Hiya my name is Isabella potter recently known as Isabella swan. I'm the twin sister of the famous harry potter also known as the chosen one. I'm also the chosen one, but enough of that right now. Today is the day I'm going to tell the love of my life and his family that I'm a witch; I hope that they won't get mad at me for not telling them. "Hi Bella" said Alice "hi Alice" I said "umm I need to talk to you and your family about something important." "Ok Bella ill call a family meeting"
"So I called you all hear to make a confession that I've been hiding from you guys and I actually need your help." I said. "What have you been keeping from us love?" Asked Edward "Charlie and Renée are not my real parents I was adopted" I said Edward was about to say something when I cut him off. 'wait till I'm finished to ask or say something" he nodded "my real parents are Lily and James potter, I have a win brother named harry James potter and my real name is Isabella Lillian
Potter. When me and harry were born my world was in a war—"what do you mean by your world? "Asked jasper "oh I forgot I'm a witch". All their faces had written shock on it. "Prove it!" Rosalie said. "Ok" I pulled out my wand and asked Emmett to break the window. "Hell yeah" was all he said. When he broke it I pointed my wand towards the window and yelled "REPARO!" in a matter of seconds the window was back to the way it was before Emmett broke it. "does that prove it? they nodded.
"Why didn't you tell us before?" asked alice "I didn't tell you because I didn't know how to." I put my head down. "Tell us about the war" said Jasper "Well it was a long time ago in the Wizarding world there was a wizard named Lord Voldermort people said he was a powerful wizard until there was a prophecy that said that there would be two children born that would be as powerful as the dark lord. When the dark lord heard about he started killing muggle and wizard families. Muggles are non-wizard families. Well anyways one of my parents best friends told the dark lord where we were hiding and that those children would be us. That halloween the dark lord broke into our house and my dad told my mom to run upstairs with us while he fought him off. The dark lord killed my dad. He came upstairs and my mom begged him to let us go and he killed her, he tried to kill my and harry but the spell rebounded off of us and hit him but it didn't kill him entirely. Me and my brother are known as the chosen ones or the boy and girl who lived. We are to defeat the dark lord. Any Questions?" i asked