Chapter 1

Sorry if this isn't any good! This is my first Inuyasha fan-fic so yeah….!

Hope you enjoy it and please R&R!

A girl sat in darkness, manacles, cold and stiff, locking her to a stone wall with unrelenting cruelty. The stench of rotting flesh lingered thick in the air, churning her already weak stomach. The sound of a heavy rock door sliding open deterred her from her previous act of staring into nothingness.

A dark, sultry voice resonated across the rock walls of the cell. "Tell me child," the voice purred, "What is it that you want?"

Her voice was faint and weak, but she managed to tell him, "Naraku… go to Hell."

A deep, maniacal laugh escaped his throat, causing her skin to crawl fiercely. "That, my dear, is a tall order to fill."

"Then in that cause… kill me…"

Naraku scoffed, "That would make these few upcoming events much less interesting." He laughed that damn laugh of his again and (apparently) proceeded to walk out of the dungeon.

The rage she had held in rushed to the surface and she screamed, "You fucking bastard!" to the darkness.

Then…everything went black.

Somewhere in the Feudal Era…

'Where am I?'

'Was that…a dream or something?'

I could feel thick grass underneath me, coated with the cool dew of a new morning. Knowing full well that my eyes were open all I could see were colors and the shapes of what I thought to be trees. I felt numb all over and couldn't remember what I was doing way out here in the woods.

Clenching my fists I rose to a sitting position and waited for my sight to return to me.

Still disoriented, I looked around, checking my surroundings. It was definitely a forest. And a friggin' big one at that.

The outfit I was wearing was unfamiliar. I had on a black kimono style shirt with slits in the shoulders and from the uppers arm to the middle of my forearms, underneath being a pale gray. Amazingly, I was wearing black pants and a slate white belt. My shoes were the lightest pair of gray and purple tennies I had ever worn. A black choker was tied round my neck with a silver heart locket at the end.

A pair of twin katana blades sat to the right of me and I instinctively slid them through the scabbards strapped to my lower back.

Standing, I said to myself, "This is only slightly weird…"

Believing it time to go my feet begun to guide me through the forest. Nothing was registering with me at the moment, something just felt wrong. I couldn't tell what though.

I don't think it was the fact that I was carrying around two very sharp objects. Or the thought of being in the woods. Maybe it was because the only thing I could remember at the moment was that freaky dream.

Man, that dude's laugh made that dream nightmarish enough. And that rage and disgust I felt was all too real. Weird. My head began to swim and pound and I decided it best to leave it be for now.

'You. You have Shards of the Shikon Jewel.' rasped a creepy voice.

"What the?"

From the tree line over to my left an imp-like monster leapt in front of me, blocking my path. Not knowing what to do I stopped, stunned at what I was seeing.

'Give me your Shikon Jewel Shards!' the demon screeched, leaping towards me with claws and fangs bared.

I froze. My mind shut off and time slowed. 'What the fuck am I supposed to do?'

Before I could figure that out for myself I reached to my swords and swung at the monster, cleaving it into 4 separate pieces with clean, deadly precision.

Its body fell to the forest floor with a dull thud. Now I was really wondering what was going on. I stood there, frozen and wide-eyed, staring at my victim.

Shoving the swords back into their scabbards I bolted. The only thing going through my mind, "What the fuck!"

A voice shouted to me, but not knowing what to do I just ran.

"Hey! Come back here will ya!" the voice shouted. I didn't stop, just kept running.

I didn't get much farther until the voice that was chasing me caught up. He grabbed my shoulder, yanking me down to the ground with such force that it knocked the breath out of me.

"Now I told you to stop didn't I?" A boy stood over me, a scowl on his face. His hair was silver, reminding me, oddly, of moon rays. His face looked like someone else I knew, but I couldn't recall his name.

"D…Dog…ears." I gasped out between breaths.

"Yeah. What of 'em?" The boy said.

I rolled over to my side, trying to remove myself from the small crater the boy had driven me into. Soon, two more people joined myself and the silver haired boy.

"Inuyasha!" exclaimed a girl with black hair wearing a green and white school uniform "What did you do to her!"

"Yeah, Inuyasha! She looks as though you tried to kill her!" a little boy (literally) with a poofy tail yelled.

"She wouldn't stop! And besides, Kagome's the one who told me to go and get the Jewel Shards!" Inuyasha retorted.

Jewel Shards? That's the same thing that creature mentioned…

"What! So this is my fault now!" Kagome shouted.

The two continued to argue while the little boy just stood and shook his head. Inuyasha must have said something wrong because Kagome flushed a bright red and yelled "Sit Boy!" several times, driving Inuyasha into the dirt.

The little boy looked at me and said "This is a common thing. They really actually like each other a lot, even though they try to deny it."

"I would never have guessed." I had caught my breath, but not enough so that I could get on my feet and run away.

Kagome looked over at me, finally realizing that I had seen the episode between her and Inuyasha. She poised herself and walked over to me, crouching at my side.

"Sorry about all that. Well no need to be rude! I'm Kagome Higurashi. This here is Shippo. And him over there, his name is Inuyasha. He's nice but really stubborn."

"I heard that Kagome." Inuyasha mumbled through the dirt.

All I could do was blink and stare. I mean, what the HELL was going on?

Shippo walked up to me and asked "So, what's your name?" He looked so cute that it took me a moment to remember.

"Mine. Mine Fuyuki. I…what's going on? What are you two?" I pointed at him and Inuyasha, "And that thing that attacked me? What's going on?"

Shippo looked puzzled and hurt at the same time. He didn't understand what I was saying. Kagome made a quick save though.

"This is the Feudal Era. Shippo is a fox Demon. Inuyasha is Half Dog Demon on his Father's side. And the thing that attacked you was most likely another, more violent demon."

"So, does that mean that these two are trained?" I asked, instantly feeling stupid for it.

"Um, you could say that." Kagome laughed nervously.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha shouted to her. "She's Half Demon too, so watch her." Inuyasha had risen up out of the dirt and was now attempting to stand.

"I can see that." She looks back to me, looking me over with a quizzical face until exasperation crosses her expressions. "The shards she has. They're inside her, like Kohaku's!"

Inuyasha looked up at me with worry. "Could she be undead, or with Naraku?"

Naraku. That name…It was from that dream I had! Could they know who he was?

"Hey! Girl! Are you in cahoots with that bastard?" Inuyasha asked me, disgust in his words.

I blinked, trying to think clearly. My head started to pound and I grasped my temples. "I…I don't know. I can't…I can't remember anything!" The pain in my head felt like knifes and the sound was unbearable. The whisper of a thousand different voices rang in my ears and it only made the pain worse.

"Hey calm down! It's alright! Don't worry about it!" Kagome encouraged me.

But all I could see was Naraku's face and feel this sickness in my stomach growing. The wailing in my ears became so loud I couldn't tell if it was all in my head or if it was me. The whispers grew to screams and they all portrayed so many different emotions. I felt tears streaking down my face and an immense pressure on my chest. I could feel Kagome holding me and I could hear Shippo yelling for me to hang on.

Just when I thought I wouldn't last much longer I felt a cooling touch, like the brush of fingertips, against my heart and at the base of my throat where the pendant laid. A voice, not Kagome's or one of the others, but a more familiar, comforting voice tell me "I won't let him hurt you anymore. Rest, and try to stay away from me." Another man's face flashed through my mind and I blacked out.

So sorry if it wasn't any good! I got the idea while I was playing Inuyasha: Secret of the Cursed Mask and looking at pics on the net. Please R&R! This was sorta a one shot thing but if I get at least 1 review I'll put up Chapter 2. Or maybe I'll do it for free…-.-

Thank you so much for reading and I'll try my best!
