Hi! ; )

Thank you for sticking around so long! : D All your reviews have been so awesome and you still review even with my wacky schedule, you guys are Amazing! ^_^/

Chapter 17.

"Mister," Hiro said and grabbed Ares sleeve, "where are you going?"

"I don't know yet," Ares said with his back to the two boys.

"Are you not going to tell everyone that you're okay, and say goodbye?" Isao questioned and both boys had to run, to follow Ares large steps down the empty streets. Ares laughed humorless and shook his head.

"I'm not good with goodbyes," he just murmured.

"Are you not bringing anything with you?" Isao asked and gestured toward him, "you don't have food, a tent or change of clothes, and where are you going to go anyway?"

"Ah, shut up, shut up with all the question, I'll figure that out later," he said annoyed and put both hands behind his head.

"But you're still hurt," Hiro informed him and looked at all his bandages. He was only wearing a black t-shirt, so the long bandages down his arms were visible and he almost swayed back and forth when he walked.

"I know… tell your mother, thank you, for patching me together and everything," he said and waved dismissing of the two boys. After the fight, Ares had turned Human just after Lucy and had appeared in an empty alleyway, where Hiro and Isao had found him and brought him home to their mother. She was a small woman with a friendly smile.

"You should stay," Hiro said and grabbed the back of his shirt, "please stay, mister."

"I might be back," Ares sighed and stopped to remove Hiro's fingers from his shirt.

"But you just came…" Isao began sadly.


"Yeah Ares, you just came," a cold voice broke through and all three boys turned their heads. Ares stared in surprise for a second, then he laughed nervously and lifted his hands in defense.

"Hey, Loki… how are you?" he said awkwardly and slowly backed away. Loki narrowed his eyes in anger and started walking toward the tall boy with heavy steps.

"Do you know- Do you have any idea-" Loki said between clenched teeth. Ares backed away, but suddenly his back hit the wall and he looked panicking around, but before he could run Loki took around his collar and hit him hard against the wall.

"Hey! I don't have my powers, this is an unfair fight-"

"Do you have any idea how worried Lucy is about you?" he said the word ´you´ with so much anger that Ares went quiet for a second, but then he sighed and rolled his eyes.

"She'll be fi-" he was cut off when Loki pulled his body a little closer and punched it back against the wall with so much force that Ares gasped in pain. He became dizzy and cursed angrily of his injuries.

"Great, if my ribs wasn't broken before, they are now!" he spitted angrily and stared with cold eyes at Loki. Hiro and Isao had retreated to the opposite wall and stared at the scenery with wide eyes.

"Get back there and tell her you are okay," Loki commanded.

"No way! I'm done with all of this! I'm going to find a way to turn back to a spirit, and it's not here," Ares said and gestured toward the road out of town, "there may be a way for me to become a spirit again and I intend to find it," he grabbed around the hand Loki had clenched around his shirt and smirked, "and then I'll come back and beat the crap out of you!"

Loki let go of him, but didn't breaking the eye contact.

"What are you afraid of?" Loki said coldly.

"Nothing!" Ares snapped and his smirk twisted to anger.

"I think you are too afraid of confronting her - you would rather run away, then admit that you love her," Loki said and clenched his fist when he said it out loud. He had known it for a while, but it was still hard to accept. Hiro and Isao exchanged glares.

"I. Would. Never. Love. Anyone!" Ares said and suddenly his voice turned darker and he looked absolutely furious, "I promised myself that a long time ago."

"Get over it, Ares!" Loki said harshly and smirked, "those twisted-childhood-experiences doesn't soften me."

"Don't start with me-" Ares said and tighten his fist.

"You are just a weak person, who never recovered from a loss," Loki said and Ares stared at him with widening eyes, "What was it, oh yeah, you killed her, your first real love, right?"

"Shut up!" Ares said and his eyes flickered back and forth by the memory.

"Yes, I have heard the story, everybody in the town has! Only Baldur forgave you for killing her, why do you think everybody else keeps a distance from you?" Loki continued.

"Shut up! Just- just stop! Be quiet!" Ares yelled and grabbed his forehead with a shaking hand.

"You killed her out of jalousie!" Loki said disgusted.

"It- it was not suppose to happen like that. It was an-"

"Accident?" Loki ended, "you were found with her blood on your hands."

"That's enough!" Ares yelled frustrated and tackled Loki to the ground. Loki made no attempt to struggle or protect himself when Ares fists rained down on his face, one hit harder than the other.

"It was not my fault! It was not my fault!" Ares said repeatedly while he smashed his tightened fist toward Loki's blotted face.

"Stop it!" a light voice suddenly screamed out and he felt a pair of hands push him off Loki with frustrated strength, if he hadn't been so dizzy already he would probably have noticed her earlier. He stumbled to his feet and breathed heavily while he tried to focus his eyes.

"Lucy?" he said between breaths and shifted a little back and forth before he fell to the ground. The wounds on his arms had opened and a big red spot started to spread on his right arm.

Lucy hurried to help Loki to a sitting position and examined his face. Ares watched while her fingers turned his face in search for injury. She sighed when a stripe of blood ran from Loki's lip, but he wasn't seriously injured. The she turned her head to Ares; her eyes were filled with hurt and betrayal.

"How much did you hear?" Ares snapped and stumbled to his feet.

"Everything, I have been listening from the beginning, Gray and Natsu told me where to find you," she said with low voice. Loki moaned and put a hand on a sore spot on his head.

"Why would you do this?" Lucy said with a quiet voice, but Ares could tell that she was going to release the waterworks soon.

"What? Beat up Loki? Kill my Girlfriend? Which one is it?" Ares said and had to support against a nearby wall. No one noticed that Hiro and Isao quietly ran off.

"Those things are both horrible," Lucy admitted and Ares exclaimed a laugh and shook his head, " But I meant the fact that you didn't tell me you were alive, I was really worried about you," Lucy said and squeezed around Loki's hand for her own support, "do- do you really love me?" she asked with a hesitant voice. Loki's eyes dug into Ares.

Ares narrowed his eyes and pressed his lips together. They held eye contact for a long moment, but then Ares laughed and shook his head.

"I do not!" he said and turned away. Lucy took a relieved breath.

"Where are you going to go?" Lucy asked and let go of Loki's hand. His eyes flickered in concern, but he let her walk toward Ares without protesting.

"I don't know," Ares said and stiffen when he realized she was coming closer.

"Here," she said and Ares turned his head slightly to see what she was offering him. He made a small ´huh´ in surprise when he saw the key in her hand.

"Baldurs key?" he questioned.

"You should take it, summon him and tell him you are okay," she explained and looked away, "he is your best friend, so even if you don't find a way to become a spirit again, you should have your best friend with you."

"Hmm," he exclaimed and took the key out of her hand, "you are so stupid." He said with a smile.

"What?" Lucy said surprise and suddenly the perfect moment shattered around them.

"You just gave up a golden key, I-di-ot!" he grinned and waved it in front of her face. Both Loki and Lucy stared at him – in shock over his change in mood. He laughed loudly and put both hands on her shoulders.

"That was nice of you to do," he said and smiled teasingly, "you are a good person, Lucy."

"Ares, you-" Loki said angrily and jumped to his feet, "be a little more serious!" he tried to sound angry, but he was too shocked over Ares mood.

"Ha, sorry, too much chick-flick moment and sad music for me, I guess!" Ares laughed and looked back at Lucy, his eyes changed back to serious for a second, "you are really an amazing person, and I guess I really like you," he mumbled and leaned forward.

Both Loki and Lucy stiffen in shock when Ares lips touched Lucy's forehead lightly, but he pulled back immediately and whispered so low that only Lucy heard, "but you are taken, right?"

"Ares," Lucy said flustered. She felt Loki's hands on her shoulders and he lightly pulled her away from Ares and into his own arms. Ares pulled back and said in a serious voice again.

"I wasn't kidding, I will be back and fight you," he told Loki.

"Man, your mood swings give me the creeps!" Loki said and shivered.

"Mister!" two voices suddenly yelled out, and everyone turned. Hiro and Isao came running toward them with bag packs slamming against their backs.

"We are coming with you!" Hiro yelled.

"Our mom said, okay!" Isao added.

"Crap, no way I'm babysitting humans!" Ares exclaimed and put both hands on Loki's shoulders and stared at him with panicking eyes.

"I now leave them in your care!" he said and turned around and with long steps he actually ran away.

"Ares!" Lucy yelled after him, but couldn't help a smile.

"Sorry," he yelled back and with a grin he added, "it would never have worked out between us!" before he rounded a corner. Hiro and Isao exclaimed annoyed yells and headed after him as fast as their small legs could run.

Lucy laughed silently and leaned back in Loki's arms.

"He was… different," Lucy said quietly.

"Will you miss him?" Loki asked hesitant and wrapped his arms around her.

"He will be back," she said with a smile, "I just can't believe it's all over."

"Yeah, me neither," Loki said, "do you want to hear about his girlfriend – the one he killed?"

"Nah, he will tell me some day," She said and smiled.

"Maybe," Loki mumbled and turned her in his arms so he could look into her eyes, "so now, I guess there is just one final question."

"A- a final question?" Lucy said and blushed slightly.

"Yes," Loki said and leaned closer to her with a teasing smile playing on his lips. His hair tickled her cheek gently and she felt his warm breathe on her face.

"What is it?" she murmured quietly.

"Do you admit that a spirits life is harder than a humans?" he said directly.

"What!" Lucy said surprised and pushed him away, "no way it was!"

"HUH! Didn't you experience the fights and conflicts and you get summoned when your owner wants it! And you had to have weird comrades!" Loki said and counted on his fingers.

"But as a human you can't do anything, you were totally defenseless and had to watch your spirit take the hits for you!" Lucy argued.

"You learned nothing!"

"Neither did you!"

Lucy walked past him with a dismissing wave with her hand, "you are just too stubborn to admit that I was right!"

"Excuse me, but that is SO not the case! You should just admit it!" he said and followed her with his hands waving wildly around him.

"Humans have it harder!"

"Spirits have it much harder!"


"Spirits times two!"

"Humans times a million!"

"Spirits times a zillion!"

"Humans times infinitive!"

"Spirits times a million infinity!"

The end

Leave a final review please and tell me what you thoughts of the whole story. : D Hope you liiiiiked and this is the 3th story that I have actually finished. Yay! ^_^