a joined the Golden Trio on the run. Within a year they had a whole army to protect Harry. There were close friends like Luna and Neville's families, relatives like George and Percy, familiar names like Terry Boot and Cho Chang, even former enemies like Draco Malfoy. All of whom decided that out of sheer stubbornness Harry would win no matter what even if he was the Dark side.

In the first five years of the "Third War" the Ministry, led by Minister Smith and his "new" wife Ginny, started openly fighting the Dark Lord Potter, Voldemort re-incarnate. In those years Neville lost his wife and children, the Parvati twins disappeared, Lavender contracted Lycanthropy and died during a full moon and Dean Thomas was sentenced to life in Azkaban. The light side lost twenty Aurors; the Dark side lost fifty friends.

In the next five Draco Malfoy lost a leg during a raid, Luna infiltrated the ministry's ranks and Shell cottage, along with its inhabitants were wiped, however, during a single summer the Dark re-claimed Hogwarts. The light never got it back. Three Aurors were lost as well as the original Order of the Phoenix, thirty three of Harry's allies died.

Throughout this time Neville started to date Cho Chang, Draco Malfoy's son and Rose Weasley also started dating. Harry seemed closer to his two best friends and one day the three of them announced that they were together. Love was the only light and hope of the Dark side, they would win because they fought together.

It was in the last moment of desperation that the Dark struck gold. They discovered a way to send their memories back to their 11 year old selves. This was what they needed, a second chance.

In the end Harry, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Cho, Draco were sent to the past. The others had for various reasons rejected to go back as well.

September the 1st – 1991

This is just an experimental fic so far. If the praise is high enough (hint, hint) then I might expand it.

Lol, this is actually a mesh of three ideas I had in my mind. I wanted to write a "Harry goes back in time" fic, a "different house" fic and a Cannon Compliant story, so I rolled it all up into one!

I hope you all like it!