Hey readers! I am beginning a Harry Potter story. I don't know if any of you will remember, but this may seem like a HP story that I had a while ago, but deleted. I'm going to do my best to finish this one. I hope you guys like it. Please let me know what you think!



Ariella Lily Doe trailed gloomily down the street, hands in the pockets of the jeans that she wore. With her boyfriend, the only friend besides her foster siblings she had, on vacation, she was completely alone, with nothing to do but walk around, work, or stay cooped up in the too-small foster home where she lived. Her thirteenth foster home in almost fourteen years. She'd be fourteen on Halloween.

The sun was setting, and she knew she must head home to make it before curfew, so she headed down the street in direction of the home.

When she got there, the downstairs was quite empty, and she couldn't help but wonder why. This house was usually a mad house.

"Jenny?" Rellie called out.

Her foster mother appeared in the hallway, and motioned her forward. "Ariella, come here. There's someone here about you."

Arielle sighed. It must be her case worker, changing homes again. Her oddities weren't her fault, she didn't know what happened.

She walked in to her foster mother's kitchen, but instead of seeing her case worker, Jenelle, she saw the most peculiar man she'd ever seen.

He was tall, with long white hair, and a long white beard to match. He wore half moon glasses, and a suit that looked especially out of place on him.

He looked at her with the face of recognition, of relief, though Ariella had never seen this man in her life.

"Hello, Ariella, I am Albus Dumbledore." The man said in a gentle, calming voice.

"Hello," She said softly, shaking the hand he offered.

"Mr. Dumbledore is here to take you to a new home, Ariella." Jenny said, looking slightly sad. She'd become attached to Ariella.

"Oh." Rellie said. "Again?"

"I am here to take you to a more permanent home, Ariella. I will explain more on the way. If you would please go pack your things?" The man, Dumbledore said.

"What about Jenelle? Why didn't she come?" Rellie asked.

"She asked me to give you this," He said, handing her a piece of paper, a note of Jenelle's approval and apologies she didn't come herself.

Ariella nodded, and resigned to this life she had, went up the stairs to the room she shared with three other girls her age.

"Are you leaving, Rellie?" Another girl, Lisa asked.

Ariella nodded, and packed the few things she had in a backpack, with her clothes and the two pairs of shoes she had beside the ones she wore.. She grabbed her purse, which held the money she'd made working, all her savings, and then hugged her friends goodbye, and went back downstairs.

"I will miss you, dear," Jenny said, hugging her. "Be good, and good luck."

Ariella nodded, and then followed the man out the door.

She looked for a car, but they began walking.

"Ariella, Ms Porter told me of some...strange things." Albus Dumbledore said.

"They aren't my fault!" Ariella claimed at once. "I don't know how they happen! They just...do. It's always been like that."

"There's nothing wrong with you, Ariella. In fact, those things are quite normal. I've been looking for you for almost fourteen years, Ariella. Many people have."

"Why?" Ariella whispered.

"If you take hold of my arm, I will take you somewhere where I can explain everything," He said. holding his arm out.

Ariella looked at him for a moment, and then, deciding she wanted answers, she did as he asked. Then, she felt like she was going to be sick, her feet left the ground, and she felt like she was flying. Before she could scream, she was on the ground again, in a shabby, yellow grassed square.

Ariella gasped for breath. "What just happened?" She asked.

"I'll explain inside. We are heading to number twelve." He said, pointing at the building in front of them. They stood in front of number eleven, but when Ariella looked to the left, she saw number thirteen. But, before she could comment, the building moved, as though stretching. Soon, another door appeared, a whole other home. But nothing happened from the people on the sides of it, it was as though nothing had taken place.

Dumbledore led her up the steps, and opened the door. She stepped in to the dark hall, and he shut the door, then gestured down the stairs. "What myself and the people waiting are going to explain is a lot to take in, Ariella, and I'm sorry. But you are entering another world, one that has coexisted with the one you were a part of for the past thousands of years. There are things you need to know. First and foremost is...you are a witch, Ariella. You posses magical abilities."

Ariella was silent as they stood outside of the door. "All the strange things that happen..."

"Are because of your magical abilities. Once you learn to control them, they will no longer happen."

"Why did I just find out about this?" Ariella asked.

"Because of something that happened on the day you were born. Come in here, and I will tell you. There are people you need to meet."

"This is...unbelievable." Ariella commented, not moving.

"But do you believe it?" Dumbledore inquired.

She looked up at him, "I'm not sure. May I ask one question?" He nodded, and so she asked, "Will you be able to explain how I got this?" And she reached up and pushed the bangs she skillfully did every morning to hide what she was showing him. There upon her forehead, was a thin, lightning bolt scar.

He nodded. "Yes."

"Then...Let's go," She sighed, and followed him in the kitchen.

It took about an hour for Dumbledore, Sirius, and Lupin to tell Ariella everything. They told her her parents had wanted her, very much so. On October the thirty first, almost fourteen years previous, they had been full of joy when her mother, Lily, had given birth to a baby girl, whom they named Ariella Lily. Overjoyed, James and Lilly held Ariella, and their son Harry close, the perfect little family.

But then he came. Then, Voldemort came. James tried to hold him off, while Lily tried to get Harry and Ariella and run. He'd cornered her in Harry's room, and when she wouldn't stand aside to let him kill her children, he'd killed her. Then, he aimed at Harry and Ariella together, hoping to take care of this quickly, be gone with the two whiny brats. He'd tried to kill them...but couldn't. He'd disappeared.

When Hagrid had gotten there to get the children, only Harry was there. Harry was brought to the Dursleys, and Dumbledore began a search for Ariella that lasted until this day.

Sirius and Lupin explained Sirius' story.

With the overwhelming thoughts of the life she'd never known, sitting beside the godfather she had not known she had, his hand on her shoulder comfortingly, she thought of something. "M-my brother," She whispered, looking at Dumbledore. "Where is he?"

"Harry turned fifteen almost a month ago. He's been attending Hogwarts for the past four years. He, like I said, witnessed Lord Voldemort's return. He...he does not know about you yet. We were unsure of what had happened to you. We didn't want to give him false hope, or tell him you were dead when you weren't. He is upstairs. You will meet him soon. First, your schooling. You will attend Hogwarts starting in September, if, of course, you are agreeable. I will arrange for teachers to visit here and catch you up, and your brother and his friends, and of course, the adults here may help you. The ministry will be unable to tell that under-aged magic is taking place...however after this underage magic outside of school is not allowed."

Ariella nodded. "Alright. But where will I go on vacations from school?"

"Students are allowed to stay during holiday breaks if you wish to, but for the summer we will make arrangements. It's probable you will either stay here with Sirius, or Molly and Arthur have expressed you are welcome to stay with them. They have a daughter who will be in your year. When Professor McGonagall comes for lessons, she will bring the school sorting hat to sort you in to your house."

Before she could ask anything, six teenagers entered the room. Three red headed boys, a red headed girl, a girl with long, bushy brown hair, and a boy with jet black hair. Ariella knew at once which one was her older brother, for her eyes found the scar on his forehead, identical to hers.

They all stopped, looking at her.

"Who's this?" The brown haired girl asked.

Sirius stood, moving to stand behind Ariella. "Harry...There's something no one ever told you, in attempt to...protect you."

"For the past almost fourteen years, we've been working endlessly to recover this young girl. We finally found her. We've brought her back where she belongs." Dumbledore said.

"Harry," Sirius took over again, "This is your sister, Ariella."

The room was silent, all eyes on Harry and Ariella.

Harry stood there motionlessly for a moment. "Sister?" He asked. "I...You let me spend fifteen years thinking I had no family, just to tell me I've had a sister all this time?" He asked, not shouting, but you could tell he was angry.

"I did what I thought was best. Your aunt and uncle don't know about her either. She was born just hours before Voldemort killed your parents, then attempted to kill the both of you. If any of the death eaters still at large had any idea that one of the children that caused the downfall of their master was out there, unprotected, they might attack. We didn't know where she was. I finally found her. How she went undetected for so long, I do not know. What matters now, Harry and Ariella, is that you can now have the relationship you should have had from the day of Ariella's birth. You are the only living biological family each other has."

Ariella stood, and walked around the table, to stand a few feet in front of Harry, looking up at him, for she was a little less then a foot shorter then him. He looked at her. Angry that Voldemort had taken away his sister without having to kill her (but, of course, glad she was alive), angry that they'd kept this from him...but somehow relieved. He wasn't the only Potter left. He wasn't familyless. He had a little sister.

Ever slowly, he took a tentative step forward, his arms raising. Afraid she'd shrink away, he paused for a second, but only a fraction of a second, because at his interest to hug her, his sister shot forward in to his arms, glad to for once, have a family, however small, that wanted her.