Hello, WAZAM here. So I realize that not a lot of people have really gone outside of the actual Degrassi plot...but I'm gonna be brave and do that! I'm thinking of making this a story, but I would like some feedback to see what you guys think of the plot. I love everyone's reviews so much, especially in my last story. Wow, you guys are so awesome! So please read and tell me what you think!

Disclaimer: I own an overly active imagination, not Degrassi.



The final bell rang, and I could not have been more ready to start my weekend!

I opened my locker and stuffed my books inside, not wanting to see them for at least three days. I really just wanted to go home because my mind had been completely focused on him all day.

Who is him?

Well, a few years ago, my best friend Alli Bhandari forced me to register on this social website because she thought I needed the distraction. Me? A distraction? No, not at all. It wasn't like one of my closest friends stole my boyfriend and made me completely miserable for months…Needless to say, Alli's intentions of distracting me were met the minute I got a friend request from a person with the username of morty-golds49.

Honestly, I don't know why I added him. He was a total stranger, and after the incident with my older sister Darcy a few years ago, I should have steered clear from adding strangers online. That didn't stop me, though, because I was lonely.

I was sad, tired, and his name sounded interesting.

At first, his sarcastic comments and snide responses annoyed me, but I found them refreshing and amusing. He became very interesting to talk to, even if he wouldn't tell me his real name and he knew mine. I asked him several times, but he would always say something along the lines of: "My name is simply too amazing and it has to remain a secret until I think you're ready."

That was already sketchy enough to make me run for the hills, but I didn't. He wasn't judgmental and labeled me as "the smart one" like everyone else did. He thought I was funny and kind, something no one in high school would ever bother paying attention to. One day he could be making me laugh and smile, but then the next he could be making me angry and surprised. There was always a weird combination with him, but I strangely liked it.

Lately our talks have been more frequent and surprisingly much more flirtatious. It's a little silly that I find myself always getting butterflies in my stomach when he compliments me or suggests that we actually meet. I know he's kidding when he says things like that because he's very discreet. Or was he…? Well, it didn't matter anyway, because I probably was never going to meet him…

Anyway, as of today, we've been good friends for two whole years!

I checked my hair in the small mirror in my locker and fixed my bangs carefully. Once I was satisfied, my eyes flickered to the poster that hung on top of my mirror. I sighed dreamily as I stared at the poster of my celebrity crush and the hottest teen rock star of the century! It wasn't just me who thought so, but every girl who has ever laid eyes on Elijah Goldsworthy.

Not only was he absolutely gorgeous, but his music was really god too. He was the lead singer of Proxemics, an alternative band with a hint of hard rock with the most amazing melodies and lyrics I had ever heard. It was funny that even though Proxemics was kind of…eccentric, practically the whole student body had a poster of Elijah in their locker, as did I.

Although his complexion was pale, he was dark and mysterious. I hated to say it, but he was just too sexy for his own good sometimes. I think that's what made him so attractive to a lot of girls, myself included. He was just so…wow. His black, disheveled hair fell over his eyes and framed his sharply angled face. His thick eyelashes shadowed his jade eyes mysteriously as they lit with mischief; his nose was straight and perfect, and his Cupid's bow lips were etched in a drop-dead sexy smirk that made my knees weak. In this poster in particular, he was wearing an open black blazer and a gray under shirt that showed off what looked like toned muscles, a silver pendant hung on his neck, and a thick wrist band with studs adorned his wrist. His thumbs were inside the pockets of dark skinny jeans that only he could pull off, and his long fingers sprawled over his pants to show off his many signature silver rings.

In one word, the boy was amazing! I bit my lip gently as I stared into his eyes in the picture. I would die if I could go see him live, and see him giving me his crooked smile, only for me. My mind immediately wandered to fantasies of having back stage passes and actually meeting him. I blushed when my thoughts turned away from innocent, which involved him, me, and his dressing room...


I gasped and saw that Alli had closed my locker and stared at me, her eyes wide with excitement.

"Oh my GOD, Clare Edwards! Guess who's having a concert in Canada?" Alli exclaimed, earning us weird looks from the people around us.

I laughed nervously and smiled apologetically at the passing students. "Okay, I'll go with it. Who's coming?"

"Proxemics! ELIJAH GOLDSWORTHY! AHHH!" she squealed and flailed her arms like a mad woman.

My stomach flipped and my heart sped up. "OH my gosh, no way, Alli!" I couldn't help but squeal back.

A group of girls approached us then.

"WHOA! Did I just hear that the Elijah Goldsworthy is having a concert here?" one of them asked.

"When is he coming? Oh my god, I would die to get front row seats!"

"Excuse me! Please ogle Elijah Goldsworthy away from this conversation," Alli scoffed, crossing her arms.

The girls groaned and walked away from us. I laughed and walked with Alli out of the school and started our way home. She started filling me in on the details of the concert; Proxemics would be giving one concert in one week in Toronto, which was about six hours from where we were in Ontario. Alli had already checked online and most of the tickets were already gone. The only ones left were at the very top of the arena or lawn seats, which was clearly not our first choice. We wanted to be able to see him, however far away he was.

"Do you think your mom would let you go?" Alli asked.

"Well, she's heard me mention them before. She'd probably let me if I went with a group, you know?" I responded, thinking of the possibilities.

"Same here! We could ask Peter and my brother Sav, I know they love Proxemics. And I'm pretty sure Bianca likes them, maybe even Anya. We could totally go in a group!" she started ranting on and on.

I smiled knowingly and took out my iPod. I gave her one of the headphone and turned on one of their songs and swooned at his voice. "I hate that there's only back seats, but what I would do to get that boy to sing this to me," Alli sighed.

"Hey, back off, sister!" I teased playfully. "I'm not sure if we should do this if there are only bad seats..."

We reached Alli's house and we sighed sadly. "Well, I'm gonna talk to my parents about it and see what's up. Then we can decide, yes?"

I nodded and waved good-bye.


I flopped onto my bed and opened up my laptop. While I waited for my slow computer to sign me into FaceRange, I decided to open up the Internet to check out when Proxemics was coming. Maybe I would be able to convince my parents...



morty-golds49: hey, blue eyes

I smiled and bit my lip softly.

clare-e23: hey :) so guess what?

morty-golds49: chicken butt?

clare-e23: ...what?

morty-golds49: you know, it rhymes...? never mind. what's up?

clare-e23: haha wow :P so yeah, two years ago today we became friends!

morty-golds49: oh, you're keeping track I see. do I have to get you a 2-year anniversary present, honey?

I blushed.

clare-e23: weeeeell…...nahh I'm just kidding :) haha. hey, so have you heard of Proxemics?

morty-golds49: I guess you can say I'm familiar with their work. why?

clare-e23: I love their music! and my friend Alli told me that they were coming to Toronto, Canada, and I'm so upset that there aren't any tickets left! And plus it's like 6 hours away :(

morty-golds49: do you want one?

I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion.

clare-e23: want one what?

morty-golds49: a ticket, obviously

clare-e23: ...you have an extra ticket? :O

morty-golds49: why, yes I do. backstage passes, actually

My mouth was gaping open.

morty-golds49: as a matter of fact, it could be your excuse to come and meet me- face to face

clare-e23: whoa...didn't you say you were in California last week? and how did you get backstage passes?

morty-golds49: lets just say I'm really close to the guys who work for them, I was able to snag some. and I told you I traveled a lot. that just shows how much you care, thanks

clare-e23: I do too care! I just didn't think you moved so fast...

morty-golds49: so...backstage pass to Proxemics?

clare-e23: and you'd come with me?

morty-golds49: I'd take care of everything, trust me. so what do you say, blue eyes? stay or go?

I blinked and I completely forgot about my parents, about Alli, and about the risk I would be taking going to meet this guy I didn't even really know. But just the thought of meeting this amazing stranger at last, and seeing Elijah Goldsworthy singing in front of my eyes and the possibility of talking to him after...

clare-e23: when can I leave?

morty-golds49: I'll go ahead and arrange plane tickets for next week. I'll fill you in on the details tomorrow. can't wait to finally meet you, blue eyes

MORTY-GOLDS49 has signed off.

I stared at the monitor and squealed in disbelief. I'd figure out the details later, and who cares? I'M GOING TO SEE ELIJAH GOLDSWORTHY LIVE!


Somewhere in Toronto...

MORTY-GOLDS49 has signed off.

A smirk tugged at my lips as I thought about the conversation with Clare. It was just my luck when she brought up her wish to go to the Proxemics concert, because I had really wanted this all along. I had wanted to find some way to meet her again, but I didn't want it to be so official or weird.

Meet her again...

I bet she doesn't even remember me. I was nobody back then. Three years ago, I went to Degrassi High School. And that was when I first saw her. Her bouncy, honey curls, her beautiful blue eyes, her soft lips, her slender curves. My heart almost stopped when I saw her, walking with her friend. I had always admired her, always seen her, always wanted her.

I had a class with her at one point, but I was exceptionally good at blending into the background. No one remembers me. She doesn't remember me, but I remember her. She was so smart and amazing at everything she did. Her innocence and purity drew me to her and I wished that she could feel the same magnetic pull I felt whenever I was near her. I never got the chance to approach her, though, because it was then that my dad's business friend heard me and the band playing in my garage. He offered us a deal with a big recording company, and we hit the market like crazy. We had two albums so far, and they were in the top ten for about a year. Now we were on our first tour, nothing too big: United States and Canada. If it was a success, we would go world-wide.

Now, everyone knew who I was. I am Elijah Goldsworthy, lead singer of Proxemics, heartthrob. None of the people I met were real anymore; they just wanted to befriend me for my money and fame. I only trusted my band-mates and a few close friends. All the girls would throw themselves at me shamelessly, but I would brush them off. I never wanted anything to do with them.

I wanted Clare.

Even after I became famous one year later, I still kept her in my mind and my heart. If I saw her again, would she like me for me or my fame? I remember the day I had found her IM on the Internet. My heart started to race and my palms grew sweaty. I got the courage to add her, knowing that if we started to talk, she would get to know the real me. That would be enough. Then later (I dared to hope there would be a later) I would show her who I truly was and meet her again. As soon as we started talking, I became hooked. She understood me and never pushed me about who I was or what I did. She was the complete opposite of me, but we were always in tune with our likes and dislikes.

She was perfect. And she had said yes.

"Gabe!" I called out.

My body guard, Gabe, came into my hotel room immediately. "Yes, Eli?"

"Call my manager. Tell him I'm gonna need a backstage pass made and some flights arranged," I responded, not removing my eyes from the screen.


"A special friend of mine is coming to visit," I said, a wicked grin itching.

She will be mine.

So what do you think? Prologues are short, but I promise to make them longer if you do like it. I love your feedback! Thank you!