Disclaimer: Alex Rider belongs to Anthony Horowitz. The story ideas are mine, though.

A/N: Some general remarks:

The setting obviously is some time after Snakehead, and I like to think of Alex as being at least sixteen in these stories.

I sincerely hope that I'm not accidentally copying someone's ideas, and if I am, please inform me about it.

Should any of my stories inspire you to elaborate on them or draw a scene or something, please PM me – I don't mind the idea at all, as long as I'm given some credit. And I like being involved in the writing process.

Ideas and wishes are welcome, but I'm afraid I can't promise anything. It's all a matter of motivation and inspiration in the end.

Corrections in terms of content, grammar, spelling and punctuation are very welcome, too. English is not my mother-tongue after all.

And at last: Enjoy!

Six Years

Alex startled out of his reverie when he caught himself staring again at Ben who was currently peeling potatoes across the kitchen island. Looking down to his own task – slicing carrots – he bit his lip in frustration.

"Seven years," he remembered telling Sabina when she had remarked that Lefevre was 'only a bit older' than her at Wimbledon. And yet he now found himself undeniably attracted to a man six years his senior. Oh the irony, he thought sarcastically and made a note not to mention his... crushfeelingswhatever to her. Ever. "That's nothing these days," his friend had answered back then and he mentally admitted his hopeful agreement, albeit grudgingly.

He just could not quite bring himself to truly care about the age gap between them when they understood each other without words most of the time. Several missions and conversations had proven their teamwork and their equality in the last months – they just clicked somehow.

His innate curiosity would drive him to act upon his feelings sooner or later, he knew that, and then it would not matter in the least if any reasonable part of him told him not to. His reason had never won against curiosity before, why start now, when something good might actually come out of it?

Subtly he glanced up at Ben, noticing a faint pink had spread over the man's high cheekbones. No use trying to spy on this agent and staying undetected.

Alex smirked, letting his eyes roam over the man in front of him appreciatively. Screw the six years age gap. Screw reason.