Chapter nine

The wound on his arm did not really bother Kel'ris while he sat at his brother's site. He had not even registered it until Norm had come in and hugged him just to find his right hand covered in blood.

What happened next still flustered the warrior. The smaller Na'vi had cornered him and grabbed a tight hold on his wrist just to literally pull him from the room. Once they reached his own lair Kel'ris had been forced to sit down, "Norm, it is not that bad." Kel hissed in pain when Norm washed the blood away.

"Not that bad? This is an open wound, Kel! It could already be infected!" Norm snarled enraged at the carelessness his friend displayed.

"But…" Kel'ris was stopped from complaining further when snarling lips caught his own in a punishing kiss.

When Norm finally released the warrior he snarked, "You may not care for yourself, but I sure as hell do. So sit still and let me take care of you for once!"

Meekly nodding Kel'ris licked his lips. He had not thought that Norm could ever be this forceful. Not that he didn't like it, but he thought back to the shy and often stuttering human and found he could live with both. He knew that humans seemed to be caught by strange moods quite often, he just had Jake Sully to compare it too but he seemed to be the same as Norm.

So he sat still while Norm displayed all the knowledge Kel had taught him for cleaning a wound and taking care of others.

Hours later Norm had allowed Kel'ris to go back and join Jake and now watched in relief when Kel'ris' worry over Tsu'tey turned to joy when the other finally woke up.

Kel'ris head rushed around when he registered the change in his friend's breathing just to see Tsu'tey's eyes slowly opening. When Tsu asked what had happened Kel'ris made his way over to his friend and squeezed his arm, "You came out of the cave with No'tak behind you. He tried to take you back but Jake killed him."

"No'tak is dead?" The relief Tsu'tey felt was palpable and even Norm, who didn't know what had happened in the past, knew that Tsu'tey would have collapsed from the relief if not for the tight hold his mate and Kel had on him. "It is true? It is really over?"

Norm swallowed hard when he saw Jake reach up and gently stroke his mate's cheek, "Yes, Tsu, it's finally over. Did he hurt you, Tsu? I mean did he…" The shudder took Norm by surprise. 'What had happened out there?'

Understanding bloomed at Tsu'tey answer to Jake's hesitant question. "You want to know whether he forced himself on me… I do not think so. When I woke up I was covered in his semen but had not been invaded like that."

"I am glad you are alright, Tsu'tey." Mo'at stepped forward and gently took hold of his face, "Your eyes and soul are finally free of the torment he inflicted in the past, give it some time and you will be able to forget he ever existed." Releasing him she turned to Jake and hit him firmly over the head, "Now will you calm down enough to rest yourself, or do I have to tie you to your lair?"

Kel'ris laughed when Tsu'tey blinked at Mo'at before laughing at the surprised look on his mate's face, "You should listen to her, Jake. She can be really scary. Now let us go back and rest some more."

Kel'ris took Norm's hand and guided him outside with Mo'at, leaving the two Na'vi alone to reconcile.

Mo'at looked at Norm, "Three days from now the next rial will take place. Do you want to take part in it, Norm?"

Panic gripped Norm's heart, 'Am I ready to do this? What if I fail? Will Kel hate me?'

Seeing the uncertainty on his friends and hopefully future mate's face Kel took his hands, "I know you can do this, Norm. You learned everything I could teach you and are strong in your own right."

Norm blushed at the compliment, "But what if I fail? Will you still be with me?"

Shocked Kel'ris looked at Norm, "How could I not be with you? My whole being aches for you… I promised Tsu'tey to let you take the trial and then talk to you about courting you, but maybe we already skipped too many steps." Kel remembered the kiss the two had shared before they had gone after No'tak and later when Norm had taken care of his wound.

"I know all about courting, and let me tell you this, if you even think about a long drawn out courting ritual you're certainly mistaken! I don't want to wait another few month for you to get your act together and be with me!" Norm rambled as he saw the look of surprise on Kel's face. "The only question remain is will you still want to be with me should I not pass these trials and manage to become a part of the tribe?"

Shaking his head Kel laughed, "You do not understand, do you, Norm? You are already a member of our tribe. You do not need to take part in this trial, I told you that beforehand. But you insisted that you want to be worthy…" Confused Kel'ris stopped, "Worthy of what exactly?"

"Being your mate." Norm's soft confession made Kel'ris reel.

"What? You want to risk your life, your body and soul, you risk joining Eywa should it not be your destiny to be Na'vi, just to prove yourself to me?"

Norm cringed at the disbelieve in Kel's voice, "Yes?"

Taking the human by surprise Kel embraced him, "How could you not be worthy? Sometimes I feel as if I could not keep up with you… I do not know anything about your culture, sometimes I do not understand what you are talking about and question myself of my worth. And now you tell me you do not think yourself worthy?"

Norm returned the embrace without hesitation, "We make quite the pair, do we?" With that he leaned forward just as Kel'ris leaned towards him and their lips meet in a slow burning passion.

Which was interrupted by Mo'at voice, "What about the trial?"

Determination filled Norm as slowly let go of Kel'ris, "I will take part. And after I pass I want to ask Eywa to let me truly join the tribe." The arms encircling him from behind gave Norm strength, strength to believe in himself and their growing relationship, strength to trust and believe that he would never be alone again.



Months later, after Norm successfully passed the trials and trusted in Eywa enough to try to become a true member of the tribe Norm and Kel'ris had officially been bonded

After leaving his human body behind Norm and Kel'ris had discovered that the former human had become pregnant just like Jake! While overjoyed and a bit more prepared than Jake had been Kel'ris been overwhelmed.

Not knowing what to do the warrior had gone to his friend and leader for help. When Tsu'tey told him about Eywa's plan to slowly change the Na'vi to enable them to be with their true mates Kel'ris had calmed down and talked to his own mate.

Worry turned into happiness when the bonded pair found peace within each other and the fact that they would soon have a child that they secretly had always longed for.

The only worry they had, was for their friend Jake. Now, five month after the battle against No'tak, Jake told them he felt himself stuffed enough to burst at the seams. He got more and more irritated towards the end of his pregnancy as he felt the day come closer.

Hours after Jake had calmly informed Mo'at that, "I think it is time, Mo'at," Kel'ris and Norm looked upon the miracle that was the first child of two male Na'vi.

"She is beautiful, Jake!" Norm exclaimed when he saw the small twitching ears and human looking eyes looking at him in curiosity.

Kel'ris nodded, "And she sure has a beautiful name. Neytiri would be proud to hear it!"

Jake and Tsu'tey smiled down at their little miracle, "Neytiri knows. I felt her when Eywa helped me deliver little Neyteira here!" Jake explained.

Seeing the happiness on their faces Kel embraced his mate and kissed him gently, "I can't wait for our little miracle to arrive, love."

Norm smiled back, "I know. But I have a feeling that it will set a lot of things into motion. As they both will be the first of a new generation of Na'vi."

Unbeknown to the four Neytiri smiled upon them with Eywa, *You have no idea, my friends.*


AN: I hope you liked this part of the series. There will be another story coming soon about the birth of Norm and Kel'ris' child.