AN: Weeeellll, here's the next one. I tried for a happier one... :D And the song is "Anytime You Need A Friend", by Mariah Carey. I love that song.
Anddddd, we hear that it's sometime in October, and Ferb's a littler goofier than when they were ten/eleven years old... I swear, Jeet and Buford will be in the next one. Even Django got a mention, and he's only talked in like... three episodes. I wish he was in more. Anyways, here. |D

Phineas&Ferb do not belong to me. (OH, and I need to have a Perry and Doof drabble. I bet Perry's upset. D:)

"We have to go to school in a few minutes," The redhead shrugged. "How was today?"

Isabella shrugged as well and yawned. "Boring… Except when Django got art class back. He started this whole thing with Mrs. Moret."

"Art class was gone?"

Isabella nodded. "They claimed they needed the money for something else. But what about you guys? We haven't been able to talk to you in a week."

"Two weeks." Ferb added from behind his step-brother, glancing up at the laptop screen for a moment. He waved.

The teenager laughed on the other end. "Buford and Baljeet are okay, too, and Perry still disappears for half the day… how are you guys?"

For a moment, the two step-brothers were quiet. Ferb shrugged. Phineas sighed and ruffled his hair. "Most people ignore us. But you remember Prince Charles? He wants to have another one of those jousting tournaments, but he wants Candace to visit."

"How could everyone ignore you?" She asked, shocked. "have you even done anything since you left?"

"Sort of, but school…" He shrugged. "The teleport-anywhere-in-the-world thing should be way easier, but the homework never ends. We'll have it done by Halloween, though, so we can go trick-or-treating with you guys."

Their friend rolled her eyes, and had they been face-to-face, she would've playfully punched his shoulder. "Jeet's going as that space-rabbit thing again, but I'd like to see him go as something creative. For all his intelligence, he can't think of much. Except songs. On the spot."

"All of us can do that, Izzy."

"It was getting really weird." Ferb added in.

"We miss you guys."

"Give us three weeks, and we can all go and collect free candy together."

Ferb stepped up silently. Isabella watching him carefully as Phineas continued to talk about this and that, ideas about what they all could go as, maybe next year they'd all match or something. Ferb held up his hands behind the redhead's… well, head, as if to make moose ears. Phineas kept talking.

Isabella giggled.

Anytime you need a friend, I will be here
You'll never be alone again, so don't you fear
Even if you're miles away...