After the final placement tests were completed, there would be two more weeks left before the graduating students would be leaving the academy. This gave the squads they would be joining time to make the necessary preparations, send on the paperwork and all of the rest of the details that came with graduating from the Academy. It also allowed them time to pack up their things and make their own preparations for the next part of their journey.
Erisia and her friends were all pretty busy. Between packing their things to leave and completing the necessary paperwork and trying to still get in at least a little sparring, there wasn't a whole lot of time for much else. Who would have imagined that they would be so busy when they technically didn't have classes anymore? They still managed to find a little time for just talking over meals.
They were all nervous and excited to be joining the Gotei. To think that they were actually going to finally be shinigami and be part of a squad - it was all a little overwhelming. But at the same time, they couldn't wait. They'd worked hard to get to this point. They had each truly earned it. Sure some of their peers wouldn't be leaving the Academy with them, but most of their class had passed. They might be going in to a time of war, but that just meant they were needed that much more.
After Akane and Erisia got all of their things finally packed away, the guys helped them get everything down to the waiting area in the courtyard.
"Can you believe it, we're done." Akane marveled.
"I know. We're lucky we passed everything and didn't need to repeat any classes." Yasuo comments.
"Haru would have if they'd made him keep taking healing." Erisia teases.
"Hey! I'm supposed to cause damage, not fix it." He protests with a chuckle.
It was a little hard to believe that after all the time spent here that they wouldn't be returning. Erisia was actually sitting on the larger of her two trunks as they waited. The day was pleasant enough and she and her friends exchanged banter to pass the time until they would be picked up. Most of the squads would arrange to have the newest members and their things picked up and taken to the barracks since so few of them would actually know their way around Seireitei as yet.
Most of the conveyances were typical and some were just to cart the belongings - after all the students could follow with Shunpo well enough. However some were afforded the luxury of a conveyance for them and not merely their luggage. It wasn't too much longer before Erisia saw the Kuchiki crest on one of the vehicles. She expected a couple of the servants to have been sent to collect her and her things. Imagine her surprise when Byakuya stepped out of the conveyance as well.
She slipped from sitting on her trunk to stand and offer him a polite, respectful bow. "Good day, Byakuya-sama." She says softly.
"Good day, Erisia-san. I decided to come along and welcome you and your friends in to the Gotei. The four of you have all worked very hard - as your training and sparring sessions at the 6th squad over breaks proved." He explains in that neutral tone. He then pointed out the conveyances that would be taking each of her friends to their respective squads. Of course the 11th just had one to pick up trunks and belongings, their recruits were expected to hustle their way back to the 11th following behind it… but that was par for the course.
The friends said their goodbyes and made their way to their designated places. Erisia was somewhat surprised that it was only to be her and Byakuya in the vehicle. "Congratulations, Erisia." He says in a tone that was somewhat less neutral but still hard to read.
"Thank you."
"You seemed surprised when you saw me." He comments.
"I expected servants or guards as usual." Erisia explains. "I know you are a busy Captain."
"I felt your leaving the Academy behind to become the shinigami you set out to be to be a worthy reason to be here."
"Well, thank you, Byakuya."
"It is my honor, and my pleasure, Erisia." He says with the barest of smiles. Erisia felt a small flash of heat rise to her cheeks. It was not often that Byakuya smiled even in a small way and the sight of it caught her and she blushed, looking down slightly so that her hair, worn down out of its braid today would curtain off her face and hopefully hide her blushing from his scrutiny.
Before he realized what he was doing, Byakuya reached across the short distance to tuck that errant hair back behind her ear. She was so caught off guard by the action it startled her some… Slowly, he withdrew his hand. "Forgive me, I should not have done that." Byakuya says, his usual tone asserting itself once again.
"It is alright… but why did you?" Erisia inquires.
"You should not hide, Erisia. There is no reason for it." He says simply. A slightly awkward silence fell between them.
~ You should tell her what is on your mind. ~ Senbonzakura prompts.
~ Now is not the time. She has only just left the Academy. ~
~ Will you ever let it be the right time? ~ Senbonzakura asks.
~ Only when it is the right time. ~ Byakuya says in a final tone before focusing back on Erisia and not on the sword spirit inside his soul.
"What were you and your zanpakuto speaking about, if I might inquire? Forgive me, I just noticed you had that far away look…" Erisia explains…
"Nothing you need worry about, Erisia. He was merely making sure I was aware of something." he explains if vaguely.
"Oh. Kumori likes to do that from time to time with me as well. At least it is not in the middle of a fight." She says with a light chuckle.
"Their timing is not always convenient." Byakuya muses.
"No but it is always necessary."
"At least in their opinions." Byakuya says in a tone that from him was the closest to joking you would hear from him. It got a chuckle out of Erisia and he watched it light up her face. She really was beautiful - especially when she was happy.
Finally they reached the estate and Byakuya slipped out of the vehicle first, offering his hand to help her out of it. Her hand was small, but there was a strength to it despite that. Her skin was warm, her hand slightly roughened from working with a sword but he found he liked the feel of it… Once she emerged, he offered his arm, which she took and they made their way back to the main house.
"Welcome home, Erisia." He says softly before allowing her to part…
His words had caught her almost as off guard as his moving that lock of hair out of her face had. She manages a smile quickly - genuine though it was a little forced but only because she was trying not to show her surprise. "It is good to be home, Byakuya." She says with a more comfortable smile. She retreated to her room to get her things put away before dinner, unaware that his eyes stayed on her until she disappeared from view.
This concludes Pathways. This is by no means the end of Erisia's story. It will be continued in Sakura and Shadows. However, I felt getting her to graduation was a good ending point for this part of her story. I hope you have enjoyed it. I promise that in Sakura and Shadows we will actually see Byakuya come around more. I have ideas jotted down that need fleshed out... but that and much more will come. Please read and review and if there is something you hope I'll include in the next installment of Erisia and Byakuya's story, please let me know. Thank you for your support!