An authors note,

I'm sorry for this, I hate getting chapter updates and then being like, "WTF? Just an A/N?" however, this needs to be here. That was my last chapter, since it was a 30 dribbles in 30 days challenge, BUT I now have up "A little taste of Tonks" which is the exact same thing, only it's prompts from readers and it's not a challenge, it's just me wanting to write more because of lovely people such as Amelia333, Anya the Purple, PenonPaperFingersonKeys, Mystii, Rita Arabella Black and of course Chloe 'RemusLupin' Black. You all made writing these so much better with your constantly spectacular reviews, more people should be like you! Good-bye to Snippets and hello to tastes!

Unfortunately I cannot copy and paste links in here, so you're just going to have to go to my page and click on it youself! Or... It's (all that important code at the begining with the 'http' and the 'www' and the 'fanfiction dot net' etc...) /s/6419243/1/

With much love,
