Axis Powers Hetalia does not belong to me.

Chapter 1: The signing.

He hated them. Hated them more than he had ever hated anyone else in all the centuries he'd existed. How could they? They didn't have the right to do this, did they? He'd never agreed to this war, he never wanted a war in the first place. It was that annoying idiot-of-a-nation called Denmark that was to blame for this.

Well, maybe it wasn't really Denmark's fault. He didn't really choose to go into war, England did force him, using Norway's own marine against them. Had they not been lost, Denmark wouldn't have to protect himself and them. Maybe it was his fault then. His own, his own pitiful self. Blame it on Norway; he would not care anyway, right?

Norway stood by the wall, pressing himself against it, trying to become as invisible as possible. His face didn't reveal any hint of the raging storm of emotions that his mind had turned into. The only sign of his discomfort was the slight twitching of his hands. They never stopped shaking completely, but now and then, a finger or two would give a more violent jerk. He felt like those twitches shook his whole body, starting by the finger, up the arm then out into every corner of his body, as if the vibrations travelled under his skin, maybe through his blood. Even his hair shook. He could see it by the corner of his eye, where it fell across his forehead.

His head jerked slightly as he came out of his thoughts; scanning the room quickly to ensure himself that no one had noticed his momentary lapse of awareness. A tight knot formed in his stomach as he watched the people in the room, moving about in an important manner, Denmark looking forlorn and lost with his own brother and the rest of the smaller countries that had been his. His gaze met Denmark's briefly before he quickly looked away, looking anywhere but at him. Denmark, the one that had ruled over his people for so long, who had denied his freedom for so long.

His jaw set as anger flared in him, flowing though his veins with the rage and disappointment that mixed, and his body shaking as he tensed up. He didn't want to be in an union with Sweden, that bastard. He had never liked the guy, couldn't tolerate him. He despised the fuckers that were the cause of this. He wished them an early death, condemned to painful torturing in hell!

'Deep breath, relax. Keep your composure.' Norway calmed himself down, taking deep breathes and looking in front of himself stiffly. He didn't think anyone had seen his conflicting emotions, he'd become very adept at keeping them hidden over the years. He scanned the room again, just to check. Nope, no one was looking his way. They were all busy with Sweden and Denmark.

Norway didn't exactly look forward to this. Living with Denmark was bad enough, but Sweden? Now that he didn't have Finland anymore, he'd be even worse to share a house with. Couldn't speak properly for the life of him either. This was another thing to add to the stupid being of Sweden. Norway frowned ever so slightly, telling himself to be nice. There was really no reason as to why he didn't like Sweden. His people probably influenced him, he rationalized. He'd always felt like he was treated as something less important than Sweden, which he definitely wasn't.

Four people suddenly materialized in front of him, towering over him with their smug expressions. Maybe except Russia, he just wore the same creepy smile. Not that Norway would ever admit that he actually thought it was creepy, nothing was supposed to affect him in the least, he didn't have emotions, after all.

"It's signed now. Go to Sweden and don't make a fuss" Arthurs voice broke his train of thought and Norway darted his eyes over at the Englishman. "Get on with it, I don't have all day. This has already taken more time than I intended." His voice was curt as he dismissed him, not leaving an opening for any kind of argument Norway may have had.

"Yes, the awesome me have to go home too. Little Gilbird is getting hungry by now" The nation by the name of Gilbert grinned down at him, apparently oblivious to the fact that this wasn't the right time for anything joyful or enthusiastic in any way. Not to Norway at least, Prussia always made him want to punch something. Maybe not as bad as Denmark did, but it wasn't really too far stretched.

He bit the inside of his cheek as he glanced at Denmark again. He didn't hate him, maybe. Just a little, probably. He looked down as sighed quietly, not sure what to think of this. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad to live with Sweden? They did share borders, after all, there hadn't been any major troubles and their people weren't any different. Maybe a little, but not more than expected.

"Norway?" a hand waved in front of his face and he winced slightly, reprimanding himself for his spacing out again.

"Yes?" He meant for his voice to come out sure and confident, but almost to his surprise, it sounded like a little squeak, like a little child that was about to cry and he was definitely not a little child. He was strong, damn it.

England, the one that had addressed him this time, stared at him quizzically. Seemingly doubting Norway's sanity, why could they not just leave him alone? They'd done enough damage as it was.

"H's f'ne" Sweden's voice interrupted his thoughts and he looked verily at the other nation, suddenly noticing the absence of Denmark. Where was that coward? Didn't he even have the decency to say goodbye to him? On the other hand, maybe he just wasn't worth it, the almighty Dane still had Norway's little brother. He still had the land that was supposed to be Norway's, still had what was not his to begin with.

Norway forced himself out of his thoughts and looked up at Sweden, who looked back with his disapproving stare. Norway stared dully back, not letting himself be affected the slightest. He would not let himself be bossed around by a Swede; he would not let him take control over him and his people.

"P'll y'rs'lf t'gether, Norge" Sweden's glare intensified and he grabbed Norway's arm, pulling the smaller nation with him as he made to leave the room. Norway had to use all his will power in order not to flinch or struggle as he was halfway led, halfway dragged out of the room.

His gaze was fixed on the air in front of him as he walked away with his head held high, praying that no one could see the fear that was blossoming up his chest and slowly choking him. It took all his might not to look back when the door shut behind them, closing off the final deal and Norway was officially in a union with Sweden.

To Be Continued

I will hopefully get around to finishing this fic, depends on how people react to it, really. I don't think I'll keep writing if no one likes it, that would be quite a waste of time, seeing as I write this at school..

Anyway, the plot is around the union between Sweden and Norway in 1814, I think it was? Damn, I'm so bad at this. I meant for Norway to get an eating disorder, but please don't flame me for it, it's the reason for this story and any helpful criticism would be greatly appreciated, as this is my first fanfiction too.

Note that I do not have an eating disorder, but I do research.

Please read and review. Thank you