Hi! It's Lisa, aka fieryhazel. Here's chapter 2. Please vote in my poll on my profile. R&R, plz!

I have a challenge for you. If I get 7 reviews for this chapter in the next 7 days, I will dedicate a Halloween one-shot to my reviewers on this chapter. So do your best! XD

Disclaimer: I do not own. Higuchi Tachibana has all rights for Gakuen Alice. I am merely a fanfiction writer.

Welcome to Eucleusia, a virtual paradise!

That one phrase echoed in Mikan's head. It sounded so... fake. Like in the cartoons that she obsessively watched before bed. Mechanical, in a way. After all, it was programmed.

She stared at the twins. Then, at the woman behind them. Her eyes were so... mesmerizing. She was startled by a tug on both of her arms.

Hey, what's your name? The twins seemed to ask.

Mechanical. "Umm... Mikan Sakura." She replied. The twins blinked. How old are you? What's your favourite colour? What kind of clothes do you like? Mikan was confused. "Well, I'm twelve, and my favouri-"

The twins cut her off. Come on! Follow us! Let's get you started! They chirped as they pulled her towards a black, circular space. Mikan looked over her shoulders to see the woman. She smiled as she pointed towards Mikan's direction. Mikan looked forward again to see that the black space had been replaced with a elegant light blue door, which stood out in the blank nothingness that surrounded it.

They entered the door, and a bright light enveloped them, causing Mikan to squeeze her eyes shut.

She was dumbfounded by what surrounded her.

Mikan stood in a exceptionally large room. The walls were painted in multiple different shades of blue and was decorated with tiny shards of golden jewels. An endless picture of yellowish-white clouds were painted on the ceiling, along with fairy-like creatures that carried bows and arrows. In the middle of the ceiling was a chandelier, which lighted up the entire room. But the most fascinating things in the room were the people.

Thousands of people were making their way around the room, each wearing different outfits, with different weapons. Chain mails, bulletproof vests, jumpsuits, staves, wands, swords, etc. Some were new and, like Mikan, were wearing plain white t-shirts and pants. Mikan stared in wonder.

Come on! Let's get you started!

She followed the twins as they led her to another room. This time, it was full of clothes. Varying from shorts to long skirts, draping robes to vests, blouses to pullovers, sandals to war boots, and from top hats to earmuffs.

Pick something! The twins offered.

Mikan browsed through the clothing racks. After half an hour, she found a comfortable white shirt with deep purple stripes and a black sports jacket. She picked out a dark blue pair of jeans with little patterns on the back pockets. She also wore a pair of black sneakers and white socks. She also came by the underwear section and chose a pair of polka-dotted panties, as always.

The twins stared at her. You know, that's kind of plain.

Offended, Mikan argued. "At least it's comfortable!"

The twins shrugged. They were still smiling. For some reason, this made her frown.

"And that, my friend, is why she stopped the production of Eucleusia."

Ruka was in shock. He was listening to Natsume, who was explaining about the glitch.

He just found out that Hotaru stopped the production of Eucleusia. It was actually pretty dangerous.

He stared at Natsume. "How'd it happen?" He asked. Natsume shrugged. "Supposedly, it's some kind of virus. Imai told me that Amanatsu accidently connected the wrong wires together in the network system when she was sleeping. Trying to help, or something."

Ruka's brow rose. "Sounds like something that Sakura would do, wouldn't you say?"


"So, shall we go?" Ruka offered. "Go where?"

"To Koko's place."

Natsume got up and nodded. "Let's go."

After countless hours of picking out her clothing, weapons and accessories, Mikan was completely drained.

Oh yeah... Fill this out for us. The twins handed Mikan a paper. "Uh, could I have a pen?" The twins smiled. You don't need one. Use your finger!

The Twins demonstrated. Once their fingers came in contact with the paper, a black mark formed.

Mikan's eyes widened in delight. No more pencils for her!

And so, she filled out the sheet.


Age: 12

Birth Date: November 17th

Select one of the following:

O Black Mage

X White Mage

O Warrior

O Summoner

O Sorcerer

O Guard

Mikan handed the sheet to the Twins. The letters were barely comprehensible. The Twins just stared at it.

A white mage? Don't you want something more... offensive?

Mikan shook her head. "No."

After about half an hour, Mikan finally finished giving any necessary information to the Twins. She came outside in a white robe and and few protective beginner's talismans. She was surprised, again, by the amount of people. They all just looked like a colourful swarm of bees flying around. She was startled by a tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see a brown-haired boy.

He wore a suit of gold-plated armour. He had light green eyes and was a few inches taller than Mikan, with a bunch of earrings on his left ear that she couldn't help but stare at. "Excuse me, but have you seen a short seven-year old girl with long and straight black hair? She's wearing an orange dress with two pink daisies on it and has green eyes. About this tall." Mikan stopped staring when he put his hand right above his waist.

Mikan composed herself. "A-actually, I'm pretty new here." The boy's eyebrow rose. "Oh, really? Well, nice to meet you, then." He extended out his hand, and Mikan shook it. "My name's Daisuke Hinamoto. I'm a guard, and I'm looking for my sister, Ichigo. A sorcerer."

Mikan giggled."I'm Mikan Sakura. A white mage. Your sister has a cute name, by the way. I could help look for her, if you like." She offered. Daisuke nodded. "Thanks, I guess. And your names match. Mandarin and strawberry. If you don't mind me calling you Mikan, that is." He chuckled.

Mikan smiled. "Why not? Daisuke, then."

"Anyways, my sister was supposed to come back to our store by now. She said she was looking for herbs in the Eastern Marshes and was hoping to make a few potions, since she's a sorcerer, and all. Though I was hoping that someone saw her come around here."

Daisuke led the way to the Marshes. When they arrived, Mikan spotted something move between a few twigs. It was too quick to be visible, though.

"Watch out!" Shouted Daisuke.

Mikan yelped as the creature sped forward in her direction. Then, she felt something that she actually recognized. Something that she felt before... in real life.


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