Dark Secrets

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts. All credit goes to SquareSoft and Disney.

by Dark Eco Heartless

Chapter. 9 A Little Shocked

"So, Nieva's your name. Well I would like to personally thank you for saving my life," Cid sat

up from the bed. Nieva had carried him all the way down to the bailey. She had been intercepted

by Merlin, who took her and Cid back to his house. There she met Arith, who took up the task

of healing Cid. "Cid lay down, you still need rest," she said and pushed him back down. Merlin

stood up from his chair, "I shall go tell Leon that Cid has woken up, and that we have a new guest."

He disappeared in a puff of smoke. Moments later, Leon opened the door and walked in. Yuffie

came bounding in right behind him. Leon walked over to the bed, "Cid, how are you feeling."

Cid sat up, "I'm fine thanks to my new friend here." He gestured toward Nieva and she blushed

with embarrassment. Yuffie bounced over to her, "who are you?" Arith stood up, "Leon, Yuffie,

this is Nieva. She is the one that saved Cid…" At that moment Merlin appeared at the door.

"Everyone we have a problem." They all turned to look at him. "The gummy material from Cid's

ship has melted to the rubble and is emitting some king of magnetic field." Yuffie bounced on the

balls of her feet, "so what does that mean?" "It means that I can't move it with my magic, and

the pieces are too big for anyone to move." Yuffie's smile vanished, "how are we going to finish

the restoration now?" Nieva was completely lost, "excuse me, but what is it you are trying to

restore?" Merlin walked up to her, "this may come as a shock my dear, but ever since you arrived

here I have had the strangest feeling that I've seen you before." Now she was really confused,

"how could you have known me before now, I've only lived in two places in my whole life." Merlin

smiled, "Radiant Garden and Disney Castle, right?" "How do you know that," she said a little shocked.

"The only way you could have known that…" "Is if I lived in Radiant Garden," Merlin finished. Nieva

plopped down in the chair behind her, "Come to think of it, I did hear of a wizard that lived in the

town. But what are you doing here?" "I'm surprised you haven't figured it out already, Hallow

Bastion is Radiant Garden." Nieva's mouth fell open. "How…how," she stammered. They all explained

how the world was overrun by darkness, and how Maleficent ruined what was left. She sat back

in the chair, "so you're telling me that my entire home was destroyed?" Leon frowned, "I know

this is hard to take in, but…" Nieva stood up, "no, I want to help restore this world to the way it was."

She clenched her fists, "and I know I can be a lot of help." Leon turned to leave, "well that's good to

hear. We need all the help we can get. Now, Cid Yuffie lets go and see how bad that pile is."

Cid stood up and walked over to Leon. Nieva stood up too, "I'm coming too." "I think we should

take her with us, there's something funny about her," Cid whispered to Leon. He nodded, "ok, you

can come too. Arith, Merlin I need you to stay here in case there are more injured people." They both

nodded. "Ok let's go," he said and gestured to the three of them.