Universal Disclaimer: I do not claim to be the creator of Invader Zim or any merchandise used and had no participation in its creation. Therefore I do not legally hold rights to characters, merchandise, show or any other products produced. I only own the right to take the characters (until someone tells me otherwise) and do whatever the fuck I want with them. Most plots do belong to me and I would appreciate it if you asked permission before taking my idea and running with it. I do not make money off of twisting the characters in sick, demented ways. Thank you and goodnight.


The material you are about to read contains graphic and mature themes. If you are under the age of 18 please press the back button now. If you are not a fan of kink, yaoi, yuri, gore, graphic sex, bloodplay, bondage, dub-con and non-con, slave/master, and your favorite fictional characters getting brutally violated, abused, tortured and mutilated please exit this fanfic. Did I mention kink yet? No? Then a lot kink. This story is not, and does not plan to be a happy story. You may also want to leave if you don't like characters being a bit OOC or OC's added (though some play minimal roles in the story I'm just making it known now). It is also advised that you do not eat or drink while reading this. You have been warned.

Title: Art of Breaking
Author: DarkAngelHunter
Chapter Rating: Pg-13/R for violence and graphic images

Overall Story Rating: NC-17

Pairings/Characters: Zim/Dib
Chapter Word Count: ~2,836

Old Summary: When you opened your mouth all you spoke was lies. There is a cage which you locked me in, and now there's no escape. I will not give in, I will not bow to you, yet I find myself willing to do whatever it takes to be with you, even in death. ZADR

New Summary: Victory has never been sweeter; the Earth under my rule, the Tallest no longer the leaders of Irken. Ah, there's nothing better than this…oh wait, it just did with Dib kneeled before me. Now everything couldn't be any more perfect. ZADR

Original A/N: My first ZADR story. I enjoy rude comments, but if you're going to be harsh, don't be an idiot and just ramble on about how much it sucked. Review in a way I can understand and it sounds intelligent, not just bothersome words thrown together.

New A/N: Went back and fixed all the errors and am uploading them as soon as I get the chance either today or tomorrow. New chapters will try to be added every two weeks. Thank you for sticking with me despite my lack of updates.

Art of Breaking

(Formally known as "If There was Such a Thing as Love")

Chapter One: The Beginning of the End

The day was sunny, hot and smoldering with 99 degree weather in June. Summer vacation was close at hand, only 45 minutes to go before kids and teens alike would be free for two months to rampage across the city with hardly any parental guidance. It was a day to look forward to. Elementary students sat, squirming in their seats as their small, innocent eyes watched the clock tick down slowly.

30 minutes to go…

Across the street of the kids school was the High School. Teenagers of all ages were just as eager to get out and enjoy their summer; the freedom they long awaited since their 11 months of torture, until they had to start school again and repeat the same cycle. Among the students on the first floor was Dib Membrane, his nose buried deep in a book about Paranormal Activity.

No longer about to be a 10th grader and 16 years old, Dib grew from a short, big headed boy to a muscular, yet thin male teenager of about 5'6" (not tall, but good enough for him, his boots added extra height though). Dib still wore his glasses and long black trench coat, however, his shirt and pants changed. No longer wearing the blue, smiley shirt, Dib wore all black. His hair was probably the biggest change to his transformation during puberty. It no longer stuck up in that gravity-defying hairstyle like his fathers, but he had cut it off upon entering middle school, letting his hair grow out naturally. He had gotten into the habit of dying streaks of different colors into his hair (today was an emerald color highlight so it stood out in his black hair). It just got in the way to much and annoyed him whenever he had to do any real physical training in gym class when it was required to go.

Did it bother him that he had changed so much? No, not really. It wasn't like his mental thinking changed. Dib was still a weirdo to those who knew him. He didn't even care for the fact he was now the boy everyone wanted to date despite his ludicrous thoughts of aliens and paranormal activity. Humans didn't interest him; the only thing on his mind was the alien invader that had disappeared five years ago.

Students continued to buzz around him, but Dib ignored the noise, his focus on the paragraph he was reading.

20 minutes to go…

Dib closed his book with a slam, not being able to think clearly because of the constant yammering of the others around him. He put the ancient, leather worn book back into the safety of his bag, slinging the messenger bag over his shoulder and watched with disinterest as the clock's hand ticked by. The teacher was talking on her cell phone, laughing loudly above the students speaking around her at some stupid joke the other caller made. Boys were hollering with joy, girls were talking with their clicks about what they were going to do during their summer break…

10 minutes to go…

Suddenly the lights went out. Nobody moved, no one dared to breathe. The once noise filled room was silenced by an unknown force. Dib was the first to stand to his feet, his heart racing. He could feel the hairs of the back of his neck stand up. This feeling was wrong…something was defiantly wrong.

The thought was broken when a mechanical spider leg broke through the window, shattering the glass. Pieces flew towards the students, but they still sat dumbly, not reacting to what was going on. Not even when those metal legs stretched forward and pierced through the female teacher's head. Blood splattered against the white tile floors and whiteboard.

There was a hush, tense silence even as the leg pulled back to its owner. No one moved for what seemed to be forever…

Then panic.

It erupted, like a matchstick to the side of the box.

Everyone was screaming, overturning desk, and pushing people out the way as they fought towards the exit. More mechanical spider legs shot through the shattered remains of the window, walls, et cetera, seeking out and piercing through the bodies they could reach. Screams turned into pathetic cries as they are cut open from behind. The northern side of the wall was blown away, sending debris sailing through the air.

Then the wielders of those legs began marching forward from the broken parts of the destruction. Green skin, antenna's on their heads, weapons held up prepared to shoot. Ruby red eyes that gleamed with an unknown insanity; Irken.

Dib would have done something if it weren't for the shock of what was behind the solders. Gray air craft's covered the sky for miles. It was an Alien Invasion and the Paranormal Investigator wasn't prepared. Thinking fast, and trying to avoid getting shot by any of those lasers, he reached for his desk. He hurled it at the nearest Irken but of course it was easily knocked aside, however Dib was already gone.

The entire school was in a panic. Students were running, dying, getting shot or pierced through by legs. Dib ran with the crowd, he had no choice. His weapons were stored in his locker on the third floor.

A girl ran besides him. She was crying, tears leaking down her face and running her black mascara down her cheeks, just like everyone else she was terrified. She tripped over an already dead body and in that brief moment of Dib turning to try and help her back up to her feet, she was snatched up. She grabbed for Dib because he was the only one watching, but she couldn't grasp him in time. Dib watched in horror as she was pulled into the air. He could hear her plead for mercy before another leg grabbed her, splitting her body in half. Blood rained down upon the moving mass, fueling their fear.

Everywhere he looked, bodies were dropping. Irkens covered every inch of the school. A chance to glimpse outside, Dib only saw more death. He had expected an Alien Invasion, ever since Zim landed on Earth. But not like this, this was a massacre.


Dib turned to see his sister running towards him, pushing people out the way. Over the years, she had grown quite beautiful, her hair growing longer. She still kept her addiction to games and every human feared her still. But as she approached him, her normally blank eyes were filled with confusion.

"You're alright!" Dib shouted above the panic and gunfire, relief clearly evident in his voice that his older sister was not among the dead that surrounded them. "You haven't died yet!"

"Yeah, shocking isn't it." Gaz replied bitterly, though she was just as relieved as Dib was. She dodged a laser to the head. "This wouldn't happen to be your fault would it?"

"Very funny Gaz." Dib snapped back icily. They began running towards the stairs, skipping steps to get up the flight faster.

"The roof?" Gaz questioned the further they ran up the stairs.

"Locker." Dib yelled above the event happening below. "I've collected some technology from Zim and Tak's armory a few years back. I modified them to be able to fight against them if anything like this happened."

Gaz nodded, not in the mood to make a smart remark or bother asking how he was able to keep that at the school with no one questioning it. Then again, a lot of weird things had happened over the years so it wouldn't have been shocking if the teachers overlooked something like high weaponry entering school grounds. The upper level was in worst shape then the first floor. Bodies were laid about, blood dripping from the ceiling. Limbs hung off open lockers and doors, some with their innards tossed carelessly around like confetti. Gaz looked away as best she could; one of the arms hanging was from a girl she would sometimes talk to in Chemistry class. She was annoying, if not a bit ditzy but there was just something about her that had Gaz speaking a full conversation with her at times. Dib stepped over the lifeless to get to his locker, not bothering to feel sentimental about the dead.

The front door was singed; a laser must have hit it. He thought bitterly, jingling the handle and tugging experimentally to see if it would give way. Hopefully known of the things inside were destroyed.

"Move it," Gaz snapped rolling up her blood stained sleeves. She helped force open the door, revealing the untouched Irken technology and weapons inside.

Dib didn't hesitate in grabbing everything, throwing his books out except the worn out on and filling his bag with the equipment. He handed Gaz an Irken laser blaster and took a small hand gun for himself. "Go downstairs and start helping the survivors." he ordered, tossing his bag to her. "Give as many humans you can weapons to defend themselves."

"What are you going to be doing?" Gaz asked, eyeing her brother with suspicion.

Dib's eyes grew hard, his facial expression darkening to anger. "To find the shit hole who started all this." he replied simply.

Just as Dib closed his locker door, angry clicking noises turn their attention almost immediately. The Membrane siblings look around and both think "fuck": they were surrounded by maybe a dozen Irkens, all pointing their own weapons at them.

This cannot get any worse, Dib thought, his muscles tensing as he prepared for the onslaught of lasers to assault him.

"Stand down," a familiar voice commanded from behind the Irken Invaders. "These meat sacks aren't worth the time, go find more potential threats and dispose of them immediately."

I withdraw that last thought, it did just get worse, thought Dib bitterly.

The Irk's stood down, stepping aside to let their commander through, then immediately left to carry put the orders given to them. Dib gasped, he saw this coming. He really did, he just didn't expect it to be him. He had hoped it would have been another Irken, one he didn't know. One he didn't have to have the pleasure of playing cat and mouse with.

It had to be THAT particularly alien.

Fate was cruel and selfish daughter of a whore.

"It just had to be you," Dib spoke softly, though his words are laced with anger, the shock wearing off almost instantly.

Zim laughed harshly sending an involuntary shiver to run down Dib's spine. It had been five years, and Zim had grown taller than Dib, about 5'9" or so. He was no longer skinny Zim, but masculine and lean. His eyes were no longer large and round, but perfectly almond shaped and gleamed a faint ruby red. He still wore his gloves, his PAK still on his back, his boots and gloves…the same. It was just his height, build and eyes that changed. He changed little but at the same timed gained something…terrifying.

"It took five years, but I did it didn't I?" Zim asks, breaking Dib's analyzing thoughts of his body.

"This is why you disappeared for five years!? To contact your fucking planet so you can take over earth?" Dib screamed, losing his cool in an instant.

Zim shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant manner. "I had important business to attend to that needed to take some time and I didn't need you breathing down my neck about it, so I just left."

He couldn't help the dark chuckle from escaping him as he watched Dib's face twit into a scowl at his reply, "Hey, I'm back now you should be happy to see me after all it's been five years."

Dib reached into his coat swiftly to withdraw the hand gun he had hidden a few minutes ago. "Don't fuck with me Zim!" he snarled, pointing the weapon towards Zim's green head.

"Put that down Dib," Zim sighed. "You're thinking illogical now, that's a first for you. This is a losing battle. The Earth is mine Dib, you filthy worms are dropping like flies, get over it."

In his heart, Dib knew Zim was right. Earth was defenseless against an alien invasion. Even after Dib showed all the proof he had of Zim to the Eye they still didn't build the defense shield to surround the planet in case of a situation such as this happened. They laughed it off, playing like he was just a kid on crack. However, his pride wouldn't let him go down without a fight. And neither was Gaz, who went to kick some alien ass a while ago, to not get involved in the fight between them. She knew this was a personally match between them since he was eleven. Ever since they were young, there had been a tension in the air so thick, Dib nearly choked. If it was love or hate, Dib didn't know. It just irritated them both to know that there was something there that could not be identified.

This was like another game-and this time, they were playing for keeps and someone was about to lose everything.

"If you want this weapon, please by all means, come and pry it from my hands," Dib finally spoke, breaking the tense silence.

What happened next was something Dib had not expected. He assumed Zim would strike, yes, but not in the way he did. The spider legs shot out from Zim's PAK, knocking into the human's abdomen and sending him crashing into a row of lockers. The gun dropped to the ground as Dib tried to gasp for air. Zim didn't give him time to recollect himself however. The metal limbs pierced Dib's shoulders, pinning him where he was. The other two limbs dug fast into his legs, making his position similar to that of Christ nailed to a cross. Except he wasn't Christ and this wasn't some way of redeeming mankind. It was just a teenager in a school being invaded by another life form.

Dib hissed in pain, his vision blurring at the sudden white-hotness that spread through this body. "IS THIS EVERYTHING YOU COULD HAVE ASKED FOR?!" Dib screamed, his voice breaking from the sheer reality hitting him like a ton of bricks. He thrashed about against the lockers, not caring that it caused him more pain. He didn't feel pain like he normally would have. After dancing with Zim in a couple of brawls and being slammed around like a rag doll his body had built up a tolerance of certain levels of pain. "DID YOU GET THE FUCKING RESPECT YOU DESERVED FROM YOUR PRECIOUS IRKEN TALLEST AND ALLOWED YOU THE GLORY OF TAKING OVER EARTH?! I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY NOW!"

Zim thought a moment, shrugging his shoulders. "Maybe. In all honestly, I stopped looking for praise and respect a long time ago." He stood before Dib, a sinister smile stretching across his lips. "But I have waited for the moment to say 'I told you so' but I feel that those words aren't going to cut it with you."

Dib growled at him. "Fine. Now what are you going to do? Kill me? Turn me into one of your experiments? Or dissect me and keep my organs in jars? Really Zim I am dying with anticipation here."

"All sounds tempting but I digress. None of those are cruel enough for you," Zim murmurs as he moved closer. His face leaned in close to Dib's, his crimson eyes narrowing in delight as he spoke. "You deserve special attention Dib stink. The other filthy Earth scum that managed to survive will be hunted down and, captured and used for other Irken amusement. Some will breed with other stink meat and their whelps taken for research. Some will die slowly, others might even kill themselves. However you, you won't be exposed to any of that. I'll be handling you personally."

"I'd rather die!" Dib snarled furiously at the implication of what Zim really meant behind his words. He stared Zim straight in the eye and didn't flinch. That was good in Zim's mind. It meant breaking him would be all the sweeter.

The metal legs dug further into Dib's body making him whimper. "I suggest you take back that last statement." Zim growled darkly into his captive's ear. "Before you find yourself in a situation you can't get out of."

"Are you implying that there is a way to get out of this and I can kill you, you fucking son of a bitch?" Dib retorted sarcastically followed by a roll of his eyes, a habit he had yet to let go during Zim's short visit on earth.

"In your dreams Dib-shit." Zim hissed. One of the legs came out of Dib's leg and stuck him across the face, effortlessly knocking him unconscious. "Sweet dreams, Dib."

To be Continued~