The Reserved Reader
I can't believe I haven't read your story sooner. I've been lurking around the Wolverine/Rogue section of this site for quite some time and it seems like I've just been missing your story. I'm glad that's rectified now.
Your characterization of Rogue is my favorite out of all the stories I have read. I love that she's self-indulgent; it's such a common flaw, yet it isn't often that I read Rogue being that way. The best part is that she grows and realizes that she isn't this perfect being that is the center of everyone's world. You have made Rogue a mature and dynamic character which is very refreshing to read.
This is such a wonderful story:) Now, I am off to read what happens next.
Ranger ari
I just finished this trilogy (after devouring your newest xmen series) and noticed your inconceivable lack of reviews. I love your writing; you have such a defined style and the characters are real and fleshed out in your work. I love it. Please continue gracing the fanfiction community with your Logan/Rogue renditions.
rocks and glass
This is very good and certainly deserves more reviews than it has, an unfortunate side effect of the rare and sparkling quality of posting a story all at once.
Beautiful story through rouge's life and growth, complete with excellent little plot arcs that add to the overall aim of character development.
I'm going to be horribly lazy and post this review 3 times, but really, you need some more reviews and I can't be bothered to come up with something new when this applies to the series as a whole.
I like too that you continue to develop the character's around Rogue as well, and the little things that keep a story 3D like the thing with the CDs and the kids.
Serenity Marie
This is a really great story, and you are a talented writer. I just wanted to let you know your stories are still being appreciated
Crunch Berry Baroness
lol this is my favorite line in the chapter:
'I nodded eagerly. Stick me in a maze and call me Squeakers; I'd have done anything to be free.'
I gotta say you portrayed Prof. Xavier splendidly!
Crunch Berry Baroness
wow, your details and description are beautiful! i love the part where you compared her mutation to a chastity belt, that was nicely done XD! i can't believe you don't have more reviews!
This story is amazing. I love the way you write your ability to express. I do hope we receive another update soon.
hope u update soon this story is great update asap fantastic work
Love it!
i love the story but don't you think it should be rated M i am not a prude i loved the story and the other x-men series you have its just for the sake of the litle 10 year old girl that will read this _keep writing_
Uhh, this is an amazing story, is it over? Weird ending if it is, leaves alot to be desired. If its not the ending, I look forward to reading more! Best wishes,
rocks and glass
This is very good and certainly deserves more reviews than it has, an unfortunate side effect of the rare and sparkling quality of posting a story all at once.
Beautiful story through rouge's life and growth, complete with excellent little plot arcs that add to the overall aim of character development.
I'm going to be horribly lazy and post this review 3 times, but really, you need some more reviews and I can't be bothered to come up with something new when this applies to the series as a whole.
Also, the manner in which you allowed touch is well handled and not forced or over-paced or any of the things that can so easily go wrong with stories.
Crunch Berry Baroness
aw this is making me cry T-T. i love this!
Crunch Berry Baroness
aren't chapter 7 and 8 the same? o.o
Dude, Stephanie Meyer should have heard Bobby's profound message on feminism - BRILLIANT!
-moving on to final installment :)
I read the story before this and now I'm reading this one and I have to say I LOVE IT!
Rogue sounds mature and sensible and now a whiner or angsty as she is usually protrayed. Keep writing more PLEASE! I'm so tired of all the crappy whiny Rogue stories. I alos love how you have Rogue and Wolverine together as friends with a hint of romance but we aren't sure. Keeps me guessing and really reading inbetween the lines of your work.
I noticed you haven't gotten a lot of reviews yet but don't let that get you worried about the quality of your work
Its an awesome story and an awesome plot!
bit of an abrupt ending... didn't really show where there relationship went at all. but it was a good series
Crash Murphy
These "Law of Life" pieces are so well-written! Great job! I like Logan&Rogue in these stories.
This is damn cute. Excellent job, please update this story if you ever feel the whim although it's also fine just as is.
rocks and glass
This is very good and certainly deserves more reviews than it has, an unfortunate side effect of the rare and sparkling quality of posting a story all at once.
Beautiful story through rouge's life and growth, complete with excellent little plot arcs that add to the overall aim of character development.
I'm going to be horribly lazy and post this review 3 times, but really, you need some more reviews and I can't be bothered to come up with something new when this applies to the series as a whole.
Ami L. Mendal
Oh thank Gawd my firefox is finally letting me review. I really like this. And I mean A LOT. You portray Rogue so intricately, with such detailed imagery and feeling. Please continue, because I can't wait for them to get closer and have their cute little spats. Please update soon! I can't wait any longer =]
Crunch Berry Baroness
nicely ended XD! but i wish there was more on their new adventures XS.
Green Peridot
Your entire series was amazing. I think I know why you didn't get much recognition for it- introspective, and (relatively) low on action/romance- but you sure deserved a lot more than that. I swear this could get published. (hope I didn't offend with the low on action/romance bit.)
I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. It was well written, and the character development was stunningly believable (which is tricky); as was Logan's portrayal. He's a hard nut to crack. But I personally didn't catch an OOC moment in there. Bravo!
And, it made me think. That's what caps it off: this wasn't a mindless story, like so many out there with explosions and one night stands and tears and drama. It made me think about /my/ life. And to me, that's the pinnacle of good writing.
Hey I just wanted to say that these three stories you got here and pretty great. Very different approach with the way you write. I love that you delved so deeply into Rogue's psyche and layed everything out like that. I enjoyed reading your trilogy :).