Chapter 1

Bella POV

As I stood outside in the backyard of my house, I could hear my mother, Renee yelling on the phone to my father Charlie, about me moving to live with him.

"Fuck" i thought. Maybe I'd finally pushed Renee too far.

I sighed and took the last drag of my cigarette, dropping it on the ground and stubbing it out with my Converse clad foot.

Oh well time to go in and face the music.

I kicked myself of the wall with my foot and slowly, as if I was walking to my death , which metaphorically speaking it was for me, I walked into the house. I dragged out a chair noisily, to notify Renee of my presence and flopped down in the chair, banging my feet up onto the table.

Having g heard the chair, Renee oh so nicely (not) told Charlie she'd call him later with the details, slammed the phone onto the countertop and rounded on me like an animal with its prey.

"I've had enough this time Isabella. You are packing your bags and moving to Forks with your father." She seethed whilst glaring at me. So motherly (note sarcasm).

"That's bullshit!" I yelled "So I get arrested by the police, what once and your shipping me of to my father who I've saw maybe 5 times in all my 17 years and to top it all off he lives in Fucksville USA were the probably don't even know what cell phones are ! Thanks a-fucking-lot mom!"

Renee's face was now an unhealthy shade of purple at my little tirade. "How dare you! It would have been completely different if that had been your first arrest, but I've lost count of them all there's been that many! For underage drinking, Vandalism, breach of peace, to name a few! Not to mention you're always skipping school and flunking out in all your classes. had enough! Your father is the Chief of police, so maybe he can straighten you out. And you won't be with all your little delinquent friends here from Phoenix, as I'm sure the people in 'Fucksville USA ' are a lot nicer than that little gang from here! "Renee finishes yelling now standing a foot in front of me with her chest breathing in and out quickly.

I rose out my chair angrily with my fists balled up at my sides "You cannot seriously blame my friends for this! It was my idea to have the party and usually is for all the other shit we do! And I don't see how daddy dearest being a cop is going to make any difference! It just means he'll probably be the one fucking arresting me! Some mother you are, getting rid of me at the first chance you get so you can spend all your time with your ass sucking husband Phil!"

I actually felt quite shit when I said that about Phil there as he is actually an ok sort of guy. Him and his family come from shit loads of money (probably one of the reasons that attracted mother dear) and he didn't hesitate to buy me my awesome car, or to give me a Platinum to do whatever the fuck I want with, but I was just so mad I was blurting out all kinds of shit.

"How dare you bring Phil into this! He has nothing to do with this! If anything you should be thankful because I wanted to 'send you away' as you've nicely put it ages ago but Phil keeps telling me to give you another chance, that your just rebelling and you'll grow out of it but that was 2 and a half years ago so enough is enough! " Renee yelled back getting slightly red in the face.

"Oh way to make me feel fucking loved! You've been trying to get me shipped away for years! Thanks a fucking bunch 'Mom'!"

Renee's shoulders slumped down in a defeated manner.

"I do love you Bells! That's why I'm doing this! I just want my old little girl back. You used to be the sweetest kindest person up until 3 years ago. I don't know what happened but I'm at the end of my tether and this is the only option I'm left with. I'm sorry Bella I'm really am but my decisions final. I'm booking you a flight for next week to give you a chance to say goodbye to your friends and to get things sorted at your fathers. "She quietly said to me with tears streaking down her face. I hated to see her cry but she's sending me away to the fucking middle of nowhere so I was mad!

"It's called growing up , Renee, that's why I changed. This is me deal with it or don't and we all know which choice you've picked. I'm going to pack my shit so I can get out of here as quick as fucking possible." I yelled whilst running out the room and up to my bedroom, sop Renee wouldn't see the tears threatening to spill.

Shit! If only she knew what really happened 3 years ago... I quickly shook those thoughts from my head as I slammed my bedroom door shut. That was a secret that was never going to be told.