Chapter 15

"Yeah, that was fun." Calan grinned as he moved away from the door.

"You shouldn't tease him like that." A small voice reprimanded him from his right shoulder. "It's not nice."

"But, he deserved it. I mean, he just left us in that little room with no one interesting to look at." The voice on his left shoulder spoke up with a sniff. "I thought I would be stuck looking at just you two forever."

"Such a horrible fate." Calan muttered, rolling his eyes.

"I couldn't think of a worse one." The red Holiday shot back immediately.

"Oh please, as if I don't know that you have been stalking Rodriguez for days."

The imp licked her lips and smiled slowly. "You mean the dark one? Yeah, he's nice, but I am bored of him now."

"Really?" Calan's voice was tinged with sarcasm, though the girl didn't seem to notice as she continued anyway.

"It's so hard to find hot guys here!" she moaned, "They all wear those stupid masks! Some of them even wear them in the shower." The last part came out as an evil sounding hiss; she was obviously passionate about this particular subject.

"Its just so the viewers don't feel bad when they die." Calan pointed out absently.

The red Holiday stopped for a moment, and eventually slowly began to nod. "I guess that makes sense. If you don't know what they look like, it doesn't matter when they get killed."

"Exactly." Calan confirmed with a nod. "And, it makes it easier to shoot them down if they go Evo. No messy feelings or reluctance involved if you don't even know the guy's name, forget his eye color."

There were a few moments of silence following this announcement and then, then the angel exploded. "What is wrong with you two? Just listen to yourselves, don't you think something is a little off here?" She zoomed in front of the pair, and hovered in the air with her arms crossed, and her eyes furious.

Calan and Imp looked at each other for a moment, then looked at her. "Not really." Calan and imp chimed together, looking oddly at the little guide.

The angle sighed, and resisted the urge to face-palm. "Of course." she muttered. Then, suddenly darting towards her sister, she pointed a finger at her face. "You! I can almost understand. You are the embodiment of sin, you really can't help yourself. But you! The rounded on Calan, and hovered about an inch from the tip of his nose, making the man go cross-eyed as he tried to keep his eyes on the small woman. "You should have some good in you, flawed as you may be. But I just don't see it!" She stopped, and breathing heavily, glared at the pair as she waited for a response. Eventually, her patience snapped. "Well?" she demanded, "Don't you have anything to say for yourself?"

"Uhh.." Calan was too busy being in shock to actually think of anything to say.

"Goddamnit." She muttered rubbing her temples. "Some people…" She looked up, fire burning in her eyes. "Forget you." She said slowly, slowly gaining speed and volume. "Forget you, forget her, and forget this place. All of it! You can all go rot for all I care! Rot in your own damned graves!" Then, with total lack of ceremony, she spit towards the ground that rested far below her, and flew away full speed down the hall and straight through the far wall.

"Wow." Calan muttered as he stared wide-eyed at where the angel had disappeared. "That was…dramatic."

"Very." agreed the equally astonished imp on his shoulder.

"What brought that on exactly?" he asked, vaguely gesturing towards the wall.

"I'm not entirely sure." The red Holiday was quickly coming back to herself now. "But I do know what it means for me."

"And what is that?" Calan was a little slower.

"It means 100% guilt free stalking privileges." She easily hopped from Calan's shoulder and onto the seemingly solid air with a saucy little twirl. "Without Little Miss Though-Shalt-Not on my case, I can do my thing and not have to worry about listening to her nagging when I get back." She grinned. "This is great!"

Calan rolled his eyes, the little speech fully bringing him back to his senses. " Of course. What else could you have meant?" But he got no reply- the little red speck was already disappearing down the hallway behind him. "Useless little things. Maybe I should jump countries while they are distracted." The words echoed strangely in the now deserted hallway. Of course, that was the exact moment Holiday rounded the corner.

"Still talking to yourself?" She raised an eyebrow. "Maybe you need a little more bed rest…" she let the end of the sentence trail off onto the awkward atmosphere of the hall. She seemed calm enough to the casual observer, but Calan saw the slight shaking of her hands.

"Yes, that is exactly the right thing to say to the guy who is trying to kill you." Calan snorted, leaning against the wall behind him.

"Well, you can only kill me once." Holiday shot back, hands steadying as she easily stepped into the familiar patterns of their banter.

Calan suppressed a smile as he responded. "Yes, but I could have been planning on making it quick, and now I might draw it out."

"Okay, that's a possibility." Holiday agreed hesitantly, slowly starting to inch her way back down the hall.

"Oh no you don't" Calan pushed himself towards her and put one arm along the wall on either side of her, effectively stopping her. "You aren't going anywhere yet." This not only stopped her, it also brought him much closer to him than she had been before. As he held her pined to the wall, he noticed something odd about her. Okay, maybe not odd, just something that had never caught his attention before. She smelled… different, kind of like strawberries, but not quite. "Now, we need to have a little talk." He spoke, forcing his mind away from how attractive the woman was, and towards the matter at hand.

Holiday blinked slowly, then opened her mouth before he could remember what their talk was supposed to be about. "Do you have anything to do this Friday?"

Calan's already distracted mind was suddenly totally lost. "Uhh…what?" He couldn't quite wrap his mind around the unexpected question. It had just popped in on a UFO straight from outer fucking space as far as he was concerned.

"If you don't have anything planned, there is this great restaurant that I have been wanting to try. If you are interested of course." Holiday stared up at the man, not even sure what she was doing herself, but trusting her instincts and her secret to get her oout of the situation she found herself in.

Calan officially had no idea what could possibly be going on. "Uhm…sure." he agreed hesitantly, thinking that maybe he had fallen though a wormhole or something and into an alternate universe. That kind of stuff happened sometimes, right?

"Okay." Holiday ducked under his arms, mind spinning, and started down the hallway. "Pick me up at 8." She called behind her.

He was locked in place, and unable to move for a brief moment before calling out to her. "You know, I'm not sure anymore."

Holiday stopped walking and turned towards the man. ?"Not sure about what?" She pulled the clipboard in her hands a little tighter to her chest as she looked at him.

Calan shook his head slightly as he leaned in towards the wall and rested his forehead on its cool surface. "If you are the crazy one, or if I am."

Holiday stared at him for a moment, before turning away and continuing down the hall. "Oh, that's easy. You, definitely you."

Calan's laugh echoed through providence.


An: I'm SOOOOOORY! I know it's been forever, and I KNOW it's short, but if I didn't post it, I don't think I ever would have. I swear, writing this chapter, kit felt long, and epic, and then when I looked at the page number, I was almost ashamed of myself. I'm afraid I've lost it guys…. So, I'm holding a contest. To try to get my spark back, I want everyone to try to give me an idea for a one shot. It can be anything- yaoi or het. I don't think I'm up to a lemon though, so none of those. But tell me the character, and the situation. The one that I like the most will be made into the best one shot I can conjure up, and hopefully help kill this horrific writer's block I have. Thanks so much for your support guys, I have the best readers and reviewers ever. Especially the reviewers. Everyone gets a free pair of sunglasses!

Please, please, please read, review, and criticize.