NerdGangsta presents…


Setting - Eli's House

( Eli is sitting on the couch watching Degrassi )

Eli - This show makes no sense. What's to point in this. Wait- What is he- No! No he's- No- Oh- That's just sick!

( Fitz breaks through Eli's window and roles into his living room )

( Eli turns around )

Eli - What the-

Fitz - Sorry about that, I just- I um- Well…I need to talk to you.

Eli - You know I have a door, right?

Fitz - Yeah, but I thought breaking through your window would be more fun.

Eli - Fitz, if you're here to tell me you love me….Well, I'm sorry but, I'm not gay. I never will be….

( Things get very intense in the room )

( Fitz starts to cry, like a little fangirl who thought Eli got stabbed during Vegas Night )

Fitz - NO! Why is this happening to me! Why did I have to go to therapy and become gay! I love you too much Eli, and it makes me sad that you don't feel the same way.

( Eli starts to feel guilty )

Eli - Fine, I give. I'll go out with you….for a little while.

( Fitz jumps up in the air screaming, like a little fangirl that just realized Eli didn't really get stabbed on Vegas Night )

Fitz - YES! YES! YES! I'M A WINNER! Wait- What about Clare?

Eli - I can date both of you.

Fitz - Wouldn't that be cheating?

Eli - She dated both of us at the same time.

Fitz - Touché

( Fitz runs up to Eli and presses his lips against his own )

( The emo and the nutcase make out for about 5 minutes or so )

Fitz - Your mouth…it tastes like….bubble gum.

Eli - Your mouth….it tastes like….peanut butter.

Fitz - That's 'cause I ate a PB&J on the way over here.

( The two weirdoes continue to make out on Eli's couch )


( Clare is jumping on her bed singing Your Love Is My Drug )

( Alli is painting her nails pink )


Alli - Will you shut up already!

Clare - Nope!

Alli - Ugh!

( Clare continues to sing )

Alli - You know if you love Ke$ha SO much, why don't you become just like her?

Clare - Because I'm a good Christian girl who always does the right thing! I am so perfect in every way. That's why people call me a Mary-Sue.

Alli - Why don't we have some fun for once?

( Clare stops jumping up and down and turns off the music )

Clare - I can have fun!

Alli - Oh really?

Clare - Yeah, lets go dress like Ke$ha!

Alli - Are you serious?

Clare - You said we should go have fun!

( Alli gives Clare a confused look )

Alli - Okay, who are you, and what have you done with Clare?

Clare - I just want to show off my wild side.

Alli - You? A wild side? Very funny.

Clare - Common! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!

Alli - No

Clare - Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!

Alli - No. N-O, NO!

Clare - !

Alli - Fine, fine, fine!

Clare - Yaaaaaayyyy!

( Clare jumps in the air screaming, like a little fangirl whenever they see Eli )

Alli - Okay, lets go!

( Alli grabs Clare's arm and they go to the mall )


( Adam is playing video games while Drew is doing his hair )

Adam - DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!

( Drew stares in the mirror )

Drew- Well, hello there. Aren't you a handsome devil.

Adam - You are so self-centered.

Drew - I am not! I may be extremely hot and look like Taylor Lautner, but I am not self-centered.

Adam - Whatever….

Drew - You know, you REALLY need a girlfriend.

Adam - I do not- Well…

Drew - Do you want me to help you?

Adam - Yes, please! You are a beautiful god that I worship and absolutely love!

Drew - Really?

Adam - No, you're an ugly moron.

Drew - !

Adam - But, can you still help me?

Drew - I don't know CAN I?

Adam - You know what I mean…..

Drew - Fine, I'll help you.

Adam - Yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

( Adam jumps in the air yelling, like a little fangirl every time they see Eclare )

Drew - Ok, first lesson. Don't do that….Ever again.

Adam - Yes sir!

( Adam solutes and Drew roles his eyes )

Drew- Second, we are going shopping. Your clothes suck. What kind of girl would want to be seen with I guy that wears beanies and button down jackets with a t-shirt underneath?

Adam - I don't know.

Drew - Exactly, NONE!

Adam - So, I'm getting new clothes?

Drew - You sure are! We'll go to the mall later on, k?

Adam - K!

Drew - Lastly, no more comics or video games.

Adam - WHY?

Drew - Because they're for nerds, geeks, and nobodys.

Adam - But I'm not a nerd, geek, or nobody.

Drew - Exactly. You are not any of those, so you shall no longer read comics or play video games. I don't even know why Eli plays them. Is he gay or something?

Adam - NO! He has a girlfriend, duh!

Drew - I still think he's gay. I bet he is making out with Fitz right now.

Adam - Yeah right!


( Eli is making out with Fitz on the couch )

Eli - Your mouth still tastes like peanut butter.

Fitz - I know.

Eli - I just remembered I got to pick up the new Halo game for Adam! Wanna come with?

Fitz - Why not.

( The two morons get up and get in Morty )

Fitz - Your hearse, it's so…it's so….Cozy.

Eli - Sure is.

Fitz - You and Clare didn't have sex in here, right?

Eli - Well….

Fitz - Ewwwwwww!

Eli - Kidding!

Fitz - Phew! I thought you were serious!

( Eli smiles and starts to drive to the mall…while also running over a puppy in the process )

A/N: Okay, I know I haven't updated this story in like a billion years, but I have a good reason! No, I don't, I just got lazy. So I decided to make this chapter longer than usual just for you guy's benefit. Soooooooooooooooooo

Fitz and Eli are dating!

Clare wants to show off her "wild side".

Alli painted her nails pink!

Drew is teaching Adam the ways of a player.

And everyone is going to the mall!

The next chapter includes Dora video games, secrets, sparkly tops, and coconut milkshakes.

The chapter after that includes surprises, confessions, and Adam's magical popcorn.

Now, I know you all are going to click the magical blue button and tell me I'm a comic genius. Click it, you heard me, CLICK IT!