The following is an excerpt from writings found on the floor of Antonio Fernandez Carriedo's study.



Alarm goes off, usually sleeps through. Often makes cute noises.


Finally gets up. Most days grumbles a bit and moves to the shower. Otherwise goes back to sleep until seven. Watch for yawning face!


Finishes shower. Sadly, no window into bathroom. Wet hair is nice, too.


Wakes up his twin. Feliciano almost always hugs him, so make sure not to miss the pair!moment


Eat breakfast; good time to move to the next focus spot, in order to make the best moments.

10:00 sharp!

Work time, so be sure to attend any outdoor shoots(bring binoculars)

If indoors, use this time for writing.


Break for lunch; always eats something with tomatoes (favorite food?) and sometimes coffee (though always with foamed milk, and maybe sugar)


The paper is ripped here.

Antonio stuck the other half of the piece of paper into his pocket, in too much of a hurry to bother keeping it intact. It was Saturday morning, and the final day to complete the first step of his plan. He had spent the first part of the week compiling a schedule, a super-detailed one on the whereabouts of his boy. It wasn't too hard, anyway; he just made sure to bring a watch out every time he saw Lovino. He was just about to embark on the Saturday work, but had finished the morning bit preemptively from memory.

It was already five in the morning, though! If he was not out the door soon, he would miss the best part of the day!

Antonio thanked the gods for instant coffee as he moved into the kitchen. He took care boiling to water to not spill, since the last time he had burned his hand. The soreness made it difficult to hold a camera straight for extended periods of time. He poured it into a travel mug, which he stuck into one of the carrying pouches in his backpack.

He moved in near silence exiting the door, taking care to not wake any of his housemates. He wouldn't want to disturb anyone.

And then he was on his way to the car, double-checking that his keys and a spare roll of film were secure in his fanny pack.

Yeah, bby! Stalker!Antonio uses a fanny pack!

this story is going to be strange, by the way. Like, it'll move slow, and quick, and kinda all over the place.

I. Was. So. Shocked. And. Honored. By. Your. Awesome. Reviews. And. Alerts.

Alright, much too lazy to type like that.

But really! You people are too awesome for my lack of talent! I guess creeper!Toni is a good(?) motivation?

Ja…I decided to stick with this! So expect more, hopefully longer chapters, though it'll be slow since Interwoven is my focus and…..

I kindasortadecided to do NaNoWriMo. I started a bit late, so now I'm sooo behind! I'll be trying to get out a good 10,000 words this weekend xD

If you like this, uh….Toni be climbin' in yo' window, snatchin' yo' people up!

Cos we all know we wouldn't mind.